Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1126: One thousand one hundred thirty-nine

After Chi Shuyan returned to the bedroom, her head was still a little confused, not understanding that she still had a boyfriend just now, and now she is single.

This identity changed too quickly, she was a bit silly, was she feeling down? Naturally, I was very disappointed, and my heart felt uncomfortable panic.

She was thinking about drawing bursting charms and pure sun charms with the man's purple air just now, and in a blink of an eye the man took the initiative to break up with her.

Chi Shuyan sat on the sofa blankly and couldn't help but start to reflect on the negligence of his girlfriend.

She thought that from the beginning of the relationship between the two, she spent most of the time in addition to hunting ghosts or ghost hunting. She really ignored Qi Zhenbai, and even subconsciously ignored his feelings occasionally!

It's no wonder that she broke up with her!

Chi Shuyan was absent-minded, her head blank, and she sat in the bedroom until one or two in the middle of the night, staring blankly at the clock, and after two o'clock, she recovered and saw that the other man hadn't returned to the bedroom at all. intend.

Chi Shuyan took a deep breath, thinking about the things Jiang Duo had encountered, so he had to calm down the sadness of Spring and Autumn, gritted his teeth and sat on the dark table, preparing talisman paper and cinnabar, and preparing to draw the bursting talisman first.

She was in a irritable mood tonight and did not have the usual patience. It was the first time that the bursting charm was painted. It was still the first time to bypass the low grade and directly draw the fourth-grade high-level bursting charm, carrying the aura on the tip of the pen, and sliding on the yellow paper with the tip of the pen. Fu, sparks burst out immediately.

Because of the aura of the first piece of talisman, the yellow paper talisman immediately turned black and failed to draw. Chi Shuyan had to change another talisman paper to transport the aura. I don’t know if it’s the reason why the feeling of falling out of love was affected, Chi Shu Yan Yi tried to draw five bursting charms and failed.

She gradually oozes a lot of cold sweat on her forehead. She put down the pen, took a deep breath, rested for a few minutes, and then started drawing again.

This time because she was very focused, the first bursting talisman was successful, the first one was successful, and the others were easy to draw. Chi Shuyan continued to draw with her breath, and after finishing the bursting talisman, she painted the pure sun talisman without taking a break at all. Never stop.

The pure yang talisman is very complicated. She first tried to paint the middle grade but failed one by one, so she had to take a step back and draw the third grade high-level pure yang talisman. However, there were two or three pure yang talisman in the middle and she played supernormally and became the fourth grade primary pure yang talisman.

Chi Shuyan finished drawing one after another, completely unaware that her face was pale, her forehead was densely sweaty, and when she looked for the yellow paper talisman, she found that all her yellow paper talisman had been painted by her. There are a lot of pure Yang talisman in the big stack of bursting talisman.

Chi Shuyan was taken aback for a moment, she put aside her pen, and when her consciousness returned, she only felt that her body was soft, weak and exhausted.

Chi Shuyan wanted to get his aura, but found that his dantian's aura had long been exhausted and his aura was exhausted.

Chi Shuyan was tired and leaned on the stool. After resting for a long time, he tried to transport the aura again, and the dantian that had exhausted the aura was gradually condensed by the aura again.

Chi Shuyan was suddenly surprised to find that the aura of her dantian was much richer and fuller than before, and the fourth layer of Xuan Yin Jue gradually moved closer to the fifth layer. Each cyclone was about to be filled with aura, and she had been stuck in the first Xuan Yin Jue. The bottleneck of the fourth floor can't get up, I didn't expect to have a surprise tonight, but if you want to cultivate to the fifth level of Xuan Yin Jue, these auras are far from enough.

She faintly felt that the total aura of this earth might not be enough, unless she refines a lot of pill that is full of aura, maybe there is still a chance to try.

Chi Shuyan meditated and picked up the aura, and immediately sent the aura to the limbs. After a while, the fatigue of the body was wiped out.

When she opened her eyes and got up and looked out the window, she found that the sky was already bright outside.

After finishing Fuluo with nothing to do, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but think of the breakup that the man said to her last night. If she didn't sleep all night, she thought she had a dream last night!

Chi Shuyan felt very heavy when he thought of the word'break up,' and she couldn't help but think that what the man said last night might be angry. As long as she cheeky doesn't admit it, if the man stops mentioning these two words, She just pretended not to hear those two words last night?

After thinking about this, Chi Shuyan got a little bit energetic, and immediately went to the bathroom to wash, and made up his mind to behave well in the morning, compensate and please the other party more, and cook some spiritual rice first, and then try to cook something?

Chi Shuyan pushed the door out of the bedroom, passing by the study specifically, and wanted to see what was going on in the study, but the door of the study was open, and there was no man in it.

Chi Shu's face was startled, her eyes swept around, and when she saw that the kitchen and living room were empty, there was no movement, and she suddenly had no appetite.

That man went out so early?

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but wonder if the other party was really busy going out so early or wanted to avoid her?

Chi Shuyan was fascinated, sitting on the sofa blankly, upset and picked up the remote control to open the video.

She didn't pay attention to it at first, nor did she pay attention to watching the video, she was stunned.

Still waiting to hear the news report that several families were stabbed to death one by one last night. Except for the two children of one family who were lucky enough to escape because of living in school, none of the others escaped death. Everyone There were dozens of knives in his body, killing one by one, and several drowned in the bathtub. The bathtub was full of blood, and the room was full of blood. The murderer was very cruel.

Hearing this news, Chi Shu's face changed, and he immediately recovered calm and looked at the video, his face darkened as he watched.

At this time, the phone's ringtone suddenly rang, and Chi Shuyan glanced at the screen to answer the phone: "Brother Feng!"

"Shuyan, something happened!" Feng Yuanlin's tone was very difficult and serious: "A dozen people were killed suddenly last night, and their injuries are exactly the same as those of the female nurse in the hospital and Shi Ran's injuries last night."

Chi Shuyan sighed and said, "Brother Feng, I will go over at noon. I will ask for leave at noon today and go to Swan Lake! Don't worry!"

"Well..., Shu Yan!"

"One more thing, Shu Yan!" Feng Yuanlin gritted his teeth and sighed: "When we found the car last night, the little girl was killed."

Thinking of finding the little girl who had been thrown away in the wilderness last night, the little girl was naked and there were many traces of violations on her body. It was very shocking. The little girl's face was very pale, and she couldn't stare at her.

Chi Shuyan didn't know what to say for a while, and when he looked up at the video, he saw the news about the murder of the little girl after the ‘horrible case of entering the house’.

Chi Shuyan turned off the video and asked, "Brother Feng, has the murderer been caught?"


"Well, let's not talk about it, Shuyan, see you at noon!"

Chi Shuyan nodded and hung up the phone. She just hung up and was about to go out. The phone rang again. When she picked up the phone, Pan Yang's very miserable and crying cry for help sounded: "Master Chi, help! Master Chi! ,Help!"

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