Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1134: One thousand one hundred forty seven

Chi Shuyan just entered school, took out her mobile phone, and when she saw more than a dozen calls on the screen of the mobile phone, she suddenly felt a little pain in her brain. When she just hung up the phone, when did she accidentally mute it.

Thinking that Director Huang was not a good person, I was afraid that I would embarrass Counselor Zhang. Chi Shuyan hurried to Zhang Counselor’s office and clicked on the phone record while running, and found that Counselor Zhang only made one call, but the other phone numbers were all Yang Lan and Zhen Yu fought.

She had to dial Yang Lan's phone first. As soon as she dialed, Yang Lan’s anxious voice suddenly came, with a bit of choking in the words: "Shuyan, we were wrong, it was my fault with Zhen Yu. Director Huang has no trouble for you, right!"

Chi Shuyan didn't understand Yang Lan's meaning for a while.

Yang Lan finished talking about the causes and consequences. Originally, counselor Zhang approved the leave. At that time, she heard that Shuyan had to take a few days off. She talked with Zhen Yu all the way to the dormitory. The more she felt that Shuyan’s leave was unreliable. What should I do if I get caught by Director Huang?

Recently, he caught it very strictly, not only for absenteeism, but also for leave. One or two days ago, she also heard an incident, that is, a boy's grandfather passed away. The boy was called at home, and the boy immediately decided to go back.

I don’t know that he happened to happen to meet Director Huang when he asked for leave. Director Huang refused to let the boy ask for leave at the time. No matter how hard he asked, Director Huang just didn’t allow him to approve leave, and he even scolded the boy for a bit of blood. Shower head.

The most overwhelming thing is that Director Huang told the boy that he really wanted to ask for leave, and asked his parents to send him a photo of his grandfather’s mourning hall. Then he approves the leave. Later, the boy’s parents called and said, somehow. The boy finally took a day off and remembered one.

It is conceivable that Director Huang’s difficulties, she and Zhen Yu are worried that Shuyan will ask for too many leave and be caught, and if she really asks for leave, if Director Huang knows, then she will ask so many leave before turning out Shuyan. Got it?

The two chatted and talked, they were completely unguarded, and they didn't expect that someone would specifically pierce the matter. When Yang Lan and Zhen Yu realized that the matter was pierced by Xia Lanying, Director Huang knew that it was too late.

When I first learned about this, Yang Lan couldn't help but directly fought with Xia Lanying, pulling her hair and kicking each other. Yang Lan was quite tall and had great strength. Xia Lanying was screaming, but Xia Lanying's woman She was pretty on the surface and looked non-aggressive, but in fact she turned her hands around and almost disfigured her with a few paws.

When the two were forcibly separated, Yang Lan waited to see the red and **** scratches in the mirror, and she couldn't wait to beat the woman surnamed Xia hard again. It was also from this incident that she knew about Xia Lanying. Women are really Yin, not even more Yin than Tang Ningbao's woman.

When Yang Lan called, Zhen Yu next to her was still rubbing medicine on her face. When the cotton swab fell, she took a breath of air-conditioning, and then said, "Shu Yan, it’s all my fault with Zhen Yu! It’s us. is you!"

After listening to Yang Lan's words, Chi Shuyan didn't return to her senses for a long time. She didn't expect that she had moved out of the dormitory and would suffer another unwarranted disaster. She thought that now someone has reported her because of her leave, it is the woman Xia Lanying.

Chi Shuyan was very helpless. She thought that she had only one side with the other party. Last time, she didn't count as offending the other party. She didn't know that the other party could still hold such grudges. Tang Ningbao also reported her before, and now she has another'Xia Lanying'. Chi Shuyan also quite doubted whether he had committed against the current this year, and his popularity was such a backstory?

At this time, Zhen Yu's sincere apology came: "Shuyan, it's all our fault! From now on, we will never say anything about you in the dormitory!"

Chi Shuyan sighed. Although the source of the incident was Yang Lan and Zhen Yu, she couldn't blame them all after she thought about it. After all, the two of them had good intentions and could only say that she was too much. Unfortunately, she can only consider herself unlucky now. Chi Shuyan spit out: "It's okay!" He made a long story short with the two of them, saying that he would call them later and hang up first.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan hurried to the counselor Zhang’s office. There were other teachers in the office. Chi Shuyan asked and learned that counselor Zhang had been in Director Huang’s office and was scolded. Chi Shuyan could not sit still. Lived, thanked him, and rushed to Director Huang's office.

Chi Shuyan went upstairs and heard Director Huang's yelling curses from far away in the corridor. Because the door was not closed, Chi Shuyan didn't need to listen carefully. One by one, very excessive curses came into her ears.

Chi Shuyan's expression was a little bit cold, and when he walked to the door, he didn't care about Director Huang's expression, and interrupted him: "Director Huang, do you want to find?"

Counselor Zhang’s complexion was a little pale, but there was nothing else. After all, he was a big man and he was able to resist stress well. When he saw Shuyan standing at the door, Counselor Zhang’s face changed. He still understood Director Huang’s character very well. At this moment in furious, he was afraid of Qi Anu Shuyan, and immediately said: "You boy, I have something to do with Director Huang, you go to my office and wait for me!"

How could Chi Shuyan feel sorry to ask Counselor Zhang to be scolded for her. The person who asked for leave was that she was not Counselor Zhang. Chi Shuyan raised her chin and said, "Director Huang, I am Chi Shuyan. I heard you are looking for me. , I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now, and I was far away, so I couldn't rush over for a while!"

Director Huang's face suddenly changed when he heard that she was Chi Shu.

Chi Shuyan quickly said, "Since you want to find me and I am here, why don't you let Counselor Zhang go out first?"

"Shu Yan!"

Just listen to how Director Huang looked at the delicate-looking girl at the door why it was not pleasing to your eyes. Director Huang most hated the students who were fishing in troubled waters at school and asked for leave for three days. He also heard that this little girl moved out with privileges during her freshman year. , Director Huang's eyes became more and more disgusted.

At the same time, I can’t understand the ‘good old man’ counselor Zhang. Whenever he thinks that many people compare him with the surname Zhang, let’s not say where the surname Zhang is worthy of comparison with him?

I remembered that many students said how good the surname is Zhang and how bad he is. Director Huang has been holding back a lot of anger over the years. Now the new accounts and old accounts are calculated together. It is rare to have a chance to rectify, where will he let go? After that, he deliberately snorted with a cold face: "As your head teacher, he always approves leave for you. Where do you put the school? Where do you put the word'counselor'?" After that, Director Huang Chong Zhang counselor said: "Old Zhang, it's the same thing. I think you are very unqualified as a counselor. You can handle it yourself!"

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