Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1138: One thousand one hundred and fifty one

Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying thought that Master Chi was angry at seeing them drinking. The boys immediately became more guilty. Xiong Luoying hurriedly said: "Master Chi, let’s drink some wine and taste. Taste, I didn’t plan to get drunk, just drink and play, hehe!"

Chang Hao showed a pitiful expression at this time, and added and echoed: "Yeah, yes, Master Chi, let's drink something and taste it. It's not too boring to go to the hospital all day long!"

At this time, Jiang Duo directly invited Chi Shuyan to have a drink with them, and also said that the beer was not intoxicating.

"Where is the talisman I gave you before?" Chi Shuyan asked, narrowing his eyes.

Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying didn’t know what Master Chi meant by asking this. The boys didn't think much, Xiao Ningjin first took out Fulu and said that they were all here.

Except for Wei Panyang, the others only kept one, and the others were sent back to their homes. Anyway, Master Chi will give them jade medals within today.

When they sent the talisman, they also wrote a letter. The few boys were smart and did not say any ghosts or spirits. They only said that the talisman was obtained from a very effective temple. For their sincerity, how many people I think it's unlikely that my parents at home would throw those talismans as waste paper.

If they really treat this good thing as waste paper, they think they will have to vomit blood by then! No, they have to call and ask later.

Chi Shuyan ignored the thoughts of the few boys, squinting his eyes and scanning the talisman that everyone took out.

Wei Panyang spoke first at this time: "Master Chi, where are the stacks of talisman you gave me? I always carry them in my pocket and take them when I take a shower."

The others also nodded in agreement, saying that they had always carried the talisman, but now they don't carry the talisman. They are instinctively frightened and uneasy. Sometimes they take a bath and see the yellow paper talisman. The boys are very relieved.

At this time, someone suddenly said in surprise, "What's the matter? Master Chi, why is my talisman suddenly black?"

It was Chang Hao who spoke. Chang Hao looked at the corner of a triangular paper talisman in his hand and became scorched inexplicably.

In Tong Changhao's mind, Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin were equally hairy and cold. Three of them had a blackened corner of the Fuluo. The three of them had their heads stunned. They were pale and pale when they hurriedly asked for help and looked at Chi Chi in horror. Grandmaster.

Xiong Luoying and Jiang Duo looked carefully at the talisman in their hands. They were relieved to see that the talisman in their hands had not changed color. They only looked worriedly at Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, and Chang Hao. I was also a little confused. I didn't understand how the talisman of the three of them turned into burnt black. I thought that the three of them might encounter something that is not human.

Xiong Luoying and Jiang Duo first gave them a severe chill.

At this time, the reason for the black talisman of the other three people was scared. Xiao Ningjin resisted and gritted his teeth calmly and said: "Master Chi, all of us have been together today. We really didn’t go out. Staying in Wei Panyang’s ward obediently, oh, yes, just now when we ordered takeaway, someone brought something over and delivered it to the door, but it’s not right. I went to get it with Aduo. If anything happened How can I only meet the things that should be touched?"

The courier really had a problem. He and Ah Duo both touched each other, how could only his talisman change color.

As soon as Xiao Ningjin said, everyone immediately suspected that the courier before was not a human or a ghost. Just now they looked at these things so much that they had an appetite, and they were so scared at this moment. His face turned pale, and his hands and feet became weak.

Others asked in horror, "Master Chi, there will be no problem with these things we eat!"

Chi Shuyan didn't rush to reply, walked to Chang Hao's side, picked up the talisman with a darkened corner, stared at it, and scanned the food they bought. There was nothing unusual.

Until her eyes fell on several bowls on the table in front of a few boys. In the eyes of ordinary people, the noodles in this bowl were delicious delicacies. It fell in the eyes of Chi Shuyan, but this was what a dead man ate. change.

When other people saw that Master Chi had been staring at the noodles on the table, Wei Panyang first said: "Master Chi, this noodles was cooked for us by my mother, not a takeaway!"

The implication is that this must be fine.

Xiao Ningjin was keenly aware that Master Chi was seeing something wrong with his face in the bowls, but Xiao Ningjin would never have thought of the possibility that the guardian mother might be possessed at this time, no matter how keen and smart.

Just as Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying wanted to reconcile, Chang Hao suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. The bright red and some black blood splashed on the table, which scared the people around.

I saw that Chang Hao's face was not only pale at this time, his eyes gradually turned up, and the black lifelessness gradually enveloped his forehead. Chi Shuyan quickly put a piece of talisman paper on Chang Hao's forehead.

Chang Hao rolled his eyes and fainted when the dead breath that had originally enveloped his forehead faded.

This scene frightened everyone else. Before a few people could ask questions, Chi Shuyan posted a talisman on the foreheads of Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang respectively, and saw that the black death just attacked their foreheads. Fulu's golden light flashed, and the rich death aura was immediately dispersed by the golden light and disappeared.

Just now before Master Chi posted the Fulu, Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were keenly aware that their bodies were very cold for a while, and it was cold to the bones, or after Master Chi posted the Fulu, the temperature in their bodies gradually rose.

Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were full of fear. Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying were pale and confused by these sudden scenes. They looked confused, wondering what happened to them again?

Only seeing the talisman sticking to Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang turned black three or five times, the two opened their mouths in shock and horror, and occasionally their eyes worried that the panic fell on Chang Hao, who was unconscious, and the two of them were even more frightened. He felt weak, his legs trembled, and after a long time, Jiang Duo couldn't hold back anymore, and he shuddered and asked: "Chi...Master Chi, this...what the **** is going on?"

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