Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1141: Competing for five second-level jade medals

Chi Shuyan swept the pale faces of the few boys in front of him, then looked at the portraits of people in the frame that were gradually disappearing, and said, "It's okay! If there are photos of you in this frame, it would be a problem!"

Chi Shuyan probably knew that the old ghost was instigated by something. Before, she gave a few boys Fulu to save their lives, but those things didn't dare to touch them.

Finally, I figured out a way to let them eat dead people's food. Generally speaking, ordinary people eat one or two dead people's food, but it doesn't make much difference.

But that thing set up a mourning hall for the boys and worshipped the dead. It only took a few days. These boys can only be dead.

Since the portrait in this frame is gone, it means that there are no such boys in the underworld, and the boys are all right. Chi Shuyan lightly spit out the matter.

Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luotian, Jiang Duo, and Wei Panyang, who were scared, looked scared than they were scared by seeing ghosts. They were very thankful that Master Chi appeared today, or they would be over!

Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, and Xiong Luoying were immediately frightened and frightened, saying that they would never eat anything from others easily in the future. They would cook by themselves in the future, and even if their cooking skills were poor, they would cook by themselves.

The four of them looked bitter, with tears in their eyes. A few of them have always held up their pride and have never cooked. When they think of eating their own food in the future, a few of them look desperate and cry without tears, but think Think, it's your own life that matters most.

Seeing the look of a few boys, Chi Shuyan, who is also a poor cook and a foodie, feels that he has no culinary talent. If you work hard, it may not be useful. In the end, Chi Shuyan gave him a business card of the Imperial Restaurant. A kid, if they want to eat, order this one, this one is reliable.

Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, and Jiang Duo shook their heads subconsciously, and their hearts were full of horror. "Master Chi, what if something is attached to the food delivery staff and eats dead things for us?"

They don't want to die.

Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang thought that they did not eat the food cooked by the old ghost today. They had no appetite at all. They wanted to vomit and couldn't vomit, and their faces were full of horror.

Chi Shuyan intends to recruit Li Yuchu’s restaurant for a long-term business, and said, “I can’t guarantee other restaurants, but I can guarantee that it’s okay at the Imperial restaurant. I can say hello to that side! You can also. Just tell the other party that you don’t need to send it!

Don't need someone to send it? Is it possible to let the ghost give it away?

Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Xiong Luoying, Jiang Duo blurted out and asked, thinking that Master Chi would immediately deny it. After all, Heavenly Master and that ghost are all things that are innate against each other. How do you know Master Chi nodded seriously after thinking about it? .

Four people: Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Wei Panyang, Xiong Luoying:...

Jiang Duo trembled his lips: "Chi...Master Chi, let's stop kidding!"

Does he feel flustered when he thinks about ghost-related things now?

The others also nodded quickly. Since they knew there were ghosts, they felt it was not easy for them to live by themselves.

They really don't want to see that anymore. Xiao Ningjin suspected that he would see Wei Mu subconsciously in the future, but the Wei Mu is Wei Panyang's mother, so it is difficult to say this directly.

Chi Shuyan put a few panic and nervous looks into his eyes, knowing that he was scared to help them today, and did not force them, but said that the royal chef he had finally found opened a restaurant, and blamed only the few boys for being unlucky. , He nodded and said: "It's up to you! You can cook by yourself."

Xiao Ningjin faintly felt that the imperial restaurant had something to do with Master Chi that Master Chi would recommend it. Xiao Ningjin asked subconsciously.

Chi Shuyan nodded and said: "It does have something to do with me. The chef of that restaurant is mine. But you don't have to deliberately order food because of me. It's good to make it yourself. It's affordable and cheap!"

Xiao Ningjin wanted to say it again. Jiang Duo suddenly screamed next to him. He pointed to the looming black and white photo of Chang Hao and shouted, "Master Chi, the picture of A Hao is still there!"

Chi Shuyan strode over to take down the looming photo of Chang Hao, and pasted a symbol on it, and then Chang Hao's outline gradually disappeared and turned into a blank sheet of paper: "It's okay!"

Chi Shuyan raised her hand and glanced at the time. She thought of Zhen Yu’s boyfriend’s treat. She handed all the jade tiles to Jiang Duo. Among them, she also asked that the two jade tiles were for the father and mother. Of course, she did not forget to remind Wei Pan before leaving. Pay more after Yang Yang.

At this moment, a group of people saw the jade tiles, their eyes brightened one by one, that is, Jiang Duo, who owns the jade tiles, saw so many jade tiles, his eyes widened and his eyes coveted.

He counted the jade plaques, almost one per person, only to hear that Wei Panyang had three jade plaques, and his envy and jealousy eyes became red, as did the other boys. Immediately, everyone looked at Wei Panyang with wide eyes in disbelief.

When Wei Panyang heard that Master Chi had prepared his parents and his mother, he was so excited and excited that he nodded: "Master Chi, I have money, my family has money, I will pay three jade medals immediately. ."

I'm afraid Master Chi doesn't want his money and wants him to return the jade medal.

Chi Shuyan opened the mouth and said, "One 50 million!"

Wei Panyang didn't think it was expensive at all. It was just such a large amount. He really didn't have it for a while. He said that he would pay 50 million in advance, and he would call him immediately tomorrow for the other money! "

Chi Shuyan shook his head: "It's okay, don't worry, don't enter the wrong account. This jade brand is a second-level high-level magic weapon, so the price is twice as expensive as the first-level. Of course, if someone dislikes it, you can tell me , The day after tomorrow, I will refine the first-level magic artifact, which can be replaced. It is still thirty million!"

In fact, she doesn’t really want to sell second-level magical items. Second-level magical items are still quite rare on this earth, but she doesn’t have time to make first-level jade medals, and the things these guys provoke are extremely unusual. , After thinking about it, it was more reliable to sell the second-level magical artifacts to a few boys, so she took out the jade medals in the universe ring to the boys.

With this jade card, usually quite powerful evil spirits do not dare to approach them easily.

Chi Shuyan expressed that they did not spend money injustice, and downplayed the role of the jade brand, saying that this thing has more aura than the first-class jade brand. It can nourish the body for a long time and is good for people and nourish people. Of various dark injuries.

Moreover, it has defensive power, which can survive three lives, but after three times, it will be useless after the aura is consumed.

I’m afraid that a few kids don’t know the meaning of the last sentence. Chi Shuyan gave an example that if you accidentally get killed by a car halfway, just take this jade card, this jade card can save your life, so that you won’t be intact. For example, if Shi Ran brought this jade card last time, that ghost stabbed him dozens of times. This jade card would automatically stand by for his life, and he would not die or have an accident.

But this jade card can only last three times. After three times, the aura runs out and it is useless!

Of course, this thing can also resist and avoid quite powerful evil spirits. With this thing, that thing dare not approach them easily.

The more Chi Shuyan said, the brighter the eyes of Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Wei Panyang, and Xiong Luoying.

When Chi Shuyan finished speaking, each of his eyes widened and turned into bulb eyes, staring at the jade medal in Jiang Duo's hand, almost grabbing it!

Sometimes the boys stared straight at Chi Shuyan, and occasionally at Wei Panyang. Their eyes were blood-red. If the boys were only jealous of Wei Panyang, then wait to know. The real effect of this jade medal, the eyes of a few people are really jealous when they think of having three of them named Wei.

Jiang Duo can't wait to swallow all the jade medals in his hand secretly. This is a good thing that is a hundred times better than the nourishing pill. Alas, I want it!

The gazes of Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying made Wei Panyang quite horrified. How could Wei Panyang not know what the other people thought, and he wished to pay all the money in full so that the boys would never dare to miss him again. Jade card.

Wei Panyang was afraid of an accident midway, so he hurriedly paid a sum of money to Master Chi, then snatched three of them from Jiang Duo, thanked Chi Shuyan and ran away.

Jiang Duo was caught off guard and was snatched by Pan Yang. He also robbed three of them. The jade medals in his hand lost three of them. Jiang Duo called a pain in his heart. Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying and others saw Wei Panyang. Zi grabbed three, even more painful and envious of wanting to vomit blood, but under Chi Shuyan's gaze, several people honestly divided one into one each.

"Well, when you bring this jade card to Chang Hao and Wei Mu, the two should wake up in a while! Jiang Duo can help them!"

Jiang Duo is okay. After all, he still has one on his neck. Although it is only a first-level magic weapon, he is not as far behind as Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying. Both Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying took their own jade medals but they didn’t. Willing to go, unwilling to bite his teeth and look at Chi Shuyan with burning eyes: "Master Chi, I have a lot of money!"

"Master Chi, I also have a lot of money!"

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