Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1145: One hundred and fifty eight

Others didn't think much, including Zhen Yu, they really thought that Mr. Qi would come to pick Shuyan, only Chi Shuyan frowned when he heard Yang Lan's words.

She always knew that Yang Lanpo had some scheming. She didn't have any opinion on the other party's scheming, but when this kind of scheming was used on her, she felt very uncomfortable and repelled.

And she didn't expect the friendship to manage well. When a man is so weak, let alone whether she has a boyfriend, even if she really doesn't have a boyfriend, she may not be able to see Feng Yuancen, a man who is arrogant and romantic.

How disappointed she has been for Yang Lan before.

Yang Lan looked a little embarrassed when Shuyan saw her intentions. Didn't Chi Shuyan deny her face in front of so many people, she faintly nodded and admitted that she not only has a boyfriend, but that her boyfriend will pick her up soon.

Yang Lan chose Feng Yuancen’s car in Feng Yuancen’s car with Feng Qin.

When Feng Yuancen's car left, Yang Zhi looked very ugly right now, and Feng Qin looked a little embarrassed. Seeing Yang Zhi coming, Feng Qin was afraid of embarrassment from his friend and said, "Yes, it's okay, the girl has a choice. There is room, it seems that my friend, my sister-in-law, is interested in Yuan Cen. It's okay. This is normal."

Feng Qin secretly glanced at Chi Shuyan as she spoke. Under the light, her skin was fair and her face was calm. Feng Qin's heart was beating for some reason. He had always had a good impression of this overly calm girl during the meal just now.

It’s just that Yang Zhi and his daughter-in-law introduced him to that girl. Feng Qin felt that he had to give his brother a bit of face, not to mention that he also knew that another good friend of his sister-in-law had nothing to do with him. Mind, besides, if someone has a boyfriend.

Unexpectedly, they really have a boyfriend. Thinking of this, Feng Qin condensed all his mind. Before getting in the car and leaving, Chong Chi, a polite and very gentleman, said something before leaving.

Zhen Yu said at this time: "Shu Yan, that Mr. Qi will come to pick you up? Why didn't I hear it before?"

Chi Shuyan couldn't slap Yang Lan in the face in front of Zhen Yu and her boyfriend, and nodded and said, "He will come in a while! You can go first! Here at the Imperial Restaurant, I am all acquaintances!"

Zhen Yu really believed, and nodded: "That's good! That's good!"

However, Yang Zhi saw some things, and he felt more and more that Zhen Yu's surname Yang had scheming. After he made up his mind, he had to say a few words to let Zhen Yu guard against each other, and he could have more friendship with the lady Chi in front of him!

At the same time, she regretted introducing her friends to each other. Fortunately, she has no affection for Feng Qin. Otherwise, he would have harmed a good brother for a lifetime, and he would be guilty all his life!

He knows how strong Feng Qin's brother is. He only hopes that in the future, the woman named Yang will not regret it. Then, don't be dumped by Yuan Cen and then take the initiative to find Feng Qin.

Seeing that Chi Shuyan resolutely refused to get in the car to make a face for Yang Lan's woman, Yang Zhi couldn't force her to let Zhen Yu get in the car, then got in the car by herself and left after saying hello.

After the car went for a while, Yang Zhi was really worried about the relationship between Zhen Yu and Yang Lan’s woman. Although Zhen Yu was very embarrassed about Yang Lan’s seeing Shang Yuan Cen tonight, she didn’t have any complaints. At this time, I saw Yang Zhi questioning, Zhen Yu. He smiled and said: "Me, Yang Lan, and Shuyan, these three are the best friends in the school. They belong to the blessings and the hardships. Don't underestimate Shuyan because she is young. She is not only Qi... …" Having said that, Zhen Yu thought for a while, still not very good at revealing the identity of Shuyan's boyfriend, changed her words: "Anyway, Shuyan is very good!"

At this time, Yang Zhi didn’t pay more attention to the friendship between Zhen Yu and Yang Lan. His brows were a little frowned, but if a big man could not secretly speak ill of the woman next to him, Yang Zhi had no choice but to speak: “Then Ms. Chi is really good. This is the first time I have seen a woman who doesn't catch a cold to Yuan Cen!"

Zhen Yu has also learned about Yuan Cen’s appearance today. It is indeed very good. She doesn’t dare to think in her heart that President Qi looks even better, not to mention the majesty, majesty and extravagance of President Qi. It's incomparable.

Shuyan never looked down on Feng Yuancen. Zhen Yu blurted out and said: "You don't know how good-looking Shuyan boyfriend is. Anyway, your friend with the surname Feng can't compare."

Yang Zhi didn’t believe in Zhen Yu’s words, but seeing Zhen Yu nodded seriously, he continued to add another sentence: "And Shuyan’s boyfriend’s identity is also very unusual. In short, your friend with the surname Feng can’t match. Shuyan's current boyfriend!"

With a little interest in Yang Zhi's eyes, he casually said, "Really? Then when will I really see the boyfriend of Miss Chi?"

Zhen Yu added: "And Shuyan is also very good. Don't take what I said just now. I really didn't lie to you. She is a real celestial master, so what is fortune telling so accurate!"

Zhen Yu also talked about Shuyan's prediction about Yang Lan's pouring of gasoline, and then talked about Fulu, indicating that she and Yang Lan no longer believe in Shuyan, only the most.

Yang Zhi was shocked by what his girlfriend was "exaggerating" and seriously speaking, and he was a little questioned, and he stepped on the brakes directly: "Zhen Yu, are you serious?"

Zhen Yu nodded immediately: "Nothing is more real! Next time you can let Shuyan know if it's true!"

Yang Zhi:… 
At this time, Chi Shuyan didn’t know that Zhen Yuzheng told his boyfriend how amazing she was during the car. The car was gone, so she had to take a taxi to Feng Ge.

But I don’t know if it’s because I was disappointed with Yang Lan tonight. After all, before, she really regarded each other as a good friend. In her previous life, she only cared about revenge. Apart from her master, there were no close peers around her. She cherishes the friendship between Lan and Zhen Yu, and she wants to continue to cherish it.

It’s just that what Yang Lan used her mind with tonight made her very disappointed and so sad.

Chi Shuyan rarely thought of hurting the spring and sadness of the autumn. After getting in the car, she couldn't help but call Qi Zhenbai. She was in a bad mood and wanted to talk to the man, but the man kept calling. Not connected.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to give up, but made up his mind to deal with the matter of Feng Ge in a while, and go to the other party's company to see. Since she said that she should compensate the other party, she naturally had to act. The other party paid a lot before, but now she has paid a little and it is fine.

Chi Shuyan thought about the matter clearly, hung up the phone, and tucked the phone in his pocket.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the police station, Chi Shuyan paid the money, and then he was ready to go in.

She was just about to go in. Xiao Shan, Team Chen, and Wu Haoming saw her first. They looked very enthusiastic and more enthusiastic than before. They all said, "Master Chi, if you don’t have time here, you can count on us. Life?"

"Count it to me first!"

"Count it to me first!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Speaking of it, the three people were so enthusiastic because they suddenly learned from the closed game that Shuyan predicted the life and death of the little girl in the black car. When it came to the closed game, they didn't doubt a word. The three of them were dumbfounded and mysterious. Before, they saw Master Chi collect so many evil spirits in the fifth grade. They thought that Master Chi was already strong enough, but they still underestimated her by far.

Now that I think about it, I just feel that Master Chi is simply a ‘living god’.

Team Chen was diligent and curious at this time and asked with wide-eyed eyes: "Master Chi, forget it, let's talk about the fortune-telling for us. Let me talk about how you predicted the little girl's death that night? Is it an adult? Can you really see life and death?"

The others were also very curious, and immediately nodded and looked at Chi Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan:...

She really didn't expect the Chen team to be too high-profile because of this, and she downplayed and explained that she could only figure out when the opponent was about to die.

"Master Chi, how old can you figure out how old I can live?"

"And me, Master Chi, look at me too!"

"There is still me! There is still me!"

Chi Shuyan had a black line on his face. Fortunately, Feng Ge suddenly appeared to rescue him before long. Feng Yuanlin walked over to open the car door and let Shuyan get in the car first.

Because of tonight's "Feng Yuancen", Chi Shuyan looked at Brother Feng a few more times.

Feng Yuanlin was surprised by Shu Yan's ‘scorching’ gaze. Before Feng Yuanlin could ask directly, Chi Shuyan said, “Feng brother, do you have a younger brother named Feng Yuancen?”

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