Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1163: One thousand one hundred and seventy six

As soon as Su Yu's words fell, everyone else looked at Su Yu in disbelief. They didn't understand why he suddenly bought this yellow paper talisman. It wouldn't be Su Yu who looked at the girl in front of him because he was so beautiful!

The more Huang Shanming, Meng Ping, and Mao Di thought about it, the more they felt this way. Su Yu's voice also caused many girls and boys to watch.

One of the young girls in the middle is a pretty girl named Jiang Tongle. She used to have trouble with Ji Mingshu because of Su Yu. Now let’s not say whether this woman was sitting next to Su Yu deliberately before and saw her again. A face is really good, and it also attracted a lot of attention from Su Yu.

Jiang Tongle couldn't bear it. Several people next to him knew what had happened, and when the others didn't pay attention, they immediately let people secretly tell Cai Xuanqiao that Chi Shuyan fooled people to blackmail money.

Here’s kindly persuading Su Yu, while mocking Chong Chi Shuyan, he said, “Shao Shao, this piece of paper costs 30,000 yuan, which is too big to speak. Why doesn’t this school girl let us directly give it? Tell us directly what difficulties you have in your own family. We don’t lack this money. Donations can be made. But this school girl is so blatantly fooling everyone to ask for everyone’s money. This is too much!"

At this time, most of the students in the car had already got off, but only a small part. Jiang Tongle's voice was so loud that almost everyone had seen it.

Su Yu was also a little startled at this time, it was all because of the words "I want it" that he blurted out just now. In fact, in his heart, he and other people also thought that this girl was fooling people and wanted to swindle money. He wanted to go on. , But before getting off the car, seeing the talisman in the hands of the school girl was also momentarily stunned. When he said those words, he felt surprised in his heart.

Su Yu did not speak for a while. Although Yao Zhao and the others were not used to the appearance of this school girl fooling people and cheating money, they really waited for Jiang Tongle to attack this school girl in front of everyone, but the school girl did not speak. , Her small face is exquisite and indifferent, and the boys watching them will inevitably be a little bit pitiful, and don't want Jiang Tongle to make a big deal at the moment, and this school girl is really embarrassed if she makes a big deal.

Girls have always had a high self-esteem, and he was really afraid of something. At this time, he persuaded: "Tong Le, this is all a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! It is rare for everyone to come to Beiqiao Mountain, so stop worrying about such trivial matters!"

As soon as Yao Zhao spoke, Huang Shanming and Meng Ping also agreed, saying that everyone should get off the bus.

Ji Mingshu has always been at odds with Jiang Tongle. She has no good feelings for Jiang Tongle, who is always self-loyal and arrogant, but she has a lot of good feelings for Shu Yan who has been silent and silent. Besides, she really doesn't believe in Shu Yan. Yan lied to her. Even if he lied to them, Ji Mingshu felt that Shuyan had no other reason. At this time, he rushed to Jiang Tongle and said: "Jiang Tongle, you don't know why you say Shuyan is a liar? You have What evidence? Besides, Su Shao is willing to buy, what is it to you?"

Jiang Tongle's face was very ugly when Ji Mingshu said. He said that Ji Mingshu was really stupid. When she thought of someone telling her that Ji Mingshu was also deceived, Jiang Tongle was gloating and was about to reply.

Chi Shuyan finally spoke, looking at Su Yu, with a faint expression: "Do you want this Talisman? If not, I will get out of the car first!"

Believe it or not, follow them. She doesn't bother to be jealous with these junior girls, and it's not her man, she really needs to be jealous.

Su Yu's face was startled. The others had never expected to be exposed. She dared to sell this talisman to Su Yu so frankly. Jiang Tongle was even more amused. She ridiculed several girls nearby: "This school girl is so poor. Crazy.” Raising his eyes, he suddenly took out several hundred dollars from his pocket, and threw it in front of Chi Shuyan. He said unkindly: “School girl, I really didn’t expect you to be so short of money. Donated it to you, no need to pay it back!"

A few girls next to Jiang Tongle followed and threw ten or dozens of yuan, with scornful laughter on their faces. Others who watched felt that Jiang Tongle was too much.

Ji Mingshu's face paled by Jiang Tongle's insulting behavior. Although she is the same as Chi Shuyan, she is very close to her eyes. In addition, she has never been used to Jiang Tongle, Ji Mingshu is better than Chi Shuyan, the client. She was still angry, her face flushed and pale, and she wanted to scold the other person, but she was a civilized person, and she really couldn't swear anything. Finally, she gritted her teeth and spit out a few words to Jiang Tongle: "You are too much!"

Jiang Tongle originally wanted to scold Ji Mingshu’s lips, but when she saw her flower protector Yu Bo next to him, he didn’t say anything. He directly regarded Ji Mingshu as a transparent person, and continued to smirk with arrogance. "If you are still short of money, how about I go back and get you a donation box so that everyone can give you Juanjuan money? Anyway, you are so short of money, oh, not just asking for money but also shameless?"

For the first time in their lives, Yao Zhao, Huang Shanming, and Meng Ping felt that this woman Jiang Tongle’s mouth was really poisonous. What he said was too piercing and bullying. The boys in Yao Zhao thought that the school girl Will be bullied by Jiang Tongle and cry, Yu Guang glanced at the other person, and saw the other person's look just now, and now he still looks like nothing at all. Jiang Tongle's words will come into my heart and remember Jiang Tongle before As soon as they took action, no girl would not be bullied and cry. Yao Zhao and Huang Shanming really admired the psychological quality of this elementary school girl.

Looking at Chi Shuyan on the face of others, there was no expression of reaction. If you look closely, her eyes are cold. Chi Shuyan's eyes are glancing at the black and rich death of the other person's forehead, her lips are hooked, and everyone opens her eyes. : "Since no one buys talisman anymore, I will get out of the car first!"

At this time, a girl came over and said, "Who is Chi Shuyan, our teacher Cai will let you go there!"

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