Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1167: Fall into the water

Chen Jin had a lot of expectations and confidence in the little girl in front of him because of Lao Zhang's words. When she saw that her painting was not like an apple, Chen Jin didn't know how to evaluate, encourage or tell the truth.

But telling the truth is too shocking, not telling the truth, Chen Jin feels sorry for the title "teacher". To be honest, he has met many students who are interested in painting but have no talent.

But these students have no talent anymore, drawing a basic pattern is easy to grasp. It is very simple. The picture of the little girl in front of him is the most dull and unreality he has ever seen. He has no craftsmanship and no level of painting.

So Chen Jin really blocked his throat for a while, and couldn't spit out a word of evaluation.

Chi Shuyan captured the stiff and unnatural look of Teacher Chen in front of her eyes. She didn't want to embarrass others. She had no interest in painting at first, so she might as well catch a ghost and find an excuse to repay the money. Ji Mingshu.

Chen Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and when she heard her take the initiative to pay Su Yu back, her expression became more relieved and nodded: "Teacher knows you didn't mean it before!"

Under Chen Jin’s gaze, Chi Shuyan had to bite the bullet and walked to Su Yu and asked him if he wanted a refund. She also wanted to understand. She is now different from the pauper of the past. To be honest, for her now, Sixty thousand yuan is quite small, and it's okay if it's returned.

As for Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo, she is considered to have a good impression of the two of them. No matter if the other party wants a refund for a while, let the talisman protect their lives.

When Yao Zhao, Mao Di, Meng Ping, Huang Shanming and others saw that school girl approached and asked Su Yu if he wanted a refund, the few people looked at each other for a while, and for a while, several boys thought whether the school girl was wronged or not. A teacher talked about conscience discovery.

Su Yu also stayed for a while, apparently he didn't expect that the other party came to the door to give him a refund.

Chi Shuyan neatly transferred the money to the other party, and said: "I will transfer the money to you first. You don't need to pay back the talisman I gave you first. If you think the talisman is worthwhile later, you will want to buy it and transfer it later. Give me money!"

After shaking off these words, Chi Shuyan didn't stay too much, turned around and left.

Others were fooled by what she said. Is this paying back or trying to pit money?

Su Yu's face stared at her away back blankly and did not speak.

Chi Shuyan didn’t care about other people’s thoughts. He walked around as everyone was painting. It was probably because of her “shocked by heaven and human” painting just now. That teacher Chen never looked for her again. Lectures with other students. Yu Guang only paid attention to her for a while. Seeing that she was fine and did not run around, he continued to lecture with other students.

The other two teachers were also instructing other students from time to time, without paying attention to her at all.

No one paid any attention, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Taking advantage of this, she went back to the cave that she had visited before and carefully observed both inside and outside, but she still didn’t find any traces, and went to other places and water. I took a closer look, time passed quickly, but unfortunately there was still no trace.

She thought about it, and she always felt that the river was a little weird, and she also felt that Ji Mingshu had the highest probability of having an accident in that river, and they immediately returned the same way.

When she returned from the same way, the sun gradually went down. It was almost six o’clock. Because it was summer, six o’clock was still dark, but there was still the sun this morning, and it was cloudy in the afternoon. At six o’clock in the evening, there was still some fog. dark.

She just passed by, and some students started to pack their frames one after another, preparing to get in the car and go back. She was afraid that Ji Mingshu and the teacher Chen had an accident. When she walked over, she looked at a few more people and saw that they were all right. While lecturing with the students, Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo were clearing up the drawing board and heaved a sigh of relief.

While other people didn’t pay attention, Chi Shuyan planned to go down the river or not. She was not at ease, but just waded to the river, a boy’s voice not far away sounded: "Classmate, what are you doing? Don't go into the water! The river still doesn't know how deep it is!"

The boy shouted, and the other people who hadn't noticed Chi Shuyan just saw her go into the water following the boy's gaze. Chen Jin's face changed abruptly, and he strode over and pulled Chi Shuyan back to the land. , His face was serious and ugly.

Lao Yu and Cai Xuanqiao also came over. When Cai Xuanqiao came over, he scolded Chi Shuyan first, how harsh he was!

After cursing, the tone was very bad and rushed to Chen Jin: "Mr. Chen, if other students in the future want to make an exception and find excuses to follow us to sketch, I advise you to refuse this kind of thing. If something goes wrong, you are not the only one. The rest of us will share the responsibility for you. Also, you said before that this student is interested in painting, but this afternoon, I didn’t even see where this student was interested in painting. I looked at her Just looking for excuses to play!"

Chi Shuyan who came to play:...

It is rare for Chen Jin to be said to be flushed, and he is still old at rushing to complete the battle, fearing that it will cause trouble before he leaves, so he has to let Chi Shuyan get in the car immediately.

Chi Shuyan admitted that she was unlucky at this time, and she didn't stand up a lot. Looking at Teacher Chen's red and awkward face, the thought of going to the river had to disappear. Under the eyes of several teachers, she had to get in the car first.

However, before getting on the bus, she looked back at Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo, and saw that the black foreheads of the two men were particularly dead. Looking at the teacher in front of Chen Jinhe, the black foreheads of the two also increased, as for the one next to him. From time to time, she finds fault with the teacher surnamed Cai, but she subconsciously ignores it and actively speaks: "Ms. Chen, Teacher Yu, or let's get in the car together!" After saying this, she called Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo to get in the car together.

Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo immediately replied: "Now! Shuyan! You get in the car first!"

Cai Xuanqiao said that he still had something to say to Chen Jin, as for Ji Mingshu and Yu Bo, they will have to clean up for a while.

Because of the incident just now, Teacher Chen and Lao Yu were obviously very upset about Chi Shuyan. They wanted Chi Shuyan to get in the car first, and regardless of whether she agreed or not, Lao Yu forced her into the car.

After she got in the car, Lao Yu let other students watch her before leaving.

After getting on the bus, Chi Shuyan's right eyelid kept twitching, and then looking at the many students who were already sitting there, the black energy on almost every student's forehead became more intense.

Chi Shuyan always felt that something would happen soon. At this time, the few girls sitting in the front row were very enthusiastic and took the initiative to let her sit down, but most girls and boys were not very enthusiastic.

Chi Shuyan felt that Jiang Tongle probably accused her of "extortion."

She has sharp ears and eyes, sure enough! It didn't take long for her to get in the car, and there were already people in the car talking about it, mostly about how she blackmailed Su Yu and scammed money.

Chi Shu had a thick-skinned face, and when he didn't hear it, his face was expressionless.

"Are you Shuyan? Find a seat and sit down quickly. After a while, everyone else will come up. It will be difficult to choose a seat!" A girl named Yao Qin said kindly.

Chi Shuyan felt a little uneasy in her heart, squinted, nodded at her in gratitude, and prepared to get off the car.

Suddenly there was a sharp cry from outside: "Someone has fallen into the water! Nothing, someone has fallen into the water!"

Chi Shuyan's expression changed and he was about to get out of the car immediately. He saw Chen Jin's teachers and several other students holding a wet and comatose girl into the car. Who is that girl if she is not Jiang Tongle?

Others were also wet because they saved Jiang Tongle, especially the three teachers. Chi Shuyan also found that Ji Mingshu, Yu Bo, and Su Yu were also wet. Ji Mingshu’s face was very pale, and his eyes were dull. In panic, his legs kept trembling, if it weren't for Yu Bo's support, I'm afraid the whole person would have been limp to the ground.

The students in the car were shocked by the unexpected incident. Knowing that Jiang Tongle had an accident, he immediately gave her position to her and several teachers. Jiang Tongle is well-known in the class. Some people asked her about her situation, and others didn’t know how to follow. Where did he get the towel, he asked hurriedly, "Teacher, how is Tong Le? Is she okay!"

Teachers Chen Jin, Lao Yu, and Cai Xuanqiao answered the other students, but their attention was focused on Jiang Tongle, knowing that she was just choking and it was nothing wrong with her. At this moment, the coma was just a trivial matter. He breathed a sigh of relief. The students all sit down.

Chi Shuyan turned his attention from Ji Mingshu to Jiang Tongle, who was unconscious again. She didn't pay attention just now, but at this moment, I saw her with a black air that was hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people. Kind of coldness.

"Okay, everyone sits back to their seats and is going back to school!"

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