Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1175: One hundred eighteen eighty

"My god, it's a ghost!" Yao Zhao was brave and ran over curiously. When he saw the ugly ghost outside the door, his eyes went dark, and he burst into swearing with fright. His whole body became weak and his hands were on the backrest armrest. Did not sit on the ground.

At this time, Su Yu, Yu Bo, Chen Jin, Lao Yu and other people who were prepared to see the ghost outside the car door clearly screamed, and the eyes turned black almost completely out of breath. Fainted.

Ji Mingshu was frightened and passed out, and was held tightly by Yu Bo.

There were a few courageous people who couldn't help but yelled directly from the throat, and more courageous girls or boys fainted when they saw the thing outside the door.

The interior of the car was in chaos, and various screams and screams came and went.

Chen Jin and Lao Yu were also frightened now, their faces pale, panic-stricken, their heads blank, their eyes were full of fear, their hands propped on the back chair, their legs trembling, it was the two teachers who wanted to maintain order in the car. Also weak.

If they encounter other dangerous things, they still calm down for a while

But tonight this supernatural thing completely exceeded their imagination and the outlook on life that they had shaped in their lives, so besides being confused and shocked, the two of them were more blank in their heads. Shock.

The only thought in my head is: There is such a terrible thing as a ghost in this world.

Thinking of the end of Cai Xuanqiao and Jiang Tongle, Chen Jin and Lao Yu had a chill in their limbs, panic and horror in their hearts, is it possible that all of them will die here tonight?

Even become something terrible like Jiang Tongle and Cai Xuanqiao?

When I think of this, I don't need to be frightened, Chen Jin and Lao Yu will not turn their white eyes, and look like they will faint to death.

At this moment, the more people fainted, the more disadvantaged. Chi Shuyan lined up on Chen Jin and Lao Yu's shoulders to signal the two teachers to calm down.

Su Yu, Yao Zhao, and Yu Bo thought of Chi Shuyan after they were horrified, and looked at her with a busy cry for help.

Old Yu at this time was more excited to see Chi Shuyan than to see his parents, and almost cried with excitement. When he thought that she was the first to predict and predict just now, maybe this student really has some ability, and he said incoherently, "Shu... ...Shu Yan, what...what about this? What...what about?"

Chen Jin, Su Yu, and Yao Zhao also looked at her dumbly. Many people in the car had already begun to cry. They didn't dare to cry out loudly. They only dared to whimper softly and hugged them in twos and threes. Face fear.

Chi Shuyan saw that the gap in the car door was opened more and more by the thing, so he didn't want to talk to everyone, but let everyone go, and then took out a few pure Yang charms and smashed them on the swollen hand in the car. The hand caught by the car door touched the talisman, the golden light flashed, and it began to burn with black gas, and then the swollen and swollen corpse-spotted face outside the car door suddenly screamed in pain, and the car followed It trembled.

It didn't take long for the scorched hand that broke the car door to shrank back abruptly, and the ghost disappeared before everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye, and there was no sign of it.

It’s just that before the thing left, many people in the car clearly saw the thing’s unwilling, resentful and oozing eyes, thinking of the resentment and sinister eyes of the ghost thing, causing everyone in the car to shudder severely. Return to mind.

As everyone lost their senses, Chi Shuyan walked to the driver, showing the way calmly.

After more than ten minutes, Driver Zhang finally saw the city lights from a distance. He was excited. When the car drove to the playground behind the campus as usual, when the car stopped, it said that when he arrived at the playground after the school, many people still couldn't believe it or dared. get off.

As soon as the driver opened the door, someone was frightened and screamed and shouted that there was a ghost. Obviously, after a while, everyone was too frightened to escape.

Chi Shuyan had to get off the car first, and a group of people including Chen Jin, Lao Yu, Su Yu, Yao Zhao followed and got off the car first.

Chi Shuyan was only responsible for sending people to the school, and wanted to find the ghost through the tracer and collected the ghost by the way.

Chen Jin, Su Yu, Yao Zhao and a group of people thought about what happened tonight, but they obviously wanted to say something but obviously had something to say to her, but a group of people held back for a while without uttering a word. They underestimated her before. At this time, everyone stared at her with wide eyes, and their eyes followed at some rare aliens.

Chi Shuyan saw that the people in the car were almost all right, and she was in a good mood. When she saw Teacher Chen, Teacher Yu and Su Yu staring at her curiously, she raised her lips: "Something?"

Chi Shuyan spoke, everyone else shook their heads subconsciously.

But in my mind she thought of her neat energy to clean up the ghost.

The two adult teachers, Chen Jin and Lao Yu, both admire them very much. They were even very guilty before Cai Xuanqiao scolded her for not helping. Because of Jiang Tongle, she thought she was alarmist.

The two teachers didn't dare to think about the consequences of Shuyan's failure to get that thing out before. If it weren't for her, I'm afraid that they will never return.

Thinking of this, not only Lao Yu and Chen Jin shivered fiercely, but the sadness of Jiang Tongle and Cai Xuanqiao's accident was also reduced.

Su Yu and Yao Zhao also thought that they shuddered severely. Su Yu and Yu Bo thanked them for the Fulu she gave before. If it weren’t for her, I’m afraid they didn’t get in the car today. They had already said in the river. Indefinitely dead.

When they thought of what they experienced tonight, everyone thought it was very magical and weird, but when they thought that there were such things as ghosts in this world, a group of people were still shocked with palpitations and chills.

Yao Zhao is most curious here, and couldn't help asking: "Shu...shuyan, what exactly is that thing...? This world is...really...really ghost?"

A group of people just met "ghost" and heard Yao Zhao mention the word again. A group of people were beaten up in a cold sweat, but Chen Jin still had a lot to say to Shu Yan, but looked at the students who hadn't got off the car. , He only asked Shuyan to wait for him for a while.

Since the ghost was tagged with the tracking symbol, Chi Shuyan was not in a hurry to leave. Seeing that the students in the car were in poor condition and some of them passed out directly, she took the initiative to help the two teachers by calling the names first. , It is determined that only Jiang Tongle and Cai Xuanqiao are not there, and the other students are there.

Chen Jin and Lao Yu still breathed a sigh of relief and asked them to help each other to lift the school infirmary. In the eyes of the two teachers, almost all of these unconscious students were irritated and frightened. That's it.

After all the students in the car came over, they stumbled and left the car together under the command of the two teachers.

Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Huang Shanming, Mao Di, etc. did not leave in time. Yu Bo originally wanted to leave, but it didn’t take long for Ji Mingshu to wake up. He did not take anyone away. He had selfishness in his heart and knew that there were ghosts in this world. And the talisman in the hands of this school girl Chi Shuyan is useful, he is a little selfish in his heart.

As for Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Huang Shanming, and Mao Di who did not leave, only they knew the reason.

After finally disbanding the people, Chen Jin and Lao Yu finally couldn't help mentioning Jiang Tongle and Cai Xuanqiao. When they mentioned the two, the two teachers looked very embarrassed. On this trip, one teacher and one student had an accident.

Moreover, it was Cai Xuanqiao who had a close relationship with Director Huang. Chen Jin and Lao Yu were still very disappointed and uncomfortable about the accident. After all, one was their colleague and the other was their student.

Both of them are good teachers. They feel uncomfortable when an accident occurs. They think of the ghost stabbing Cai Xuanqiao in the stomach. The two have little hope for the death of Cai Xuanqiao and Jiang Tongle, but after all, there is one or two hopes in their hearts, Chen Jinren I couldn't help asking directly: "Shu... Shu Yan, Teacher Cai and Jiang Tongle...?"

Chen Jin didn't finish, and didn't know how to ask, but Chi Shuyan understood what Chen Jin wanted to ask without thinking about it, and said, "Two people are fierce and lucky!" The chance of survival is zero.

As soon as the words fell, everyone had heard her true meaning, and her face paled for a while, and Old Yu wanted to ask, Director Huang's voice from far and near suddenly sounded: "I'm coming back so late?" The tone was a bit dissatisfied.

However, thinking that Cai Xuanqiao was among them, Director Huang seldom suffocated his temper. He glanced around several times before seeing Cai Xuanqiao's figure. He asked Chen Jin and Lao Yu in confusion, "Where is Mr. Cai? Where is the person? I am looking for something to her!"

As soon as Director Huang finished speaking, the expressions of Chen Jin and Lao Yu changed immediately. Just as the two were trying to explain their ghost encounter, a familiar staggered figure not far away came over.

There were still a few dim lights on the playground after the school. Under the lights, everyone was waiting to see the familiar and stiff face of'Cai Xuanqiao'. The expressions of the people were terrifying, shocked, and unbelievable. Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and just listened. The familiar voice of'Cai Xuanqiao' sounded: "I am here!"

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