Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1180: 111,931

When the student in front of him glanced at it, Lao Yu only felt that his old face was flushed, and before Chi Shuyan could reply, the other people were afraid that they were slowing down, and they were excited to say that they would also buy talisman for any money.

Although Chi Shuyan wanted to make money, she didn't want to give them the same psychology that they would have to buy talisman at any time. Those who can't get it are rare and cherish. She immediately said that she didn't have a few talismans on her body, and her words were not false. She had just used a lot of talisman, and she gave it to others.

She really didn’t have a few photos on her body. She saw that she sold them on the face of the old teacher. There is no harm in maintaining a relationship with the teacher. As for others, such as Meng Ping, Huang Shanming, and Mao Di, who mocked her. , Chi Shuyan said that he still had a bit of a grudge, and he didn't plan to be the victim and the Virgin.

He didn't intend to sell them so easily, saying that he had no talisman in his hand, and found another excuse to leave.

Waiting for Chi Shuyan to leave, except the old Yu who got the talisman with excitement and joy, although Su Yu, Chen Jin, and Ji Mingshu did not buy the talisman, their mood was not too bad, after all, they still had a few talismans in their pockets.

The last regret here is Meng Ping, Huang Shanming, and Mao Di. The three of them stared at the talisman in Lao Yu’s hand, with such greedy expressions that they can’t wait to **** it right away, and Yu hurriedly put them in their pockets. He rested, stroking his pocket three steps, and waiting to make sure that Fulu was in his pocket, Lao Yu let out a sigh of relief.

The three of them were worried and unwilling to buy the Fulu. They thought that Ayu gave them the Fulu for free before. Unfortunately, they didn’t take the Fulu seriously at all, and directly rejected Ayu’s kindness and laughed at Ayu and the man. Chi Xuemei, maybe because of this, that Chi Xuemei is not willing to sell talisman to them.

Thinking of this, the three regretted blood almost never came out. At this moment, trying to detain a talisman from Ayu's hand is probably more difficult than Dengtian, and the three asked cheekyly.


When Su Yu heard that the three of them were about to ask him about Fuluo, his expression suddenly changed. He didn't have a lot of them in total, so he was willing to sell them. The price was ten times the price of a few boys. He didn't want to sell, so he immediately refused and hurriedly I found an excuse to run away.

Meng Ping, Huang Shanming, and Mao Di:...or are they not good buddies?

Chi Shuyan left the school and was about to take a taxi, and it didn't take long for her cell phone to ring again.

Chi Shuyan answered the phone, and Feng Yuanlin's anxious voice came across the phone: "Shuyan, we have already arrived at school, where are you?"

Now that the ghost had been cleaned up, Chi Shuyan was completely relieved. At this time, an empty car stopped in front of him. Chi Shuyan twisted the door and got into the car. As soon as she got into the car, because of fatigue, she collapsed on the backrest. The driver said the address, and when he was about to reply to Feng, Feng Yuanlin said that he had seen the ambulance, and was worried to ask her if there was an accident, where and whether she was in the ambulance.

Chi Shuyan said: "Brother Feng, I'm already sitting on the way back to the car. I'm fine, and I have taken care of that ghost."

Feng Yuanlin was agitated when he heard Shu Yan's words at this time. His eyes widened with excitement and he was shocked and unbelievable. Because of the incident caused by Jiang Duo's boys and the death cases from time to time, Feng Yuan Lin didn't have any less headaches, and now Shu Yan vomited out to solve the matter.

Feng Yuanlin smashed his head with the pie from the sky after hearing it, leaving his head blank. Of course, if this was something someone else said, Feng Yuanlin might still be suspicious, but this is a beautiful remark. That said, Feng Yuanlin naturally imagined Shu Yan's ability.

Feng Yuanlin was both excited and guilty. The excitement was that Shuyan had solved the ghost thing. The guilt was that something happened today. Shuyan asked him several times, even asking for leave, and he didn't handle it well.

Had it not been for those stupid idiots who only wanted to fight for power and not care about life, he would have been so late to come here if he hadn't been preventing him from office and handing over power.

Fortunately, this matter has finally been resolved, otherwise this matter will be accepted by a few **** who have just been sent from above, and it is not known how many innocent people have been killed because of them.

"Shu Yan, this time Brother Feng owes you again!" Feng Yuanlin said with a solemn expression. He couldn't tell Shu Yanming about this, but he was thankful in his heart.

"By the way, Shu Yan, what happened today?" Feng Yuanlin couldn't help asking.

Chi Shuyan told Feng Yuanlin about the cause and effect of today. When Feng Yuanlin heard that the ghost was hidden in the river of Beiqiao Mountain, he also heard that a group of students from the Art Department of Yanjing University went out to sketch. In that place, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but beat a group of students and teachers.

On the way to talk about this, Chi Shuyan didn’t say that he could see the lifelessness in people. He only said that at first he saw a few students and teachers abnormally through his face, and then he noticed it, and then when he got on the bus. , Seeing a group of students with very strange faces, she felt uneasy, so she asked for leave to accompany her.

After that, they arrived in the area of ​​Beiqiao Mountain. When they returned in the evening, it turned out that the ghost was eyeing a car of people. One of the teachers and one of the students were also dead. As for Jiang Tongle and Cai Xuanqiao's death, Chi Shuyan did not To say more, anyway, people are dead, and she doesn't bother to care.

As for the others, they were fine, at most they suffered some minor injuries.

As for the main reason she could clean up the ghost thing, the ghost thing was unwilling to watch a car of "fat" fall out of her mouth, and then came to school so that she could clean up the thing at school.

After listening to the cause and effect of this incident, Feng Yuanlin was fortunate for the student and teacher of the car and squeezed a cold sweat for them, thanks to Shuyan's attention, otherwise it was the student and teacher of the car that had an accident today.

There are dozens of people in this car. If something happened in Kyoto, it would be a big deal. Not to mention that the people in this car are all students of Yenching University. They are all pillars of the country. It would be a pity to die.

"Shuyan, Feng brother, I will follow to the hospital first, and I will find you tomorrow when I have time!"

"to make!"

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