Chi Shuyan left the imperial restaurant, thinking of Feng's words and ridicule just now, her head buzzed blankly, which means that she didn't do anything to apologize to the man Qi Zhenbo before?

If it had been before, Chi Shuyan might be very happy and embarrassed, happy that she didn't do anything beyond the boundary, and embarrassed that she had actually imagined too much, thinking that she really did something that shouldn't be done to Brother Feng.

She shouldn't have thought about the man's breaking up with her soon, Chi Yan calmed down, no longer thought about it, really had to think about it, she was going crazy, it was important to deal with business first.

When Chi Shuyan took a taxi to the hospital, she called counselor Zhang and asked for a two-day vacation.

Counselor Zhang didn't ask anything this time and didn't want to respond directly.

Of course, the reason why Counselor Zhang responded so quickly was that he had just learned that Director Huang was hospitalized, and that Director Huang was hospitalized and approved of leave. He did not have any pressure. Second, he was just following the incident last night. Chen Jin heard it over there. After hearing what happened last night, Counselor Zhang was still in shock. Even when he listened, he was scared and confused. He couldn't believe that they really encountered a strange thing last night.

If someone else told him, Counselor Zhang might not believe it, but Chen Jinhe and Lao Yu told him that, coupled with the sudden death of the same student Cai Xuanqiao last night, Counselor Zhang did not want to believe it but had to believe it.

What's more, it is not just Chen Jin and Lao Yu. The students from the art department came to the school early in the morning and told others that they were hell. Many students had a high fever this morning because they were in shock last night.

It is rare for the school to give the art department a few days off. Of course, regardless of whether this is true or false, the school has no plans to expand this "damn" remark. This is the real holiday for the art department. the reason.

Although Counselor Zhang has never seen a ghost, he now fully believes that there are ghosts in this world, and now he really understands that his student is not so big or ordinary.

This student was going to deal with political affairs. How dare he not take a holiday, so Counselor Zhang agreed very readily.

Chi Shuyan was inexplicably relieved.

Counselor Zhang’s relationship with Chi Shuyanzao surpasses the relationship between ordinary teachers and students, and is more like family members. Counselor Zhang cares about her very much and asks: "Shuyan, are you all right!"

Chi Shuyan felt better when he heard Counselor Zhang's concern, saying that he was fine.

Counselor Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. The two teachers grew up and said something short, but before hanging up the phone, Counselor Zhang thought of something and said: "By the way, Shuyan, before, Teacher Chen and Teacher Yu came to me to look for you specifically, but Unfortunately, you left in time. But it's okay, the teacher will help you with it!"

Thinking of meeting Chen Jin and Lao Yu before, Chen Jin and Lao Yu were agitated when they saw him. They also expressed that they wanted to see Shu Yan immediately, and repeatedly said to him that if it wasn't Shu Yan last night, I'm afraid they and a car of people. There is no return.

Counselor Zhang was somewhat proud of the worry about the students at this time.

Chi Shuyan pursed his lips and thanked him: "Thank you Teacher Zhang!"

When the two were talking, Counselor Zhang inevitably mentioned that because of her, Teacher Chen and Lao Yu are very polite and friendly to him now, and they are all thanks to her.

Chi Shuyan pursed his lips and smiled, and the two teachers and students spoke for a while before hung up the phone.

When he arrived at the hospital, Chi Shuyan walked to the Wei Panyang ward first. At this moment, a few boys were eating together with buckets of instant noodles at one end.

When Chi Shuyan entered, a few boys stared at the instant noodles with a sense of expression. For a while, she didn't even notice when she came in. She scanned around and found that there were two boxes of instant noodles next to them. One box had already been opened and had eaten a lot. , It seems that these boys are not doing very well these days?

Xiao Ningjin, who was still keen, first saw Chi Shuyan, his eyes lit up, he immediately put the instant noodles in his hand on the table, stood up and said excitedly: "Master Chi!"

Xiao Ningjin yelled, and the others also saw Chi Shuyan's arrival, which was an excitement.

"Master Chi!"

"Master Chi!"

Jiang Duo, Wei Panyang, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao shouted in unison.

Chi Shuyan nodded to some of the boys, found a spot to sit down, staring at the instant noodles in their hands, and the eyebrows flashed a bit of fun: "It seems that you have had a good time in these two days. This instant noodle is delicious?"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the few boys shook their heads with bitter faces, and their expressions looked unlovable and pitiful. Chi Shu looked at it with a smile, and she did not expect the food that the dead man ate before. Will give a few boys such a big shadow.

She had previously suggested a few kids to order takeout, but everyone was at the mercy of their lives and no one dared to order instant noodles. Chi Shuyan saw how pitiful a few kids were. It was rare to generously order a few kids for takeout, and they ordered it from an imperial restaurant. Take-out, it happens to be an advertisement for the Imperial Restaurant, and the few guys are all good money owners.

Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying and a group of people heard that Master Chi was going to give them takeaways. Those were thrilled and excited, and each one was sweeter than each: "Master Chi, you are so good!"

"Master Chi, you are so kind!"

"Master Chi, you are the best, I have never seen anyone better than you!"

The words of a few boys made her goose bumps all over her body and she was speechless, and she suddenly regretted ordering a few boys for takeout and swollen. What should I do?

At this time, Wei Mu came in carrying a large mug of stewed pork ribs in a thermos. She looked at Wei Panyang with a distressed look, and then swept over a few Xiao Ning Jin, while pouring the ribs into the big basin, let a group of boys hurry. Add some nutrition, eat quickly, and reprimand a few boys for eating instant noodles these days.

Can instant noodles taste better than her stewed ribs?

Wei Mu didn’t understand these few days. She stewed and brought delicious food every day, but there was no kid to join in. Even her own son looked at the delicious food she brought, he could run as far as he could or Feeling flustered, find all kinds of excuses to say not to eat if you are full. Wei Mu felt quite uncomfortable for this. She asked herself that her cooking skills were not bad, and the soup that she brought every time was full of flavor and flavor, but it was fragrant. A few boys froze.

At this time, the boys saw Wei Mu stew the ribs again, and immediately tightened their bodies one by one, their complexion was also stretched, staring at the ribs with horror, shaking their heads and killing them without eating, gritted their teeth to indicate that they were not hungry. Just eat instant noodles, instant noodles are so delicious!

Chi Shuyan:...

At this time Wei Mu also saw Chi Shuyan, Chi Shuyan took the initiative to nod with Wei Mu, and suddenly said: "Since instant noodles are so delicious, it seems that you don't need me to order takeaway for you?"

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