Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1196: One thousand two hundred and nine

Chi Shuyan looked a little puzzled when he heard Xiao Ningjin's words, but thought of what happened to Driver Chen last night, and nodded, "Where are the people?"

Xiong Luoying interjected at this time: "Master Chi, we thought you were resting and sleeping when we got up early in the morning. By the way, those two strange people were taken to the second floor by Ah Duo to find you!"

Chi Shuyan nodded, and then went upstairs. Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao, and Wei Panyang automatically followed Master Chi's pace. It happened that Chi Shuyan met Jiang Duo with the driver Chen and Mr. Chen near his room on the second floor. The two wife of Driver Chen.

At this time, Driver Chen saw the little girl in front of him again. No, little master, it was a feeling of excitement and gratitude. No matter how young the girl in front of him was, Driver Chen didn’t dare to despise him as before. He only predicted to help him die last night. As for the escape, the driver Chen admired the little girl in front of him and was grateful. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master, Master, are you really here? I came here to thank you for coming over this morning!"

The wife of Driver Chen was still very excited before seeing the master. She just waited to see her old Chen shouting to the master excitedly at the 18-year-old girl. She looked dazed, but thought of what happened last night and how thankful her old Chen is now. I am afraid that all those things last night were true.

At this time, the wife of Driver Chen did not dare to look down upon her because of the age of the master in front of her. As soon as her own old Chen spoke, she hurriedly helped her, her tone of reverence and gratitude.

While talking about it, Driver Chen thought that the news of last night was still early in the morning. He burst into tears and gritted his teeth and said, "Master, yesterday... if it wasn't for you last night, I'm afraid it would be early I'm gone!"

The actions of Driver Chen and Driver Chen’s wife caused Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, and Jiang Duo to look at each other with curiosity. What did Master Chi do? Wait, didn’t Master Chi follow them all the time last night Is it?

How did Master Chi save the driver?

The boys looked gossips and curious.

Chi Shuyan had a calm face. This is the second floor. Everyone's guest room is together. People come and go. The soundproofing is not very good. For fear of making people noise, Chi Shuyan takes them to his room.

Five people including Xiao Ningjin and Jiang Duo also followed.

When he arrived in the room, seeing that the driver Chen and his wife were still very excited, Chi Shuyan poured a glass of mineral water for the two of them to calm them down first.

After drinking the water, Driver Chen finally started to talk about last night's affairs. When he said it again, Driver Chen was both frightened and afraid. If he didn't listen to the master last night, or he didn't think much about it last night, just let him The weird man got in the car, maybe he was the one who was killed and robbed last night.

Driver Chen is a conscientious person. Although he feels guilty about the driver who was dismembered this time, everyone is selfish, especially when it comes to his own life. No matter how kind a person is, no one wants to die. Chen The driver is no exception.

Although he was very guilty, he was very grateful that it was not himself who was killed by the corpse last night.

When Driver Chen was trembling and stumbling in his voice, he was excited to finish talking about what happened to him last night.

This time, Driver Chen was more careful than what he said at home before. The wife of Driver Chen was shocked and palpitated after hearing it. The little girl in front of him became more grateful.

Chi Shu's face was very calm. After all, she had predicted and learned that it was just that she hadn't expected whether to help Driver Chen avoid a catastrophe or let others die. Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan felt quite complicated.

On the other hand, a group of people like Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, etc. listened to the words of Driver Chen, their eyes nervous and excited, and they admired Master Chi who looked aside.

Although a few people have known Master Chi's abilities a long time ago, they really waited to hear Master Chi help others to avoid a catastrophe. Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, etc. once again deeply understood the true abilities of Master Chi before him. And strength, the eyes of the few boys became more admired and awed.

Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao, and Xiao Ningjin used to talk bad things about Master Chi to Jiang Duo, and slandered Master Chi as the girl that A Duo wanted to pick up. They also said that the shop opened by Master Chi was a black shop. When I thought of these old accounts , Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao and Xiao Ningjin are particularly guilty.

Chi Shuyan didn't have time to pay attention to the looks of the other boys, only to calm Driver Chen, and then asked him what he planned!

"Planning?" Driver Chen and his wife were a little confused!

Chi Shuyan sat on the sofa and said faintly: "Since the murderer has seen you clearly and knows that you saw him get in the taxi with his own eyes, he is afraid that you will identify him, so he will naturally try to find you and attack you! I'm afraid You are his next goal!"

As soon as these words fell, the scared Driver Chen and his wife Chen turned black and almost slumped to the ground. The wife of Driver Chen was even more pale and bloodless, and screamed: "Old Chen, what should I do? do?"

Driver Chen was also shocked and panicked, his face was full of horror and horror, his head was blank, his lips trembled, but he didn't hold a word for a while.

Chi Shuyan put the faces of the two couples in his eyes. Although he was sympathetic, he still had to tell the truth.

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Wei Panyang and a group of people didn't expect the matter to be so serious after the incident.

Just when the wife of Driver Chen almost knelt down for Chi Shuyan, Driver Chen quickly reacted, rushing to Master Chi and said, "Master, please give me some pointers! Please! Help me, I don’t want to die. , I still have a wife and children to support, I can't die!"

A few of Xiao Ningjin who saw the poor middle-aged couple next to him also helped to speak.

Chi Shuyan has always had a pretty good impression of Driver Chen. At this time, he didn't want to embarrass him after hearing what he said, and said: "There is one way, and it is the most effective and convenient way! It's up to you to listen!"

Driver Chen and Driver Chen were happy when they heard this. Baba looked at Master Chi in front of him, and quickly nodded and said: "Master, we listen to everything you say, we listen, please, help me (Old Chen)! "

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