Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1199: The shock of a few boys

Chi Shuyan just woke up, and under the enthusiasm and diligence of Jiang Duo and the other boys, they had no choice but to agree.

Anyway, she has nothing to do tonight, and I will talk about the move tomorrow.

Of course, she also recognized Jiang Duo as Jiang Xiaoduo in the online store early in the morning. The Jiang family bought a lot of good things in her online store several times. The Jiang family should also know her, but she doesn't like high-profile. There are three chapters about the law, without telling Jiang's family that she is the owner of the online shop.

Of course, even if the Jiang family knew her identity as the shop owner and how enthusiastic she was, she wouldn't have a discount, let alone go through the back door.

Hearing these conditions of Master Chi, Jiang Duo couldn't help but grinned and laughed. He immediately agreed, but he said in his heart that Master Chi does not like high-profile. He can show off with his family after Master Chi leaves his home after dinner. The identity of a master.

By then, his grandfather and his parents knew that he had invited the owner of the elixir to the house, but he could imagine how excited his grandfather and his parents would be to praise him.

Maybe his dad will give him more pocket money.

Thinking of this, Jiang Duo became even more excited while ecstatic.

Because in addition to a few buddies, Master Chi would also go to his house. Jiang Duona was excited. A few buddies could neglect, but Master Chi must not neglect. When the car arrives in Kyoto, there will be an hour and a half before he gets home. Jiang Duo immediately called his mother, saying that today there are guests and his buddies who are going to eat at his house, so that his mother can prepare well.

Jiang's mother was still very obedient to her son's intentions, and also praised his field, but when her son mentioned the word "guest", Jiang's mother wanted to laugh a little, but didn't take it seriously, but thought it was just a few brothers of her son. My friend was still very happy and said, "Cheng, son, are Ning Jin and A Hao coming here? Mom will cook all kinds of special dishes that you liked to eat before."

In the past, Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying and others have also been to Jiang's house several times, knowing that Jiang's mother is a very enthusiastic person, but Jiang's father is a little serious, and they often see them with guilty conscience.

No matter how delicious Jiang's mother's dishes were, they couldn't help Jiang's father's stern eyes, so after going there often at first, they stopped going there.

The boys were so happy and moved when they heard that Jiang's mother still remembers the dishes they like to eat.

Compared to the touch and happiness of several other friends, Jiang Duo was not so happy. After all, his main thing this time was to entertain Master Chi well, but he couldn't even say a dish that Master Chi liked.

Jiang Duo couldn't help asking a few words, but Chi Shuyan was not picky about eating, saying that he would eat everything and he didn't need to be so polite.

Jiang Duo had no choice but to give up in the end. Anyway, he asked his mother to cook more special dishes, and do as many dishes as he could. Maybe the dishes that master Chi likes are among the dishes that he cooks more, so he goes home to help.

Chi Shuyan heard that Jiang Duo's tyrannical attitude asked Jiang's mother to cook as many dishes as she had in his family, so he drew the corners of his mouth, took Jiang Duo's phone call, and told Jiang's mother that he didn't need to cook more, just casually. , Home-cooked food is fine, after finishing these, she thanked Jiang's mother very politely.

Mother Jiang first heard a little girl's voice, her eyes widened and excited, wait, isn't your son bringing his girlfriend back?

Hearing the gentle and polite words of the little girl again, Jiang's mother said that she was more satisfied, and she agreed, and made up her mind to make more hearty dishes. What if this little girl is really the girlfriend brought by her son?

Of course, it's fine if not.

Mother Jiang is very reasonable.

Hung up the phone with my son, and started making preparations with my aunt.

It didn't take long for Mr. Jiang to come back one after another with Father Jiang. Mr. Jiang just went out to the square after having dinner and walked around in the square. He didn't find a companion, so he just came back.

Father Jiang had dinner outside, and has only come back since the company was busy.

When he came back, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang smelled the scent of the dishes at home. They were a little strange. I didn't eat all the dinner this time, so why the daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) is still busy in the kitchen!

Jiang's mother came out of the kitchen at this time, saw the old man and Jiang's father, and talked about her son's return home today. Jiang's mother said happily: "Old man, old Jiang, maybe the son will bring his daughter-in-law back tonight! I listened to the little girl’s voice just now, and Tito is gentle and polite and sensible! Maybe later, Arduo will be sensible too!"

Mr. Jiang’s words are surprising. Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang are not light. Of course, Mr. Jiang is very happy that his dear grandson brought his daughter-in-law back so early. Father Jiang wondered if his son didn’t go home these days. Start picking up girls.

When he thought of this, Jiang's father looked very serious.

Mother Jiang looked at her husband’s serious expression, and couldn’t help but start to worry. Father Jiang happily sat on the sofa and praised her grandson’s field saying: “Very good! Very good! A Rou’s wife is right. I have a grandson. My dear grandson will definitely be more sensible in the future. By the way, my daughter-in-law, have you seen the mirror I had placed on the table before?"

Since Mr. Jiang's illness got better, his hair has become a lot darker and younger. Mr. Jiang now likes to look in the mirror to see his blackened hair.

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang also know the old man’s habits, but when Father Jiang heard what his father said, the corner of his mouth twitched. The person who wanted the mirror was his son. Father Jiang wanted to say, “What mirror does a man look in every day?” , But in front of him was his old son, Jiang's father only dared to twitch his mouth, not saying a word.

Mother Jiang liked the hobby of the old man, and was immediately happy to find the mirror for him and hand it to the old man.

When Mr. Jiang looked at his darkening and thicker hair in the mirror, he was not satisfied. It just happened that this time the "grand-daughter-in-law" was coming. He, this old man, can't shame his grandson.

Father Jiang sat in the living room with a dark face, waiting for his son to bring his ‘girlfriend’ back.

Chi Shuyan, Jiang Duo and the others did not arrive at Jiang's house until nearly eight in the evening because of a traffic jam.

When a group of people arrived at home, Jiang's mother had already prepared all the dishes and let the kitchen aunt put it in the pot to heat it.

Hearing the sound of the car, Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang came out immediately. Sure enough, they saw A Duo’s brothers and friends. They waited for a beautiful and good-tempered girl among their sons (grandson) brothers and friends. The eyes of Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang Big bright, as bright as a light bulb of several hundred watts.

In particular, Mr. Jiang was very satisfied with the little girl his grandson brought this time. The more he looked at, the more satisfied she became. The girl didn’t say she was pretty but had a good temperament. Just now, the old man secretly observed the little girl’s behavior and found that the little girl just discovered When he was with Ahduo's mother, he reacted calmly and calmly. He was extraordinarily polite and called to them.

When Grandpa Jiang thought that this little girl might be the grandson-in-law that his grandson was looking for, the corners of his mouth almost didn't grin to the ears.

Mother Jiang was also happy.

Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, Wei Panyang, and Xiong Luoying took the initiative to speak to the old man and aunt in front of the old man and mother.

Mother Jiang said enthusiastically: "It's good if everyone is here! It's good if you are here, dinner is almost there, are you all hungry?"

Speaking of this, Jiang's mother immediately rushed to Jiang Duo and said: "Aduo, quickly take everyone in and sit down."

As for Jiang Mu specially walked to the little girl to entertain her warmly.

When Mr. Jiang went in, he looked at the little girl from time to time. There were some backlights outside. When he entered the hall, Mr. Jiang looked at the girl's appearance and behavior, and became more satisfied and happy.

And Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, and Wei Panyang had already seen Old Man Jiang's black hair and his many-year-old face, and their eyes almost popped out of shock.

Speaking of, when Mr. Jiang was first ill, when he was not so serious, several boys came to Jiang’s house to see Mr. Jiang. Later, Mr. Jiang became more and more ill. It was not that they didn’t want to come and see Mr. Jiang. But Jiang's father never waited to see them, and because of the poor relationship between Ah Duo and his family's father Jiang, they did not dare to come to Jiang's house easily.

But I've heard from A Duo that Mr. Jiang is seriously ill, but now the face of Mr. Jiang is compared to when he was ill, so, it's simply incomparable.

Just looking at this complexion, I was ten years younger than before, and wrinkles were a lot less. This is not an exaggeration, it is actually a lot less wrinkles and many years younger.

He was even younger than Wei Panyang's grandfather. You must know that Mr. Wei was eight years younger than Mr. Jiang.

But now looking at Mr. Jiang, Xiao Ningjin feels that Mr. Jiang is younger than Mr. Wei.

Damn, what kind of magical medicine did this kid Jiang Duo give to Mr. Jiang?

Wei Panyang couldn't help but blurt out directly: "Old Jiang, why do I feel that you suddenly look younger than my grandfather?"

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