Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1225: Twenty-eight

When Li Yuchu went out, Chi Shuyan had breakfast, and then he went out after seeing that the time was almost the same.

It was only after going out that Chi Shuyan thought that there was no way to take a taxi in the wilderness, and there was no bus. In the end, Chi Shuyan went back to the villa and drew a wind sign, which was not late for school.

How she usually goes to class, and how she goes to class today, it's just that she is a little absent-minded because of the pressure in her heart.

After class in the morning, Zhen Yu and Yang Lan took the initiative to come to her for lunch at noon.

Chi Shuyan directly refused the invitation of the two.

Yang Lan suddenly asked, "Shuyan, are you because of me... By the way, I am with Feng Qin now, and in a few days, I will let him invite you to dinner!"

When Chi Shuyan heard the name'Feng Qin', she almost didn't remember who this person was. She still reminded a few words next to Zhen Yu, and said: "Shuyan, you told me that Feng Qin is very lucky. Qin. My boyfriend’s friend! Didn’t we meet the last time?"

Zhen Yu didn't realize that she was mentioning the words "Luck is very good", and Yang Lan flashed a little bit deep in her eyes.

At this time, Chi Shuyan finally remembered Feng Qin, and when she heard Zhen Yu's words, she looked sharply at Yang Lan subconsciously. It was not that she did not believe in Yang Lan's character, but that the character she showed these days was completely ineffective. Let her believe.

If in the past she was happy to see Yang Lan find someone with good luck for her, but now, she really worried that Yang Lan would like Feng Qin's luck to drag others down for other purposes.

Chi Shuyan didn't see anything wrong with Yang Lan's expression for a while, but her eyes darkened a bit, and she nodded, "It's OK, I have an appointment!"

Yang Lan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, looking at Chi Shuyan's eyes with a bit of flattery. Chi Shuyan didn't stay with the two of them much, and found an excuse to go to the imperial restaurant.

After leaving the south gate of the school, Chi Shuyan was about to walk to the imperial restaurant. Before she left the school gate, a familiar figure in the car suddenly stopped her from going.

Chi Shuyan discovered that the person stopping her was actually a woman like Qin Qing.

She raised her eyes to look at the woman in front of her. First of all, she realized that the other party had lost a lot of weight these days.

Thinking of Qin Qing, she couldn't help but think of Feng Ge's bizarre children's luck. Chi Shuyan changed from a light look to a scrutiny, carefully staring at the facial features of the woman in front of her.

At this glance, Chi Shuyan frowned and saw that the woman was clearly not pregnant, but the son's palace was faintly red, and Chi Shuyan's right eyelid subconsciously jumped.

However, she soon discovered that the woman's child palace in front of her was faintly black in addition to red. It was obvious that this child had a very shallow relationship with this woman.

Chi Shuyan was very puzzled by the face of the woman in front of her for a while. This woman was clearly not pregnant, but the son's palace was always showing the luck of the sons. This was so weird!

At this time, Qin Qing's face was full of smiles, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "Shu Yan, long time no see!"

Chi Shuyan knew that the woman was smiling at her on the surface, and she hated her too hard in her heart. She curbed her mind and said coldly at Qin Qing: "Long time no see! Miss Qin has something?"

Qin Qing pursed her lips and smiled a little, and said, "Shu Yan, how can I not come to you if we have known each other for a long time?"

This woman can pretend, and she can pretend: "Yes!"

Qin Qing's smile was different from the previous disguise, and even showed some obvious pride and gloat. Especially when looking at her, the gloating under her eyes was barely concealed. Chi Shu squinted his eyes, guessing that the woman in front of him was thinking, just listen to the other person. With a smile on his face, he said, "Shuyan, it was really not I who came to see you today, but one of my friends came to see you. By the way, she is waiting for you at the opposite cafe! Let's go!"

Chi Shuyan sneered and said, "Miss Qin, did I say to follow you?"

Since both of them had torn their faces, she didn't bother to pretend to each other, and she was impatient and refused directly: "If there is nothing else, I'll be one step ahead."

Qin Qing saw the woman with the late surname in front of her and left her as a transparent person. Her face was dark and very ugly. When she thought of her status in the entertainment circle now plummeted, she was hidden by the snow, and Yuan Lin was so indifferent to her now. It was the fault of the woman in front of me.

Qin Qing hated the woman in front of her for hating her, pinched her fingernails into the flesh, and when she saw the woman in front of her was really going to leave, she hurriedly followed and said loudly: "Chi Shuyan, you are not curious about Mr. Qi's current fiancé? Ms. Renjiazhuang But the old lady of the Qi family set it down personally back then, and she was just right, and she was born with Mr. Qi. By the way, Miss Zhuang wanted to see you right now!"

Hearing the words'Qi Zhenbai's fiancee', Chi Shuyan still stopped subconsciously. Qin Qing saw the woman with the late surname and stopped, the smile on his face deepened and more fake, and his eyes were gloating. : "Let's go, Miss Zhuang has been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing that she was still standing still, Qin Qing's tone was deliberately provocative: "Why? I don't want to go there? Maybe the next time you see someone, it will be when Miss Zhuang is engaged to Mr. Qi. By the way, there is something else. I’m afraid you don’t know the matter yet. Mr. Qi has already agreed to let Miss Zhuang enter the Qi clan! The unmarried couple get along day and night, are you still far from getting engaged?"

After talking, Qin Qing continued to provoke: "And it is said that Mr. Qi has a very good impression of Ms. Zhuang. The first time I met, he invited people to dinner. He was very enthusiastic. If I were you, maybe I will stop the loss in time now. Accept the reality and ask Mr. Qi for some compensation. I am afraid it will be difficult to make compensation afterwards!"

Seeing the woman in front of her who didn’t speak but stared at her, Qin Qing’s smile on her lips deepened, and he deliberately asked a little provocatively: “Why, do you still think I deliberately lied to you? If you don’t believe me, just go and ask Ms. Zhuang. Ah! It’s just a shame that you’re so beautiful. I’m afraid it’s a shame to hit the bamboo basket for nothing!"

Qin Qing said a pity in his tone, but there was no pity in his tone, his tone was triumphant, and he looked like a joke full of gloat.

If it were before, Qin Qing's remarks might really shock her, but now she is ready to talk to Qi Zhenbo's man clearly and cultivate her heart, not to mention that a woman surnamed Zhuang cannot enter the Qi clan, even if she is really the same. What does Qi Zhenbai have to do with her, it has nothing to do with her.

She squinted her eyes and sneered, "When did Miss Qin become someone else's dogleg? Besides, it is someone else's business whether or not they get married. What does it have to do with you, what are you excited about?"

"You...!" Qin Qing's face changed abruptly, her complexion was very stiff, and he quickly squeezed a smile and deliberately said agitatedly: "What? A guilty conscience is afraid of Miss Zhenggongzhuang? Or is he afraid to see Miss Renjiazhuang? "

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