Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1231: Thirty-four

This meal is a rare and good dinner for the two of them in recent days. After eating and drinking, Chi Shuyan discovered that Li Yuchu was still serving food. There was a large table of food on the table, crowded and squeezed on the table, to Li The enthusiasm of the imperial chef made Chi Shuyan very helpless.

Originally, she wanted to be here alone, and she still wanted to see the two little guys, but there was a time bomb in front of him, and Chi Shuyan really didn't have that thought.

After she put down the dishes, her eyes fell on the man's stern eyebrows. It was much more normal to look at the other party today, and she was inexplicably relieved.

She thought about it and wanted to have a direct showdown now, instead of deliberately trying to catch the man, or deliberately angering him to attract his attention to let him chase her again or deliberately to **** him off.

Even though she still dislikes the man in front of her, she is calm in her heart. Even if the man had cold war with her for several days, broke up with her, and flirted with other women, she didn't want to worry about it.

She felt that she shouldn't have promised to try with each other.

It's not that the two of them broke up before half a year in their relationship, and they couldn't leave for half a year, let alone a lifetime, a lifetime is too long.

Of course, Chi Shuyan also understood that the other party was not to blame for the breakup. It should be said that both parties were at fault, but that the two were inappropriate.

From now on, she wants to listen to her master's words and cultivate her heart. As for the relationship with men after the breakup, she respects each other's opinions.

The only thing that made her very regretful was that the Qi family treated her very well, especially the old man Qi, father and mother Qi, who treated her as a relative.

Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, staring at the dishes on the table in a daze.

On the other hand, Qi Zhenbai saw his wife staring at the dishes on the table and thought she was still hungry. He stretched out his chopsticks and took a stir-fried eggplant with beans, which was her favorite, and held it to her lips. The man’s voice was low and charming: "Open your mouth. !"

Subconsciously, Chi Shuyan didn't want to open his mouth directly, and the man gently brows and immediately stuffed the chopsticks into his wife's mouth.

After Chi Shuyan chewed and swallowed the food, she realized what had happened just now. She looked at the man in front of her with complicated eyes, and then looked at the man in front of her.

Forget it, I'll talk about things that are clear in a few days, and she won't be anxious these days, it would be better for this man to calm down.

After eating and drinking, Qi Zhenbai proposed to go for a walk, and he made up his mind to take his wife home today.

Although Chi Shuyan looked at the man in front of him a bit pleasing to the eye, it didn't mean that she was willing to go out and walk alone with him. Now that she had made up her mind to cultivate and walk on the broad road, she never thought of continuing with the man in front of her.

If she continues to be ambiguous with each other to hang people, what is it?

Chi Shuyan quickly refused: "I don't really want to go shopping, I have something to do, I have to go back to the villa first! Go by yourself!"

Chi Shuyan realized that after speaking these words, all the emotions on the face of the man with gentle eyebrows immediately converged, and the soft outline gradually became cold and hard, and the sharp and dark eyes shot sharp light and dullness towards her face. Staring at her without blinking, the man's eyes were not bottomless, but he seemed to see a hole in her face.

Chi Shuyan's mouth shuddered subconsciously, and looked more at the emotions and actions on his face, for fear that he would suddenly waste this table of Li Yuchu's personally cooked dishes, and quickly pulled the tablecloth while swallowing saliva. , But firmly refused to admit counseling.

Only after a while, she was really sweating and chilling on her back, stared at by the sharp eyes of the man in the darkness like a falcon. She gritted her teeth and couldn't bear it, so she had to let go and change her words: "Sure, let's go shopping!"

At this time, the man's voice sounded at the same time: "Yes, I will send you back, and I will pick you back tomorrow!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to agree with the other man's words, Qi Zhenbai's cold face showed an exceptionally gentle, beautiful and delightful smile. He pursed his thin lips and hooked the hook first and said: "Sure, just listen to my wife. Let’s go shopping first!"

Chi Shuyan:...

I really want to vomit blood?

In the end, no matter how unhappy Chi Shuyan was, he still had to go out with the man obediently. When the waiter of the imperial restaurant came in and served the food, Qi Zhenbai was in a good mood, and his hard eyebrows were all with a gentle smile. "You tell Li Yuchu that he doesn't have to serve food anymore. My wife wants me to take her out for shopping!"

The man's face was introverted, but his tone revealed a vague sense of joy and show-off.

Waiter at the Imperial Restaurant:...

Chi Shuyan:...

This time, Chi Shuyan felt that Qi Zhenbai was too thick-skinned, she couldn't match it. As for what he said, she could only ignore the blood that she didn't want to get angry.

As soon as he got up, while talking, the majestic man had walked to Chi Shuyan again and took her hand.

Chi Shuyan shook it several times, and had to give up without slinging the man beside him.

When he waited out of the imperial restaurant and was shopping with the man on the street outside, Chi Shuyan looked suspicious of life, and a black special car followed carefully all the way behind them.

If there were outsiders in the dining room box just now, and Qi Zhenbai was still introverted, then he and his wife were shopping alone at this time. The man did not hide the slightest smile on his face, his smile reached the bottom of his eyes, his cold face His face was full of smiles, his thin lips still pressed, but his faint smile could be seen at 360 degrees, and he couldn't see the slightest seriousness and rigidity of the past, which added a lot of popularity.

As for Chi Shuyan, apart from her suspicion of life, she is still a little confused. To be honest, the two have been dating for almost half a year. Although the sweetness is sweet before, they really haven’t been on the street like an ordinary passerby couple like this. Shopping in hand.

If their relationship is okay, the key is that they will break in a few days and go shopping together?

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