Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1233: Thirty-six

Chi Shuyan likes to get along with Zhen Yu and Ji Mingshu, but it is not this time, when she thought that she had said with them that she had no boyfriend, it didn't take long for him to go shopping with the man Qi Zhenbai directly in the face?

It is inevitable that the two friends don't think too much?

Chi Shuyan Naoren was suffering from sudden pain. At this time, Zhen Yu and Ji Mingshu approached. It was the first time that Ji Mingshu saw Qi Zhenbai. The men's harsh, hard and handsome facial features all hit Ji Mingshu's eyeballs.

You must know that Ji Mingshu liked to have a crush on Su Yu, purely because of his good looks. In short, Ji Mingshu is a real face control.

I don’t see the tall and handsome man next to Shuyan. Ji Mingshu’s eyes lit up with a hundreds of watts of light bulbs. His eyes were completely straight when he looked at people, his eyes were completely glued to the person, and his mouth was wide open. Excitement, not an exaggeration.

After a long while, Ji Mingshu seemed to have found a little sense. Her eyes were round and curious, she looked at Shu Yan and then at Zhen Yu. Finally, she turned her head to Shu Yan, and said incoherently, "Shu...Shu Yan, next to you... who is this?"

Who is the tall man beside Shu Yan? What's your relationship with Shuyan?


This long truth is so **** good!

For the first time in her life, Ji Mingshu was excited and swearing. She grew up so big that she always thought that Su Yu was good-looking, but tonight she knew what a real good-looking man was.

She felt that she grew up so big that the tall man in front of her was the best-looking man she had ever seen.

Moreover, whether it was the look of the man in front of him or the general demeanor and nobleness, Su Yu, whom she had a crush on at the beginning, could not be compared at all. The idea was that Su Yu was too immature.

Moreover, even if compared, Su Yu's overall body and temperament cannot be compared to the man in front of him. What's more, Su Yu's face is also inferior to the man in front of him.

The man next to Shu Yan is so... his wife looks so good!

Ji Mingshu was excited and gossiping. He stared at Shu Yan closely. Seeing that she was still not speaking, he repeated it with excitement. He blinked at her and asked, "Shu Yan, who is this yours?"

At this time, Chi Shuyan really didn’t know how to introduce the man next to her. She had a great affection for Ji Mingshu and didn’t want her to misunderstand him, but the two of them said they were still boyfriend and girlfriend now, and they would break off in a few days. No, I'm afraid Ji Mingshu doesn't believe it either.

Chi Shuyan wiped the sweat that just came out of his forehead, and then only heard Zhen Yu say: "Ming Shu, this is Shuyan's boyfriend!"

Ji Mingshu was even more excited when he heard Zhen Yu's words, and at the same time, there was a bit of doubt in his eyes. Didn't Shuyan say that he had no boyfriend before?

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to explain, Zhen Yuchong Shuyan blinked and whispered in Ji Mingshu's ear: "It is estimated that Shuyan had a conflict with her boyfriend just now, and they have just made up!"

Zhen Yu's voice was low when he spoke to Ji Mingshu just now, but Qi Zhenbo and Chi Shuyan heard her explanation, Qi Zhenbo did not deny it silently, and Chi Shuyan barely smiled.

After hearing Zhen Yu's words, Ji Mingshu immediately understood it, and then looked at Shu Yan, Ji Mingshu looked envious and excited.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yan is so hidden, there is such a beautiful and perfect boyfriend, who is perfect and beautiful than the Prince Charming she used to think when she was a child. As for the other party is obviously bigger than Shu Yan, Ji Mingshu directly ignores it, who will let him The opponent's face value is too high, as long as there is face value, nothing else matters.

At this time, Chi Shuyan didn't know that Ji Mingshu compared Qi Zhenbai with the Prince Charming in her imagination. If he knew it, I'm afraid that he could not help feeling that there is something like Prince Charming now?

Of course, Ji Mingshu has not forgotten that he now has a master while controlling the idiot. Although Shuyan boyfriend is too good-looking, but now in her heart, her boyfriend is not bad, and when she thinks of her boyfriend, Ji Mingshu is calmer. , Took the initiative to greet Shuyan boyfriend.

Qi Zhenbai’s attitude towards the two little girls is completely determined by the degree of his wife’s closeness to the two little girls. Seeing that his wife is very close to the two little girls in front of him, his original cold face barely softens, but his eyebrows are still sharp, and he is indifferent to each other. Nodded, and asked the other two little girls if they had anything to eat, and he treated him.

Ji Mingshu was excited again because of Shu Yan's boyfriend's words, but the two little girls didn't want to disturb their date and decided to refuse.

But before the two of them refused, Chi Shuyan took the initiative: "There is a milk tea shop inside, I invite you to drink milk tea!"

It's okay not to see the two of them. When they saw them, Chi Shuyan naturally had a treat, but she didn't intend to let her two friends make the man next to her owe others a treat, so she treated herself.

As soon as Chi Shuyan finished speaking, Zhen Yu and Ji Mingshu immediately agreed.

Zhen Yu is really thirsty for shopping, but Ji Mingshu wants to see her boyfriend Shuyan more. Of course, Ji Mingshu is just a pure idiot, pure appreciation. Let’s not say that she already has a boyfriend, even if she doesn’t, "friend boyfriend," Can't grab', she is very clear about the principle.

Even though Qi Zhenbo was reluctant, he let his wife follow his friend and walk in front of him.

Ji Mingshu became excited for some reason at this moment, and couldn't help but whispered in a low voice with excitement. Chi Shuyan repeated a few words next to him, ‘Shu Yan, your boyfriend is so beautiful’.

Chi Shuyan was a little helpless, patted Ji Mingshu on the shoulder to calm her down, don't care about the idiots, but see the way.

Ji Mingshu did become idiot again at this time. While applauding, he secretly turned his head and glanced in the direction of Shuyan boyfriend behind him. With only one glance, the man is very tall and straight, not only the whole body is imposing, but also the invisible shadow falling on the ground is revealed. A bit oppressive, at the same time, the man's face was cold, without the slightest smile, and a shocked glance made people particularly frightened.

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