Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1247: fifty

Chi Shuyan didn't want to mention Qi Zhenbai to Feng Ge. She interrupted Feng Ge, saying that he still had to leave beforehand, and come back to the hospital the next day. If there is anything wrong with Feng Yuancen's cousin, immediately contact her.

Since Feng Yuanlin knew what his cousin did to die, to be honest, if the kid wasn't his real cousin and had a blood relationship with him, he really didn't want to worry about that kid's affairs.

And he had a lot of questions in his heart to ask Shuyan, but after thinking about it, he really couldn't manage the private affairs of the couple, so he had to hang up the phone first and prepare to see how brother Zhenbai was!

However, before hanging up the phone, Feng Yuanlin didn’t know what conflict Shuyan had with Zhenbai, so he said a few more good words for his brother: “Shuyan, if Brother Feng said that you would break up before, you will fart as Brother Feng. , I didn’t hear anything. As for the relationship between you and Zhenbai, Feng Ge is not easy to take care of, but I really think you have fate. How suitable is your relationship in the past? Don’t be misunderstandings and men for some insignificant misunderstandings. Keep each other farther and farther away, don't say the word'break up' lightly, talk more, talk more, and resolve any misunderstandings in person, don't hold back!"

Brother Feng finished a paragraph in one breath, and added another sentence with a relaxed tone: "One more thing, I don't want to see you two have a deep love relationship! Dog blood dramas, Feng Ge usually watched more on TV. Come on! Don’t learn from those hypocritical dog-blood dramas on TV, why you don’t love me enough, I don’t love you enough, so hypocritical, the couple are really together, it is the real thing to live a solid life, but Don't mess around with those things that are love, love, and vain! Can you live a lifetime by relying on love, love?"

Chi Shuyan really took Feng's words into her heart, and felt that Feng's words were very reasonable. She really didn't plan to stage any sadomasochistic drama with the other party. Now she simply feels that the two of them are incompatible with each other. What kind of love is going to talk about with this mind.

With this "deep sadomasochistic relationship", she might as well go catch ghosts and make extra money.

After listening to Feng Brother's words, the depression that Chi Shuyan had been holding on Qi Zhenbo's side just now was wiped away. Next time I see people, they just treat people as air, so I don't feel angry.

Chi Shuyan's tangled brows eased, in a good mood, and pursed his lips: "Brother Feng, how do I feel that listening to you is better than reading ten years? Your comforting words are overwhelming. Don't worry, I've been busy with business recently. , I have no time to play you a "deep sadomasochism" dog blood drama!"

After talking, Chi Shuyan continued: "But as for the matter between me and Qi Zhenbai, we did have a bit of conflict recently. It's quite complicated!" Chi Shuyan wanted to directly say to her brother that the two of them had inappropriate personalities. , But tonight is not the time to talk about things, the conversation turned around, and said: "But it's not a big deal, next time I have time, I will talk to you about this matter!"

After listening to Shu Yan's generous and relaxed tone, Feng Yuanlin heaved a sigh of relief and nodded: "Sure, I have an appointment!"

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan suddenly thought of something. He dialed Zhen Yu's phone and made an appointment. After hanging up, Chi Shuyan gave the driver a new address and told her to turn around and return to other places.

Ten minutes later, Chi Shuyan met in a tea shop opposite the school. She originally wanted to ask someone to go to the coffee shop, but something happened tonight. She felt that if she went to the coffee shop again, someone might recognize her. , The guests next to him couldn't recognize it, and the waiters in the coffee shop would definitely recognize it. She has no face to go to that coffee shop these days.

When Chi Shuyan went upstairs, Zhen Yu was already waiting by the window on the second floor. This teahouse has always been deserted and there are few customers, and now there is less time.

When she was on the second floor, only Zhen Yu was sitting by the window on the second floor. Seeing Shu Yan, Zhen Yu was so excited that she shouted: "Shu Yan!"

Chi Shuyan strode over to sit opposite Zhen Yu, and said to her, "Have you been waiting for a long time? What would you like to drink?"

Zhen Yu said that she had ordered it and ordered it for her.

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Sure!"

Zhen Yu's complexion was a little puzzled, she didn't know what Shuyan called her out now, but although she hadn't been in the cafe before, she saw an ambulance suddenly arrived outside the cafe not long after she saw it. Shuyan is a human figure, it was too late for her to go up and shout at that time.

Or she knew from the customers in the coffee shop what was fighting, and she was afraid that it might have something to do with Shu Yan. Zhen Yu was very worried before and couldn't help asking: "Shu Yan, are you okay?"

Chi Shu Yan Chong and Zhen Yu blinked and raised her lips, "What can I do?"

When she heard Shu Yan's words, Zhen Yu was relieved, and she was curious to ask what happened before the coffee shop.

Chi Shuyan single-handedly went straight and asked first: "Zhen Yu, who told Feng Yuancen about the things I was in the cafe before! How did the kid know that I was in the cafe?"

To be honest, she didn’t think much before, but after she calmed down, she felt that something was wrong. She was alone with Qi Zhenbo in the coffee shop. How did Feng Yuancen know that she was in the coffee shop and still holding roses for no reason. Happened to confess to her?

No matter how Chi Shuyan felt that everything about tonight was strange, he didn't think Feng Yuancen had the guts to send someone to watch her.

She has always been keen, if someone was watching, she would have noticed it.

Also, only two of them knew about the coffee shop she had with Qi Zhen. She couldn't figure out where the kid Feng Yuancen learned about her, and then she confessed to her with a big bouquet of roses!

Zhen Yu didn’t know what happened in the coffee shop, so she didn’t have any guilty conscience. He didn’t think much, and said honestly: "This is not when I was shopping with Yang Lan and saw you go on a date with Mr. Qi. Then we suddenly When I met Feng Xiaoshao, I saw Feng Xiaoshao came to the school to look for you with a bouquet of roses. Then Yang Lan saw that Feng Xiaoshao was very careful, and accidentally told Feng Xiaoshao your address! By the way, Isn't Mr Qi correct?"

Zhen Yu felt that Mr. Qi, who had always been very calm and self-sufficient, was unlikely to misunderstand him, and he would not put that Feng Xiaoshao under his eyes.

Chi Shuyan put Zhen Yu's expression in his eyes, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and a coldness flashed across his eyes: "Sure, I know about this!"

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