Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1251: fifty-four

It is estimated that this blockbuster is too big. After a long time, Teacher Yu and Sister Kong didn't react, their heads were blank.

Sister-in-law Confucius thought of Jiang Li's desire for Xiaowei's good appearance before, and even scolded Yang Peng several times in front of them for what a bastard. Sister-in-law Confucius, including the Yu family, absolutely regarded Jiang Li as Xiaowei's better than iron porcelain. Girlfriends.

If these words were not said from Master Chi, she would never believe it, including Teacher Yu, but now these words are from Master Chi. Master Chi’s particularly determined tone makes Sister Kong’s mind flashed absurd. Terrible thoughts, if that were the case, then Jiang Li would be too scheming and capable.

He robbed their Xiaowei's husband secretly, and even smiled in front of Xiaowei and his mother Lao Yu's family, making them grateful to this woman.

This scheming and method are simply terrible.

Think about the various embarrassing Xiaowei from the old Yang family, including Yang Peng, how did this woman surname Jiang comfort Xiaowei in front of them?

The thought of Jiang Li stealing Xiaowei's husband behind her back, and always deliberately leaning in front of Xiaowei all kinds of "hush cold and warm", Confucius really feels how disgusting the woman surnamed Jiang thinks.

In the past, they were so grateful to Jiang Li that woman, but now they hate that woman much.

It doesn't mean that the teacher speaks first. Sister Kong could not help but stutter and asked again: "Chi...Master Chi, are you serious?"

Chi Shuyan looked at Sister-in-law Confucius calmly and said: "If Mr. Yang doesn't have any twin brothers, I don't think I would be wrong."

When Chi Shuyan's words fell, Lao Yu and Sister Kong had nothing to say.

The Yang family is the only seedling of Yang Peng, how could there be any twin brothers? There is only one answer.

It was Jiang Li who secretly hooked up with Yang Peng from the old Yang family with Xiaowei behind her back.

Teacher Yu and Sister-in-law Confucius both had their faces changed first, especially Yu Teacher, his face was green, his complexion was very ugly, and his fists were tight. When he thought that Jiang Li might hook up with Yang Peng, whether it was right Jiang Li or Yang Peng, Teacher Yu can't wait to punch the two of them to make them sorry for their sister?

Sister-in-law Kong could not help cursing directly: "This Jiang Li who killed a thousand knives! I thought she was good! I didn't expect her to be so pitted in the back, so pitting us so old at home! It's a waste of our old home at home. Good to her, this white-eyed wolf named Jiang! Shameless bitch!"

Sister-in-law Confucius originally wanted to shout, but thinking of the old lady and Xiaowei in the room, she had to curse in a low voice.

Teacher Yu is a university teacher, with a very high quality, she can't listen to Sister Kong's scolding such things, so whispered to her not to scold them.

Sister-in-law Confucius is also a quality person on weekdays, but this woman surnamed Jiang is too shameless, she can’t do it without scolding. When she thinks of Jiang Li doing so many disgusting things behind her back, she still dares to be with them in the family. Pretending to be innocent and good in front of him.

How shameless this woman can do such a thing.

What makes her uncomfortable most is that the woman Jiang Li clearly hooked up with the man Yang Peng behind her back. She still has the face to comfort Xiaowei, what is this woman's heart?

Sister-in-law Confucius followed to the study and couldn't help but say, cursing as she spoke!

This time, Teacher Yu didn't stop Sister-in-law Confucius. He himself thought of some things before and his gratitude to Jiang Li, and veins appeared on his forehead.

Fortunately, Jiang Li is not here at the moment. If any more, Mr. Yu can't help but want to ask the woman surnamed Jiang what intentions of his sister and his family are!

After Chi Shuyan dropped the blockbuster, he didn't intend to intervene in other people's private affairs. Yu family should know how to solve this matter.

Regarding Jiang Li, she said a few words to prevent her family from suffering.

As for the private affairs of Yu's family, she can't interfere even if she wants to intervene, and it is still possible to help occasionally.

Even though Teacher Yu knew that Jiang Li's popularity was not good, she still did not forget the important matter concerning her sister's life. She told her daughter-in-law to shut up first, and then nervously asked: "Right, Shuyan, just now. Isn’t there a problem with the Buddha statue!"

Chi Shuyan looked at Teacher Yu and Sister-in-law Confucius who were eagerly looking over, and chose to tell the truth: "It's not a problem, it should be a big problem. I look at the Buddha statue that something is wrong. I can't tell the specifics, but the little sister has a child in her stomach. I've never been born, I'm afraid it really has something to do with the Buddha statue!"

Chi Shuyan's words fell off, and she was surprised that the teacher and Sister Kong turned pale. Sister Kong couldn't help but said, "I think the Buddha statue is not right. Anyway, I used to look at the old lady in the morning and water the Buddha statue. , How can I see how it infiltrates people? By the way, every time the chicken blood is poured, the Buddha image seems to be able to **** blood. After a while, the chicken blood is almost sucked by the Buddha image!"

She had discovered these accidentally. At that time, she felt more and more wrong in her heart, but the old lady used the Buddha statue as a treasure and kept it under her sister's pillow.

It's also because my sister-in-law can stand her mother-in-law.

If she put it under her pillow, she would keep going crazy.

After listening to Sister Kong's complaints, Chi Shuyan said that she had only eighty to nine points of doubt before, then she must be sure that the Buddha statue has a problem and evil nature.

Teacher Yu was busy teaching before, so he would not pay attention to these small problems. So when he heard his wife's words, Mr. Yu shivered abruptly, and his face became paler. When he thought of the thing under his sister's pillow, Mr. Yu was shocked. I feel cold, the more I think about it, the more I panic.

"Shuyan, can you do anything about it, or take the Buddha statue away tonight?"

Chi Shuyan really wanted to take away the Buddha statue and study it, but the old lady Yu family probably wouldn't agree. She spit out the words "Old Lady Yu", and Teacher Yu choked immediately.

His mother was so stubborn that he was a son who knew everything well, and his old lady had to water the Buddha statue every morning, even if he wanted to secretly let Shuyan take it away.

But the evil thing was lying in their old Yu family and under their sister's pillow. Teacher Yu felt scared and panicked after thinking about it.

Chi Shuyan had already had an idea in her heart and said, "Teacher Yu, if you don't mind, can I stay at Yu's house tonight?"

It doesn’t mean that the teacher agreed. Sister Kong nodded her head quickly. Then, Teacher Yu quickly nodded her head to agree. Don’t say it for one night. He wished that the student Shuyan stayed at his home before the incident, which made him safe. sense.

Chi Shuyan got the nods from Teacher Yu and Sister Kong, and nodded: "Sure, I will trouble the teacher and sister-in-law tonight. There is one more thing. The top priority now is to find the Buddha image first, besides figuring out the quirkiness of the Buddha image. Which expert gave it to you? By the way, the old lady said that she went to the temple with Jiang Li, so does this thing have anything to do with Jiang Li?"

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