Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1265: Sixty eight

In the lobby of a luxurious villa, Xu Tong was sitting on a sofa, chatting and laughing with a woman. The tone of the two of them was familiar and seemed to be very familiar. There was a bottle of black Buddha statue on the table, and Qin Qing's tone was very enthusiastic and swept Xu Tong. The raised belly asked concerned: "Tongtong, the child in your belly is estimated to be five or six months old! When are you going to make the public with your family Shenglin?"

Xu Tong laughed happily, smiling extremely happily: "Did I and my family Sheng Lin make it public before long?"

Both Ruan Shenglin and Xu Tong are public figures, very famous, especially Ruan Shenglin, who looked mediocre when he was young, but when he reached middle age, he accumulated rich skills and was most famous for his acting skills. He almost won awards of all sizes.

Especially in recent years, after entering the film and television industry, he won three consecutive heavyweight actor awards for three consecutive years. It has also become a box office guarantee for various films. In three years, five box offices, and the top 3 box office of the entire film and television industry, have almost all been taken over by Ruan Shenglin.

As long as he starred, which one is not particularly good at the box office?

Although the other two box offices did not enter the top 5, they also entered the top 10, so now Ruan Shenglin can be said to have a lot of scenery and become a pivotal movie star in the entertainment industry. Who doesn't envy?

What makes everyone in the entertainment industry envious is Xu Tong's luck.

Xu Tong is ten years apart from Ruan Shenglin, and his looks are different. If Ruan Shenglin is at the level of acting actor, he looks like a passerby and looks not ugly, but it is absolutely different from Xu Tong's beauty.

Those in the entertainment industry have always paid the most attention to appearance.

It was very difficult for Ruan Shenglin at the beginning. No one liked him. Xu Tong didn’t know what was going on. He fell in love with Ruan Shenglin at first sight and entangled Ruan Shenglin forever. Later, when the two were together, no one was optimistic about the pair. It's a pity that a flower is stuck with cow dung.

Also because of the early love relationship, Xu Tong's original good career has plummeted even if it was not hidden by the snow. It was a pity that anyone saw her and did not sigh with emotion.

Xu Tong also didn't care, and had a good time with Ruan Shenglin.

Who knows that for thirty years in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years, with not too many young people, Ruan Shenglin has directly become the most famous and unattainable actor in the entertainment industry?

Not only that, Ruan Shenglin has always been devoted to Xu Tong, and he is very attentive, without the slightest scandal, and because of Ruan Shenglin's current status, Xu Tong's status in the entertainment industry has also risen, which makes people envy and envy.

Even now Qin Qing couldn't help but envy and hate Xu Tong in front of him!

The gap is huge!

After all, she lived as a good friend of Xu Tong, and looked down on Ruan Shenglin the most. Another point is that Ruan Shenglin actually showed her good at the beginning, but she didn't look at it at all. She was very disgusted and directly pushed to Xu Tong.

Who knew that Ruan Shenglin would be so promising after only five or six years?

Of course, this does not mean that Qin Qing would like Ruan Shenglin, but felt that if she knew Ruan Shenglin was so promising, she would hang someone and leave a way for herself.

Besides, women are habitually vain. Many men like it, which satisfy women's vanity. What's more, this man is still famous?

Qin Qing regretted it at this moment!

Speaking of it, Xu Tong and Qin Qing are quite fate, and both of them were born in the same draft, and then they were in the hands of the same agent in the same company, which is a bit of friendship.

Xu Tong didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly asked, "A Qing, are you all right these days!"

Qin Qing didn’t know that she was referring to her being banned and the fact that Chi Shuyan’s woman was hacked by public opinion before. That hot search hurt her vitality, but now her agency and broker are both He didn't dare to arrange any work for her. Compared with her current situation, Qin Qing felt a little annoying with the happy smile of the woman in front of her. His eyes flashed, and the smile on his face almost couldn't be squeezed out. He still thought of embracing Zhuang Yanru. With this thigh, there was only a slight smile on her face, and she pursed her lips pretending to be lowered and said, "It's okay, I've long been used to being hacked!"

Xu Tong wanted to say something and stopped. Before, she learned from Sheng Lin that Qin Qing should not only be hacked, but somehow she offended the big guy behind and made people not dare to use her. She wanted to help, and at this time she also had some intentions. Powerless.

Xu Tong finally couldn't help asking: "A Qing, what is the matter with you? I heard about you before. I wanted Shenglin to help you, but I heard from Shenglin that you The offending person's background...too deep!"

Xu Tong looked at Qin Qing as he said this. Qin Qing's face was stiff at this time, and the last smile on his face disappeared cleanly.

Speaking of which, Qin Qing still hopes that Ruan Shenglin can help her. She has always had ambitions for her career. Before coming here, she had a bit of thought in her heart. After hearing Xu Tong's words, Qin Qing's heart became more and more eager.

Although she hugged Zhuang Yanru’s thigh, Zhuang Yanru could actually help her very little at present. It is estimated that when she married into Qi’s family, the daylily was already cold. Qin Qing still felt a little urgent in her heart, thinking of the foolish Xu Tong, half-truth and half-truth said: "In fact, the person I offended, Mr. Qi... Mr. Qi!"

As he talked, Xu Tong first took a breath of cold air and stared in disbelief. Because he was too shocked, Xu Tong directly forgot to react and looked at Qin Qing blankly.

Qin Qing put Xu Tong's expression in his eyes, sighed and said nonsense with his eyes open, turning black and white: "I didn't expect that I would... even offend Mr. Qi from the Qi family, and I blamed me for being too unlucky. Tongtong, you also know that I have always had a boyfriend who has been very good for several years."

At this point, Qin Qing paused for a while. Xu Tong listened very seriously. When Qin Qing mentioned Feng Yuanlin, she nodded when she thought of this person. Although she had only met that person a few times, Xu Tong I have always been envious, mainly because the other party treats Qin Qing very well.

At that time, she was so envious that she made up her mind to find someone who was kind to herself.

Qin Qing continued: "Later, the new girlfriend of Mr. Qi looked at my boyfriend and secretly hooked up with my boyfriend. I found out that I was angry at the time and knew that the woman was the new girl of Mr. Qi. My friend, I just found the opportunity to file a lawsuit in front of Mr. Qi. I didn’t expect that the woman was so scheming and sent me to the army. Later, she retaliated and was banned by the Qi family. Forget it, all this is over. Moreover!"

If Xu Tong's attitude towards Qin Qing was still a little different at the beginning, then there is a lot of sympathy in people's eyes right now.

No wonder no one dares to use Qin Qing now!

Xu Tong has always been easy to soften up. Knowing that Qin Qing was banned in this way, he felt more and more pity, what he wanted to help her, but I thought that Qin Qing offended the Qi family president, and she couldn’t help it. , Isn’t it important to have no husband?

Qin Qing seemed to see something, and suddenly said inexplicably: "But recently I heard that Mr. Qi seems to have dumped the woman who has been in trouble, and has a right fiancé!"

When it came to this, Qin Qing was in a very good mood. He smiled and said in a cold voice, "I said that when the woman is in the midst of her life, she will have retribution sooner or later!"

Although Xu Tong has been in the entertainment industry, she has always been under the protection of Ruan Shenglin, so she is quite simple. At this time, when she heard her words, she was convinced and relieved for Qin Qing. She was worried that Qin Qing would hurt her husband. But now I think about Qin Qing and the Qi family. Since that President Qi broke up with the woman, the Qi family should not be able to kill Qin Qing.

Xu Tong gritted his teeth and said suddenly: "Sheng Lin seems to have a new movie in my family recently. If there is a character that suits you, I recommend you to him!"

When Qin Qing heard this, he smiled immediately, holding Xu Tong's hand in gratitude and said, "Tongtong, you are so kind, and you are so kind to me, I don't know how to thank you!"

Xu Tong was a little uncomfortable with Qin Qing's enthusiasm and diligence, and said: "Don't worry, don't be happy too early, I will recommend it. If there is no suitable role for you, A Qing, you can't blame me!"

Qin Qing was very moved, holding her hand and saying, "Tongtong, how could I blame you? In our circle, when people fall into a trough, let alone give charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake. , How could I blame you?"

What Qin Qing thought of, picked up the black Buddha statue on the table and handed it to Xu Tong, "Tongtong, this Buddha statue I asked you specifically for, that expert is very divine and powerful. You keep this Buddha statue on the table. Under the pillow, it's very good for you and your children!"

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