Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1272: seventy-five

When the car drove out for a long time, Chi Shuyan was still a little confused, looking through the rearview mirror at the tall, familiar man who was still standing there and staring at the direction of the vehicle not far behind, thinking that he had deliberately sworn sovereignty in front of Jing Hengran. After a series of words, the brain hurts terribly, and I feel that the situation just now is as embarrassing as it is!

After thinking about it, he automatically ignored his last words to keep the distance and pick her up.

The atmosphere inside the car was strangely quiet.

Chi Shuyan took a look at Jing Hengran, who was sitting quietly beside his eyes, with a bit of embarrassment, but seeing that the other's face was calm and didn't look for anything, and didn't mind anything, Chi Shuyan was inexplicably relieved.

The other party didn't take Qi Zhenbo's words into his heart.

As for her personal relationship, she didn't really want to talk about it or explain it. Besides, the two weren't acquaintances. It was more useful to look out the window quietly than to explain more when nothing happened.

Jing Hengran's attention was still still on the dangerous and threatening eyes of the extraordinary man just now, and there was a bit of exploration in his eyes.

By the way, I glanced at the woman next to my eyes, it is not difficult to think about the relationship between the two just now!

However, Jing Hengran had no curiosity about the private affairs of others. What he was even more curious was how an alchemist could get involved with an ordinary man.

However, the man looked like an ordinary person on the surface, and the threats and dangers inside made him inexplicably jealous and the aura of his body was really not like an ordinary person.

Jing Hengran explored for a while and then stopped thinking about it. After all, it was the private matter of others. He just wanted to look away when he saw the little girl next to her who was pretending to be calm, but she was still holding back an embarrassment. Divided into interest, suddenly asked: "Boyfriend?"

Just when Chi Shuyan thought of the three words'boyfriend' spit out by the other party, she almost choked on her own saliva. After coughing a few times, Gentleman Jing Hengran patted her on the back, not knowing where to find a bottle of mineral water. Unscrew the water for her and pass it to her.

Chi Shuyan took the mineral water and took a few sips, feeling that the atmosphere became even more embarrassing.

Since the other party asked, Chi Shuyan still said honestly: "Well, it was...boyfriend before, but now it's ex...boyfriend, Jing Shao, don't think too much, it was a misunderstanding just now!"

She wanted to say that she didn't need to think too much about the man Qi Zhenbo's pledge of sovereignty. The main reason was that her co-king Hengran could only be regarded as a stranger at all. What is it that the man suddenly swore sovereignty in front of a stranger?

Didn't it make her more embarrassed?

Jing Hengran didn't expect the little girl in front of him to be so sincere, with a gentle smile on her face: "I think your boyfriend misunderstood!"

Chi Shuyan added a sentence in his heart that was ‘ex-boyfriend’ instead of ‘boyfriend’, and listened to the other person to add another sentence: “But the one who looks at you has a deep affection for you!”

Chi Shuyan did not continue to answer the other party's words. She didn't want to discuss her private affairs with Qi Zhenbai. She smiled politely and changed other topics. Soon after, the car stopped at Jing's auction. OK, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Jing Hengran's mind was also on the contract. As soon as he got on the car, he asked Qian Zhengde to make the contract, and then he went directly to sign it.

When the two of them arrived, Qian Zhengde, the Jingshi auction house, greeted them first. Chi Shuyan got out of the car. She found that the treasurer of Qian was more enthusiastic towards her this time than ever before. This enthusiasm made her quite difficult to resist.

Just listen to Qian Zhengde excitedly: "Young Master Jing, Miss Chi, the contract is already in the box!"

Jing Hengran was very satisfied with Qian Zhengde's work efficiency. He had also seen the contract obtained by Qian Zhengde in the car just now. There was no problem. Hearing Qian Zhengde's words, he reached out and asked Chi Shuyan to go upstairs.

Since I came to sign the contract, Chi Shuyan went straight upstairs and was going to sign the contract with the other party. Before signing the contract, she scanned the contract carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with the contract. Just about to sign, suddenly Thinking of something, he said: "Shao Jing, if I don't choose three rare herbs, can I change this condition for an alchemy furnace?"

Speaking of this, Chi Shuyan was still quite embarrassed. She might be really talented in making alchemy, but so far there is no reliable alchemy furnace that makes her very depressed. Jing's wealth is rich, and she feels that the other party should not lack alchemy furnace.

It was a joke to say that the alchemist did not have an alchemy furnace.

Chi Shu had a thick-skinned face. At this time, for the sake of alchemy furnace, he didn't care about his face. He raised his eyes to Jing Hengran and Jing's money shopkeeper!

Her remarks stunned Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde, especially Qian Zhengde. He just thought that Miss Chi didn't want to sign the contract or didn't want to cooperate with them.

Thinking that Jing Shao had sent him the news of the contract earlier this morning, he was ecstatic and dizzy because of the great news of the day.

At this moment, he was still excited, for fear that something wrong would make Miss Chi dissatisfied, who knew Miss Chi would spit out such a thing in front of him.

No alchemy furnace?

Qian Zhengde couldn't believe it, but he looked at his family Jing Shao carefully and kindly on the face, and immediately agreed: "Yes...Yes...Yes, there are many alchemy furnaces in the Jingshi auction house. Miss Chi will go over and choose one in a while. That's it!"

Jing Hengran also nodded with a smile at this time: "Since Miss Chi cooperates with our Jing clan, we naturally have to provide the alchemy furnace by Jing clan. We will give it as a free gift from Jing clan. In addition, the promise just now is still useful. ."

After a few words, Jing Hengran quickly charged Qian Zhengde and asked him to include the treaty for giving the alchemy furnace.

I have to say that Jing Hengran is very good at being a human being. Chi Shuyan was distressed just now that she suffered a big loss. Since the other party is so good at being a human, Chi Shuyan doesn’t mind taking some losses. It seems that cooperating with Jing is not necessarily a good thing. .

Resolutely signed his name, handed over a contract, smiled over Jing Hengran and the treasurer Qian: "Happy cooperation!"

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