Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1292: Ninety four

At this time, not only Yang Kun was shocked and stunned, but Director Li was also shocked when he saw this scene with his own eyes. As for the shock, it was much better than Yang Kun. After all, Director Li had taught Master Chi how to catch ghosts before.

Although hitting the evil spirit was terrible, with Master Chi, Director Li was more at ease and calmed down.

After the two did not speak, Chi Shuyan clicked on Ruan Shenglin's people again. After a while, Ruan Shenglin really woke up, his eyes lost, and it was a long time before he recognized his agent and asked, "Brother Yang, What's wrong with me?" Then he looked at Chi Shuyan again, and asked in confusion, "Is she?"

Yang Kun was choked by Ruan Shenglin's words, and still staring blankly at the little girl in front of him. Obviously, she didn't expect that she could really wake up Sheng Lin and still be so capable?

Yang Kun was a little dumbfounded and more stunned, so when Ruan Shenglin asked, Yang Kun was so shocked that he completely forgot to reply. He didn't even hear what Sheng Lin had said, so he just stared blankly in front of Director Li. Little girl.

It was Ruan Shenglin who asked Yang Kun again to make Yang Kun sober.

After he was sober, his eyes fell on the face of the little girl in front of him again subconsciously. Speaking of it, if he hadn't seen the scene with his own eyes, Yang Kun would not have been prepared to believe in those superstitions when he killed himself. At this moment, he remembered the little girl in front of him. It's amazing, thinking of the dumbfounded scene just now, is it really a master?

Yang Kun was shocked, scared, and thankful that he didn't offend people miserably, and he didn't spit out the cruel words, "It's really a ghost, Kan's head is kicked as a ball," otherwise he probably won't be able to end it now.

Yang Kun was frightened, depressed, and embarrassed for a while. Thinking of the inexplicable and shrill scream just now, Yang Kun felt more frightened at this time, and also uncharacteristically suspected before, believing the little girl in front of him just now.

Thinking of Sheng Lin really hitting evil instead of committing drugs and addictions, thinking of the weird scene of Sheng Lin just now, Yang Kun's whole body hair stiffened, only felt that his whole body was stiff, and his back and forehead were sweating coldly.

He doesn't know now whether he would rather Sheng Lin commit drugs or addiction or would he prefer to hit evil? The latter was simply subverting his imagination for him, it was terrible!

Yang Kun thinks that Shenglin might really be wicked, Yang Kun's expression immediately turned into horror, and he hurriedly begged for mercy to change his mouth, his attitude changed drastically, and his attitude changed very respectfully. Chong Chi said: "Master, I have eyes but do not know the mountains, please. Help Shenglin, how much money is easy to discuss! Master, please, help! All the mistakes just now are my fault."

Yang Kunsheng was afraid that because he had offended the little master in front of him, the other party refused to respond, so he immediately pleaded with Dao Li, "Dor Li, please, it is my fault that I should not believe in the master, please look at us. For the sake of friendship, you must help to talk to the master and beg for mercy!"

It is estimated that the agent Yang Kun was too guilty and too frightened, and even directly said that he hoped to cooperate with Director Li in the second part.

Yang Kun’s promise made Director Li laugh happily, and he almost agreed on the spot, still thinking of it.

Master Chi is the client, after all, Master Chi is not his subordinate, if Master Chi didn't agree, he really didn't dare to agree to her in vain.

He couldn't agree to her, but he could help intercede.

Speaking of it, although Director Li is very famous, he is still in the past, and now he is barely outdated. Some people respect him because of his favor. For example, this three-jin Ruan Shenglin actor is very rare, and some people are not less right. When he fell into trouble, the more he discovered the character of the King Ruan.

How could he not help others to plead for the face of the other person who came to give him the new film this time.

This does not immediately plead with a low voice.

Don't look at Chi Shu's face calmly, but seeing that the agent Yang Kun believed and changed her attitude, she was also relieved that she still wanted to do this business, pretending to be'reserved', and then agreed.

Of course, if the other party continues to mess around like before, even if she has more excuses, she will not continue to wrong herself.

No, after Chi Shuyan agreed, Yang Kun and Director Li immediately looked happy, especially Yang Kun with excitement and ecstasy.

Ruan Shenglin, who had been awake for a long time, was silent for a long time and suddenly recognized that the beautiful girl in front of him was the one who had spoken to him before. His face changed, and when his body recovered, he was about to leave.

This'hit evil' matter has not been resolved. How could Yang Kun let Sheng Lin just leave. Seeing that Sheng Lin didn't have a good face to the master in front of him, he was afraid that Sheng Lin would offend her, so he quickly explained: "Sheng Lin, This is a master, the last name..."

After talking, Yang Kun just focused on Ruan Shenglin. He didn't pay attention to the inexistent little girl. He didn't know the name of the master for a while, and his face was very embarrassed. Or Director Li quickly added: " Master Chi!"

"Yes, yes..., it is Master Chi, Sheng Lin, this is Master Chi, hurry up, you hurry up and let Master Chi help exorcise evil!"

Ruan Shenglin:...

If it weren't for Director Li at this moment, Ruan Shenglin would have some doubts whether Brother Kun in front of him was his agent, and even said ‘hit the evil’? Even spit out that the young girl in front of me is a master. Even if you really want to fool him, you have to find someone who is older and looks more like a Taoist priest or a master, OK?

Ruan Shenglin is also a staunch materialist. He does not believe in this superstition at all. At this moment, he would rather believe that the little girl in front of him has other purposes so he made up so many agents to fool him. As for why Kun would believe so, Ruan Shenglinyi I didn't think much about it, and I made up my mind to avoid extraneous branches and left immediately.

Immediately he got up and greeted Director Li a few times before preparing to take his agent away. During this period, Ruan Shenglin didn't want to provoke the little girl without saying a word to Chi Shuyan, saying indifferently, "He doesn't need to drive away evil."

Chi Shuyan saw that the man in front of him had a firm attitude and no more persuasion nor urgency. She did not have so much idleness. After all, life is the other party’s own life. Whether you can live depends on the other party’s luck and bid farewell to Director Li. Before, she was still concerned about life, said something that she could find her if she had something to do, and left after speaking neatly!

This move made Yang Kun, the agent, more and more convinced that this little girl might really be an expert. Seeing someone is going to leave now, it is called anxious, and he hurriedly said to Ruan Shenglin anxiously: "Sheng Lin, this... This is really a master! You really hit the evil!"

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