Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1297: Ninety-nine

Qi family, Qi Zhenbai rarely goes home. Father Qi is in a good mood tonight. Sitting in the lobby drinking tea from Shuyan, the more he drinks, the more energetic he is. The fragrance in his mouth is full and he is very satisfied. After drinking a sip of tea, there was a flow of heat in the body that was very comfortable. Old man Qi thought that this tea was honoured to him by Zhenbai's wife, and his heart and face were beautiful. He didn't know how the tea was obtained by Zhenbai's wife, but Think about the good things Shu Yan gave to the Qi family several times before, which time is not a rare good thing, so he cherishes this tea very much.

Thinking of the Zhou family robbing half of his tea in the afternoon, he felt more distressed. Fortunately, he has a filial grandson-in-law. He didn’t see Zhenbai. The old man immediately asked: "Zhenbai, come back so late? When will you bring it? Shuyan goes home to have a meal? You are busy, don't forget your wife!"

Now that he has this caring grandson and daughter-in-law, the more he looks at Zhenbai, the grandson is not pleasing to his eyes.

Qi Zhenbai paused, and mother Qi next to her spoke to help, indicating that the two children were in good relationship. She had seen the young couple getting along, and she was slimmer than the newlyweds, so she was not at all about the two children. worry.

The old man Qi thought that Shuyan would come to Qi's house today, and didn't think much about anything else. He only asked the grandson of Zhenbai to give Shuyan the grandson-in-law, and talked about today's filial piety of bringing delicious tea, pretending to be cold. : "Zhenbai, I've confirmed the grandson-in-law of Shuyan. If you treat her badly, let's see how I can deal with you kid!"

It was Qi's father who helped to speak and saw bloodshot eyes in his son's eyes. He probably didn't have a good rest these days, so he explained to the old man and told him to go to rest first.

Qi Zhenbai's original cold face heard his father's words, especially when he heard that his wife used tea to honor him in the afternoon, and her tightly pressed thin lips suddenly formed an arc. His mood was uncharacteristically quite good, and he said to the father: "Grandpa, I know!"

"Just know it!" Afraid that young people are not sensible and think work is more important than anything else, Mr. Qi emphasized again: "On weekdays you are busy, don't forget your own wife. You must know how busy your work is. ."

Elder Qi didn't embarrass the grandson of Zhenbai too much, seeing his brows filled with fatigue, he waved his hand to let him go upstairs to rest.

Qi Zhenbai squeezed his eyebrows, nodded to the old man, and went upstairs first. It's not that Qi Hao had heard the movement on the second floor long ago. He waited for him on the second floor. When he saw him, Qi Hao was excited and excited. "Brother, did you come back so late to pick up your sister-in-law? How about it? Isn't the sister-in-law dressed up tonight? I chose the dress for the sister-in-law, how about it? Not bad!"

Qi Hao appealed to his cousin with a proud look of "I have done the most", and even wondered if his cousin looked dull, but the last sentence was afraid of his cousin's majesty and did not dare to confide.

But he didn’t notice that the dignified and serious man in front of him suddenly changed his face when he heard the second half of the sentence. He thought of the dress his wife was wearing, with a small piece of white skin on the back, how ugly and serious his face was, and even more serious. With a gloomy trend, his eyes darkened.

Here, Qi Haoxin Da Barabala hasn’t finished speaking, and he didn’t pay attention to continue to say that in fact, the sister-in-law in the dress is not the most stunning. There is a black full-back gown that his sister-in-law wears best, and the body is especially perfect.

Tonight, his wife showed a small piece of skin. Qi Zhenbai couldn't accept it when he asked himself. Hearing what Qi Hao said, Qi Zhenbai's face turned gloomy again, dark as the bottom of a pot, and his deep eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously. Qi: "Have you seen it?"

Qi Hao just wanted to nod his head, and once again praised his sister-in-law for her good figure, so he met his cousin's extremely cold gaze, frightened a spirit, and immediately remembered his jealousy and possessive desire for his sister-in-law. He just reached his throat. He swallowed his stomach immediately, shook his head vigorously, and said, " no, brother!"

Qi Zhenbai didn't have time to talk nonsense with Qi Hao. Before leaving, he gave a cold warning: "I haven't seen the best. If you really have seen it, you will forget it. Next time, let me know that you will make a mess for your sister-in-law. Exposed dress, don’t blame me for not warning you kid in advance!"

After speaking, he turned and went back to the room. The sudden anger made Qi Hao's hands and feet soft. When he saw his cousin return to the room, he screamed and ran away.

When Qi Zhenbai returned to the room, he always felt that the room was very empty, thinking about his wife who always lived with him in the past, and thinking of his daughter-in-law's indifference to him these days, the gap in his heart is not so big, and his eyebrows are full of loss and sadness.

These days since his wife left, Qi Zhenbai asked himself if he didn't sleep well, his eyebrows were tired, he rubbed his face, and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath, he wrapped a bath towel and walked to the balcony rocking chair, half lying down. It didn't take long for him to think of his beautiful and coquettish appearance tonight. He hadn't eaten meat for many days, and he couldn't control his self-control for the man's physical needs.

However, he wants his wife to be with him more than his physical needs.

Qi Zhenbai ignored the reaction underneath him, his eyes fell on the phone on the table, his mind was full of his wife’s appearance, a few times he almost couldn’t control his desire to call someone, and was afraid that his wife would rarely give him a favor tonight. His complexion, he has to keep an inch, what if tomorrow his wife suddenly ignores him and is particularly cold to him?

Qi Zhenbai didn't think that he had such a day of entanglement and long love for children. Before he could think about it, the phone ringing on the table suddenly sounded. Qi Zhenbai sat up subconsciously, waiting for his eyes to scan the screen and call him. It was not his wife but someone else. Qi Zhenbo suppressed the disappointment in his heart, and answered the phone coldly, "What's the matter?"

"Chief, the subordinates found that this woman surnamed Zhuang not only has a close relationship with your fourth uncle, but also seems to be guided by an expert behind her. I am afraid that the other party is not good and has bad intentions. The subordinates have not checked the specifics. The expert behind your uncle seems to be hiding very deeply. The contact between the two depends on the woman Zhuang Ruyan, and you asked me to check the background of this woman. The subordinates also found it, but the background of the subordinates seems to be It's too simple and innocent, but this background looks like a special investigation of others!"

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