Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1303: One hundred and five

After answering the phone call from Yu's family, Chi Shuyan's face suddenly sank, his face very ugly.

Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong originally had too many questions to ask her, but now they saw her ugly face, and they were a little uneasy.

Especially when Xu Tong thought of the Buddha statue suddenly appearing under the pillow in her bedroom and the problem of seeing her belly in the hospital mentioned by Brother Kun just now, Xu Tong was anxious and frightened, if her man kept supporting her , Maybe she was limp on the ground by now.

She was really scared at this moment, and regretted accepting the gift from Qin Qing undefendedly. If something happened to the child in her stomach, Xu Tong didn't even want to forgive herself.

The atmosphere stagnated for a while.

Still after a long while, Ruan Shenglin couldn't wait and couldn't help but speak: "Da...Master, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Kun also immediately echoed: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Chi Shuyan didn't really want to tell them about the Yu family. Regarding the news she had just learned, the news was not good news for the Ruan family. She was afraid that she would really scare the Ruan family to death.

However, Xu Tong is much luckier than Yu Wei. Look at Xu Tong’s face and the black anger on her body. This thing was discovered not long after it was released. If this matter is resolved early, she and her children will probably not have much trouble. .

In order to ensure the safety of the other party, Chi Shuyan didn’t say anything else. She strode to Xu Tong's side and pressed her hand with luck and aura to detect the child’s abnormality. She noticed the weak heartbeat in her belly, and her face eased. Suddenly, he suddenly took out a few talismans from his pocket, one of which was pasted on the black Buddha statue, and then directly stuffed into the jade talisman in the storage, while coldly instructing Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun beside him: "No matter what you see, just Don't interfere!"

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun, including Xu Tong, were dumbfounded by her magical means of making things disappear out of thin air. Their eyes almost popped out of their sockets, with a dumbfounded look. What other reaction was there other than to listen to her? Nothing.

At this time, Chi Shuyan immediately stuck another exorcism talisman on Xu Tong's stomach.

With this exorcism talisman posted, Xu Tong suddenly felt a cramp in his stomach. Before she could call it out, a stern baby's cry sounded. Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun subconsciously thought it was the cry for help from the child in Xu Tong's stomach, and just about to speak. Let the master in front of you be merciful.

Before seeing him, Master Chi took out an exorcism talisman again and stuck it on Xu Tong's stomach.

This Fulu just posted!

Jin Guangsheng was flourishing, and it didn’t take long before the cry of the pitiful baby turned into a stern and strange adult howl, coming from her belly, accompanied by a strong black gas leaking out of her belly, and then being stuck on her belly. The golden light from Fulu shattered and scattered out of thin air.

Yang Kun first saw this picture and listened to Xu Tong's sorrowful and weird howling in his stomach, shocked and tingling scalp in horror. First he couldn't help but shook his voice and shouted out, his tone stammered and panic, the whole person As if to faint, he called Ruan Shenglin's name incoherently: "Sheng...Shenglin!"

Ruan Shenglin was no better than Yang Kun at this moment, and was even more shocked and horrified than she had just changed that thing out of thin air. He stared at Xu Tong's stomach with blackness and horror. I didn't know what to think of, and the whole body was shocked. Shaking, his head was blank. The whole person and the stone carving man only supported Xu Tong stupidly. After a while, he realized what had happened. His face changed suddenly and he just wanted to speak, and then thought of Master Chi's explanation just now. Ruan Shenglin could only suppress the horror and horror in his heart, and shut his mouth obediently through gritted teeth.

But because he was too frightened, his teeth kept trembling, showing that the fright was really unclear.

At this time, Chi Shuyan did not have time to bother Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin, who were too irritated, staring at Xu Tong and her belly.

As the black gas leaked out, Xu Tong's wailing became more and more miserable. I only felt that there was something in her stomach that was smashing into the ground to break through her stomach. Xu Tong was not the same. The person who can suffer, the pain almost didn't hurt her, and she passed out directly, shouting pain all the time.

It didn't take long for her face to become paler and paler, her whole body wet as if she was disturbed by the water, and her throat became dry and hoarse.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Xu Tong's pale face and belly, and saw that the thick black air in her belly was getting faint, and he was relieved. As the last trace of black air leaked out, the two evil charms turned black. Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the other person’s face was too ugly, she was really afraid that people would pass out in the next second, so she had to transport the spirit energy into Xu Tong's body until she saw her face improved. Then I withdrew the spirit, and asked two men on the side to help him to sit on the sofa next to him.

It’s just that Chi Shuyan overestimated the courage of the two of them, or should say that she didn’t think about things thoughtfully. Which ordinary person could not be shocked and calm after seeing the picture just now, and to be honest, the two of them are still brave, at least not. Frightened and fainted, the two of them were dumbfounded to listen to her and wanted to help someone over, but when they stepped on their legs, the two of them weakened their legs and slumped directly to the ground. They still stunned Xu Tong with their hands and eyes, and they didn’t get the person. After they fell down together, Chi Shuyan looked at the faces of the two men beside him, and saw that they were pale and ghostly.

Chi Shuyan quickly wanted to understand the whole story, so she helped Xu Tong to lie down on the sofa first, and asked the two men to slow down, fearing that they would stay for too long, she couldn't help but reminded: "Go back when you slow down. I have other business to explain!"

If Ruan Shenglin treated the little girl in front of him as a general master just now, then from the means she had just leaked, people at this moment are completely looking at people, but the scene just now was too frightening and too much stimulation, so Yang Kun should react first. He quickly helped Sheng Lin up and walked up to him with a respectful look. This attitude was hundreds of times more respectful than before: "Da...Master, what's wrong with Tongtong? Is it okay?"

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