Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1323: Slap Qin Qing again

When Qin Qing saw Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin suddenly come over, his attitude seemed to be very familiar with Chi Shuyan, especially when Qin Qing thought of the other party's ‘Master Chi’ just now, his expression suddenly changed.

It also reminded her that she was rescued by a woman whose surname was Chi. Of course, Qin Qing suddenly remembered this incident not because she was grateful or wishing to repay her, but when she remembered that Feng Yuanlin also said her last name during her relationship with Feng Yuanlin. What kind of celestial master is a late woman.

Think about the Buddha statue she gave to Xu Tong before. What she is worried about is whether the Buddha statue she gave to the Ruan family has been dismantled.

When he thought of this, Qin Qing's face was guilty and panic, his eyes were vacant and he looked at Ruan Shenglin and then at Chi Shuyan after a short time. He wanted to see something, but he didn't see anything.

Qin Qing gritted his teeth and deliberately became familiar with his mouth, and suddenly asked: "Shuyan, why didn't you say to me when you met Emperor Ruan, how did you meet?"

Those who know Qin Qing's shameless state have risen to a deep sigh. For example, Feng Yuanlin, a former male client, does not know how much she knows Chi Shuyan.

For example, Du Lan and Ke Mingmei, Wu Haoming, Xiao Shan, Ruan Shenglin, and Yang Kun really thought she was familiar with Chi Shuyan.

The expressions of Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun suddenly changed, their expressions looked very anxiously at Chi Shuyan, as if they had something to say but stopped.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan even cheered up and asked specifically: "Chi...Miss, so you know your sister-in-law?"

Qin Qing was overjoyed by this'sister-in-law', with a somewhat reserved smile on her eyebrows. In order to deliberately lead people to misunderstand, she also looked at Feng Yuanlin with a warm and lingering look, and then looked at Feng Yuanlin again. Shu Yan replied with a smile on his face: "If it weren't for Yuan Lin, I wouldn't have known Shu Yan so early!"

The tone was full of intimacy.

Chi Shu's face was terrible, and she almost made her forget the previous provocations of the woman named Qin in front of her. This woman also has the face to pretend to be familiar with her in front of her?

Of course, in addition to Chi Shuyan, Feng Yuanlin was the one who got the goosebumps all over after hearing Qin Qing's pretending words of intimacy.

He is not convinced by Zhen Bai's inhumanity now. He is now convinced by Qin Qing's cheeky woman. Why didn't he know that this woman's cheeky was so long after having been together for so long? It can be called a copper wall and iron wall.

As for what Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming said, the ‘sister-in-law’ just now made him want to sew the mouths of the two immediately, when to say good things and when not to say good things, don’t these two stupid boys know?

Qin Qing is a woman who deserves them to call his sister-in-law?

Feng Yuanlin now thinks about someone binding him to the woman Qin Qing, subconsciously and physically disgusted, he has always been towards female gentlemen, but now he can't help but want to speak.

Chi Shuyan snatched Brother Feng's words first, and didn't show any face to Qin Qing this woman: "Miss Qin, I think we are not familiar with each other, you know best in your heart."

Qin Qing's face turned blue for a while, and Chi Shuyan didn't care about the woman's green face in front of him, and continued to say without mercy: "As for your unfamiliar relationship with Brother Feng, let's talk about the real reason why you broke up with Brother Feng. the reason?"

When finished speaking, if the woman can utter a familiar sentence, she will give her a service word in capitals.


When such sensitive words fell, Qin Qing's face changed abruptly, his face turned pale from iron blue, and his entire face was shaky for fear that the woman in front of him would spit out words that would harm her reputation.

You must know that Director Wang pays the most attention to reputation, and a little carelessness may bring her to this play. As for Du Lan and Ke Mingmei because they don’t know about her, the most important thing is that Ruan Shenglin and Yang are still involved. Kun, the gold-medal agent, is here, and she still thinks about taking this show to catch up with a group of people who are beneficial to her.

So she decided not to let the yellow-haired girl surnamed Chi destroy all her plans and hinder her future. Qin Qing hated the woman Chi Shuyan shamelessly, her heart was distorted, but she could only grit her teeth. Pretending to be suspicious and innocent: "Shu...shuyan, how can I not understand what you are saying!"

When she said this, she didn't forget to pray and looked at Feng Yuanlin gently, hoping that he would say a few words for her.

It's a pity that Feng Yuanlin has seen her thoroughly. Seeing her deliberately pretending to be stupid, he only feels disgusting. How could he help her slap her face, ignore it, and even add a fire. Deliberately said: "Shu Yan is right. You said you have a very close relationship with me. Why don't we talk about the real reason for our breakup?"

Qin Qing didn't expect Feng Yuanlin to be so cold-blooded now. She looked incredible and couldn't believe it. She wanted to threaten her child, but with so many insiders, she didn't dare to say anything. Besides, the child is not in her yet. In her belly, she could only grit her teeth and swallow all her anger, and immediately found an excuse to flee with Du Lan and Ke Mingmei in embarrassment.

Not long after running, Qin Qing suddenly turned his head, only to see those poisoned eyes fixed on the back of the yellow hair girl surnamed Chi, thinking of all kinds of revenge.

Without waiting for Qin Qing's secret hatred to think more, a pair of unfathomable eyes glowing with cold light, and the cold light of the natural light fell on her, instantly setting off a cold and terrible killing intent, Qin Qing shivered in shock. , The bones were all chilly, his legs were soft, and he tripped directly to the ground. He quickly got up and ran away in a hurry.

After Qin Qing left with the two women, Qi Zhenbai looked back, and the atmosphere finally became harmonious. Feng Yuanlin looked sorry and looked at Shu Yan and said sorry, Chi Shuyan waved his hand, to be honest, she still feels This woman betrayed Brother Feng to live so well, it was too cheap for this woman Qin Qing.

At that moment, she really wanted to pick Ming Qin Qing for cheating, so she didn't have any face, but it was Brother Feng who was green, and she had to consider her feelings.

It can only be said that she and Brother Feng had far underestimated the face of this woman Qin Qing.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin, who had been watching a gossip, looked a little embarrassed, but they were more fortunate that Master Chi did not seem to be familiar with a woman surnamed Qin, but seemed to have a bit of enmity. Thinking of this, Ruan Shenglin was relieved. If Master Chi really has a relationship with a woman surnamed Qin, his Ruan family's hatred with that woman is not counted. In order to confirm this, Ruan Shenglin tentatively asked: "Master Chi also knows that Miss Qin? Is an acquaintance?"

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