Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1343: One hundred forty-five

As they said, they looked at the stack of talisman in disbelief. When they saw the talisman that was charred or even powdered again, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan stopped sweating from their backs, and there was an inexplicable chill in their hearts. The words and fear were all stuck in the throat, unable to hold a word, and could only look at Master Chi in panic.

It was Wu Haoming who reacted first, gritted his teeth and said in a panic, "Sister-in-law, I... I really didn't go anywhere with Lao Xiao, so I went to Daqing's house for a drink!"

Could it be that they hit the evil in Daqing's house?

No, or they just hit an evil spirit on the way home from Daqing's home?

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming racked their brains and didn't think of it. On the contrary, the more they thought about it, the more panicked they thought, and the more they doubted everything. At the same time, the two of them made up their minds to be in this village in the evening. The village is too evil, if it weren't for these talismans from Master Chi, I'm afraid they would have died many times tonight.

When they thought of this, the two people's hearts were even more chilly, and the hearts of Da Lengtian were shivered by a block of ice. After the heartbeat, there was boundless coldness and fear.

Ruan Shenglin, who had originally looked at it, also saw this scene. He was not a stupid person. He fixed his eyes on the pile of black powder and charred runes in the hands of Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming. The expressions in his eyes were bright and extinguished, and they met. Guessed all odds.

Within a minute, his face looked like a chameleon, occasionally a thunderbolt, and most of the time he looked shocked and frightened.

If Ruan Shenglin was still so calm before, then he guessed what Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were most likely to encounter. They were all calm and panicked.

I saw that his face was very ugly at this time, his eyes filled with fear and regret, and he didn't even dare to think deep.

He still had one or two expectations in his heart, hoping that things would not be as bad as he thought, and tentatively asked: "Chi...Master Chi, they...what happened to them?"

Chi Shuyan kept staring at Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming. He didn't think much about what Ruan Shenglin said, and said calmly, "They hit an evil!" After the conversation turned, they said, "Fortunately, they are fortune-telling! Otherwise, enough for them tonight. Die several times."

Chi Shuyan said as he picked out the charred and powdered talisman on the palms of the two of them. The door was not closed, and a gust of wind blew out the black powder.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming saw a few treasure talisman just scrapped like this, and the flesh hurts terribly, while listening to Master Chi's words, their hearts trembled.

Ruan Shenglin was really shocked by Master Chi's words of'hit the evil' and die a few times. His eyes turned black. He was so irritated that he almost fell to the ground. It was still Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming's hands that were stunned. Hold on, Xiao Shan didn't know, so he quickly asked, "Brother Ruan, what's the matter with you? Are you okay!"

Wu Haoming also forgot the fear he had just asked.

Chi Shuyan really did not expect that Ruan Shenglin, the actor, was so courageous in the past. He was almost shocked by her words just now. Chi Shuyan reflected on herself for a while, and after he stopped, he planned to let Ruan Shenglin go back first. She has said that this King Ruan is a smart person and should know how to decide.

As for Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, she still had something to discuss with them, so she asked Wu Haoming to see off her guests first.

After listening to Master Chi's polite greeting, Ruan Shenglin subconsciously walked to the door in a daze, but when he walked to the door suddenly thought of something, he stopped abruptly.

Chi Shuyan thought that Ruan Shenglin, the actor, had something to do, and asked in doubt, "There is something else?"

Ruan Shenglin helped the door and turned around. He didn't say a word, but his two legs couldn't help but tremble. He stepped on the ground softly and could not stand firmly against the dough. His original calm, attractive and rational face showed that he could not cry. With the pitiful appearance of crying, Chi Shuyan's eyes became more and more confused, and she didn't understand what else the actor Ruan Shenglin had to ask her?

He only heard his shivering voice and finally said: "Chi...Chi...Master Chi, can you send me there?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming:...

After Ruan Shenglin uttered these words, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually a little bit ashamed. He is not a timid person, but he is really scared at the moment...

At the same time, I understand that this village is too...dangerous!

Ruan Shenglin's regretful intestines now wish to get knotted. If it weren't for Master Ji Chi's words just now, he couldn't stay in this village for a second now, and he wished to take his wife and Kun Ge out of the village immediately that night.

After Ruan Shenglin had said this, no one laughed at her, including Chi Shuyan. She felt that the more vigilance in this village would be the best.

In many cases, human lives are lost when people are negligent, so they immediately agreed: "Success!"

As for Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, they are even less qualified to laugh at this King Ruan. In fact, the two of them are also a little bit psychologically shadowed about going out so late, and they are tightly writing talisman in their hands.

Chi Shuyan immediately made the decision to let the two of them stay in the living room. She gave them away, and Ruan Shenglin, the actor's residence, was also very close to their residence, right next door.

In the living room next door, the agent Yang Kun was still waiting a little nervously, waiting for Sheng Lin's wife to go to the room to rest, he would inevitably think about it all alone in the living room.

The door was knocked suddenly, and Yang Kun subconsciously thought it was Sheng Lin who had returned. He immediately opened the door, but when the door opened, there was a strange man standing at the door, and Yang Kun had some doubts in his eyes.

But looking at the other party's dressing, Yang Kun guessed that the person in front of him was a villager in the village, so he heard the other party invite him to his house for a drink, and asked him if he would go?

Yang Kun didn't think much about it. He just felt that the people in this village didn't see many people during the day, but sometimes people were really enthusiastic. If it weren't for him to wait for Sheng Lin, he really wanted to go to the other party's house to have a drink, and it was quite early now, almost 7 o'clock in the evening.

Thinking of Shenglin, Yang Kun smiled and refused: "Thank you so much, no, I still have something to do. It won't be troublesome tonight. Next time, I will definitely go next time!"

Refusal to refuse. Although Yang Kun thinks Dashan Village is quite infiltrating, most of the people here are really good. Occasionally, he meets a few people during the day, and the other people take the initiative to greet him.

Therefore, Yang Kun has a really good impression of most of the villagers in Dashan Village. He thought about it, somehow it is rare for someone to invite you to dinner, and you would be embarrassed not to go.

In terms of humanity and sophistication, Yang Kun is simply a personal spirit. He immediately made people wait while preparing to go to the living room to pick up some of the special products he brought to the villagers who invited him to dinner.

"Brother, wait for me for a while, and it will be done in a while, I'll come here right away!" Yang Kun hurriedly went to the living room table to carry the boxes, on which he had brought a few bottles of white wine from Kyoto, roast duck and some soft Chinese.

He is going to take a few more bags to the villagers.

When Yang Kun took things, he was afraid that the villagers of Dashan Village would be too simple. He was ashamed to leave when he saw his actions, so Yang Kun looked back at the door from time to time as he unpacked the box.

I don't know if it's because of the daytime, then looking at the villager Yang Kun at the door, there is always something wrong in his heart.

He had always disliked that the light in the living room was too dark and the wattage was too low, but now under the dim yellow light, he always felt that the face of the villager standing at the door was too white. Looking at the pale and pale, it was as pale as the dead. And those eyes looked at him sluggishly, it was very wrong, like the numb walking dead without any thoughts he had seen in a horror movie.

Yang Kun was frightened by his own conjecture, and he slapped his forehead violently. What is he doing with each other? Where are the good people, where could be the dead?

Although he didn't know the villager standing at the door, the two of them met in broad daylight, and they took the initiative to greet him, where could he be a dead person.

The more Yang Kun thought about it, the more he felt that he was thinking more. He immediately turned his head and buried his head and continued to unpack the boxes and dig things, but did not find that the eyes of the dull villagers who were standing still at the door suddenly showed a little gloomy, and his eyes became more greedy. Suddenly his feet stepped into the house, his body stiffened, and he walked in step by step, making the sound of'chi chi, chi ch', because the closer he got, Yang Kun could clearly hear the sound of something wrong, and his body gave a violent stop.

I heard an impatient and very ugly sound from behind: "Okay... now...?"

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