Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1354: One hundred fifty six

Feng Yuanlin was taken aback after listening to them, but Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan didn't expect Master Chi to agree with them. They were ecstatic at first and then surprised.

Compared with the simple and changeable emotions of Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan, Feng Yuanlin can be said to be much more complicated. Old Wu and Old Xiao didn’t understand Shu Yan, but he knew very well. If it weren’t for something in this village that made Shu Yan too jealous, She couldn't say anything to leave the village, so Feng Yuanlin's face became more solemn.

He thought for a while and asked, "Shuyan, what did you find out?"

Chi Shuyan sighed and shook his head, while squeezing his temples, his eyes were a bit tired, and said: "Brother Feng, if I say these are my instincts, do you believe it?"

Feng Yuanlin did not hesitate to spit out the word "letter", Chi Shuyan finally let out a sigh of relief, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan looked at each other, not knowing what to say!

Soon Feng Yuanlin changed the topic: "But Shuyan, if we leave like this, maybe the black Buddha statue will be completely cut off. Are you willing?" After a pause, Feng Yuanlin continued: " What's more, there are so many innocent people in this village, can you watch them waiting to die?"

Chi Shuyan did not speak.

Feng Yuanlin knew that Shuyan was not so easy to give up, and said: "Your opinion is also good, but it is better for us to stay for a few more days. We really can't find out anything. Let's leave the village again?"

Chi Shuyan sighed, knowing that this is the only way to go. In fact, she was really unwilling to go like this. She nodded and said: "Sure! Actually, things are already a little bit frowning, but I still feel uneasy!"

Feng Yuanlin didn't think much about it, but thought that too much had happened recently, that's why Shuyan's emotional ups and downs were so serious.

"By the way, Brother Feng, what happened when you left the village?" After talking so much nonsense, Chi Shuyan did not forget the key thing.


Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, who were absent-minded, were once again attracted by this sentence and listened carefully to Feng Ge's speech.

It's a pity that Feng Yuanlin really didn't know what happened when he left the village. One was that he was unprepared at the beginning, so he was caught off guard by something, and the other was that he did not see anyone or something attacking him. He only remembered that time. When he drove away from the village, there seemed to be a shadow flashing in front of the car. At that moment, he was shocked. He thought he had hit someone, so he immediately got out of the car to see. People didn’t see it but got caught. 'Ren' fainted, and when he woke up again in a daze, he only felt something squeezed by his internal organs, and he could not breathe under the pressure of suffocation. Later, someone rescued him.

Wait, Feng Yuanlin suddenly remembered something. He looked a little dignified, and said to Shuyan: "Shuyan, when I was buried alive, I woke up for a while when I was half-fainted and vaguely saw a figure from behind. The man turned his back to me, digging sand with a shovel and kept filling me with soil."

Before Chi Shuyan had time to question, Xiao Shan couldn't help but ask: "The game is closed, you really see people? Is it a human hand, not something else?"

As soon as Xiao Shan spoke, Wu Haoming immediately echoed him, asking if he really saw anyone in the closed game? In fact, at the time of the closure, both of their thoughts were biased towards certain ‘things’.

Feng Yuanlin wanted to roll his eyes at the two subordinates, but the action was indecent. He squinted at them and said coldly: "Did you see it, or I saw it? If you have anything to say, don't interrupt. You will be indispensable for a while. Both talk nonsense!"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were both trained and immediately shut up.

On another occasion, Chi Shuyan might laugh a little, but now in this village, she really doesn't laugh out loud. Instead, she asks the business, "Oh? Feng Ge only sees the back of the person? Can you describe it? "

Feng Yuanlin nodded, and immediately followed Shuyan to describe what he saw from the back. He was not a fool in the police station these years, and his eyesight was very good. Although he only saw a back, he could guess many things. Including the other party's age.

Feng Yuanlin said: "The man is of medium build, under one meter and seven meters, a small bald spot behind his head, and he is about forty to fifty years old."

Because he was so dizzy at the time, he opened his eyes and glanced in a daze. He didn't see clearly what clothes and pants the other party was wearing, but what impressed him most was the bald spot on the back of the other party's head.

The reason why he can remember the bald part on the back of the opponent’s head is because he has been a policeman for so many years, and has always remembered the most obvious characteristics of the "murderer" so that he can easily check it later. Only then did he take advantage of the moment when he was sober to remember the most obvious Characteristics.

Chi Shuyan regretted that Brother Feng didn't see the face of the person, but Brother Feng could remember so much, and she was very surprised. She nodded and continued to ask: "Brother Feng, if you don't look at the bald part of the back of your head, if it makes you Seeing people back again, can you recognize people at a glance?"

Feng Yuanlin pondered for a moment, then said, "Only six points can be grasped."

If it is normal, he can recognize people by just looking at the back, but the previous time he was beaten out and staggered so badly, he just took a look. It is indeed difficult for him to recognize people from the back. .

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to ask more questions, but seeing Brother Feng was a little tired, too, she asked so many questions as soon as he woke up, and it was strange that she was not tired.

Chi Shuyan stopped talking and stood up and said: "Cheng, I know, Feng Ge, there is nothing wrong, you continue to rest now, what will be waiting for Qi..."

Before Chi Shuyan finished speaking, Feng Yuanlin immediately understood Shuyan's words, and deliberately followed her to tease: "Sure, I know, I'll take a rest, and wait for your husband to come back to talk about everything!"

When it comes to the word ‘husband’, Feng Yuanlin particularly emphasized the accent.

Chi Shuyan froze his face fiercely, Feng Yuanlin seemed to have not seen it, and continued: "I don't know when Zhenbai will be back, Shuyan, don't worry too much about your man. Your man is very capable, and Feng will still stay. I have a red seal waiting to attend the wedding between you and your husband. By the way, I want to be a godfather, Shuyan, you said, would you give me this opportunity?"

Feng Yuanlin said, brother, he really tried his best to do this, and he will work harder in the future.

Feng Yuanlin's remarks completely made Chi Shuyan's compulsory calmness that he had always been pretending to be unable to pretend, and he was quite confused and confused.

Next to him, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were also laughing ambiguously, and yelled: "Sister-in-law, when will you give birth to a young President Qi?"

Chi Shuyan sneered:...Haha!

Feng Yuanlin can be said to know Shu Yan very well, and he can now see that Shu Yan, the younger sister-in-law, is definitely the kind of hard-mouthed person.

When the two broke up, Zhenbai was fine. She could still remain calm and pretend to be calm, but if something happened to Zhenbai, she would definitely not be able to deceive herself and others. No, when she left the village, she had to make Zhenbai pretend to be sick. !

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