Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1361: One hundred sixty three

Seeing that Shu Yanzhen suddenly passed out, Feng Yuanlin looked terrified and hurriedly supported the person with his eyesight, but within a second of his hand touching Shu Yan, a powerful force next to him took the lead to grab the person into his arms.

Feng Yuanlin was taken aback for a moment, and raised his eyes to see that Zhen Bai had already taken Shu Yan into his arms, holding it tightly, his actions, movements, and eyes were full of possessiveness.

He couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Zhenbai, and said in surprise: "Zhenbai, are you back? When did you come back?"

I saw those dark, sharp and very sharp eyes lowered their heads, staring at the beautiful face in his arms without blinking. There seemed to be only a beautiful face in his entire eyes. He was such a tall and magnificent person. It was directly ignored by Zhen Bai.

The neglected Feng Yuanlin:...

Feng Yuanlin was surprised that Zhenbai ignored it and swallowed it from the tip of his tongue.

After a while, Zhenbai seemed to have finally noticed his figure, and only listened to the other party's whisper: "Say other things for a while!"

After speaking, the princess hugged the person into the residence immediately.

Feng Yuanlin:...

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan, who were making breakfast in the kitchen, heard the noise outside and the sound of their own closure. They rushed out. When they rushed out, they saw when Mr. Qi, who had been away for many days before, came back. Master, the closed game follows behind.

Wait, it's not right.

According to Master Chi's temper, it is impossible to show such affection directly in front of them like this.

The two immediately followed their sights, and saw that Master Chi in Mr. Qi's arms closed his eyes at this time, his face pale and faint.

Master Chi suddenly fell into a coma, but he frightened Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan. It was almost astonishing to them than the accident.

The two had never thought that such a powerful Master Chi would suddenly fall into a coma one day, and the two hurriedly looked at Mr. Qi in front of him and then at their home.

Qi Zhenbai is accustomed to being cold, ignoring that the two of them walked around the two of them and walked to his room. Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming watched the strong aura and did not speak. The back of Mr. Qi only dared to secretly ask his own name in private. Bureau: "Close the game, it's too late..., no, what's wrong with my sister-in-law? Why did she faint? What happened?"

When Feng Yuanlin watched Zhenbo walking toward his room with Shuyan so cautiously, he was a little relieved, but he thought that Shuyan had suddenly become unconscious after hearing what he said. Feng Yuanlin is still embarrassed to this day, and doesn't understand him at all. What did you say wrong?

Feng Yuanlin hadn't forgotten the subtle changes in his expression just before Shu Yan was unconscious. It can be said that after hearing his words, Shu Yan's expression was not only very ugly, but at the same time, the horror of the stormy sea was revealed in his eyes.

This kind of horror made him extremely disturbed, he had never seen it through Shuyan's eyes.

As for the horror of Shu Yan?

He really doesn't know!

Moreover, it was the first time that he saw Shu Yan's serious and clear frightened color. The deeper Feng Yuanlin's thoughts became, the more disturbed he became. He didn't have the patience to answer the words of the two boys. He immediately distracted them and continued cooking breakfast, and he went to see. Zhen Bai and Shu Yan.

Seeing the closure, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were impatient to talk to them, so they could only go to the shabby kitchen to cook breakfast obediently. They didn't think much about it. After all, Master Chi's face was pale just now, probably because of illness.

Wu Haoming sat in front of the stove and continued to increase the fire, and immediately asked Xiao Shan to cook some more white porridge this morning and put it in the pot in full bloom, and wait until Master Chi woke up before drinking.

Xiao Shan also knew that it’s better to eat a little lighter if you are sick, and quite agree with Wu Haoming’s words: "Sure! I see!"

Qi Zhenbai Room

As soon as Feng Yuanlin went in, he found that Zhen Bai had placed the person on the wooden bed and was sitting next to the wooden chair, staring at Shu Yan earnestly without blinking, reluctant to blink, as if he was dissatisfied no matter how he looked at people.

At the same time, the eyes that are usually full of emotions reveal the deep feeling and tenderness of drowning, and the cold outline is also a lot softer. Feng Yuanlin is very moved and sighs.

If it were in the past, how could he have thought that one day Zhenbai would fall so deeply in love with a woman?

All of his bystanders were a little palpitated by Zhenbai's deep feelings.

To be honest, after changing the past, he really didn't want to disturb such a beautiful picture, but he was always a little uneasy thinking about Shuyan's coma just now.

Qi Zhenbai was keenly aware of someone coming in, and the gentle and affectionate expression on his face instantly faded and became clean, his outline was full of coldness, and his eyes were raised, his dark eyes were not bottomless, and he couldn't see the slightest emotion at all.

Feng Yuanlin also lamented that the brother Zhenbai's emotions were so fast, while feeling that the brothers' emotions were still too deep, if he didn't want to, others would not be able to see a trace.

Fortunately, Zhenbai really likes Shuyan, and he likes it so much. Otherwise, by his means and the city, he wouldn't swallow all the bones of Shuyan?

Before Zhenbai could speak, Feng Yuanlin glanced at Shu Yan's pale face and couldn't help asking: "Zhenbai, how is Shu Yan? It's okay!"

Qi Zhenbai didn't look away, his face was paralyzed, and his face was like gold: "Still in a coma, low fever!"

After Qi Zhenbai returned these words, the atmosphere became cold again. Fortunately, Feng Yuanlin was also used to the character of this brother. There was a block of ice in the cold scene everywhere. He nodded: "Cheng, Lao Xiao and Lao Wu is cooking porridge in the kitchen, and waiting for Shuyan to wake up later, you can feed her a bowl."

Qi Zhenbai still didn’t look away, nor did he raise his head. Feng Yuanlin didn’t feel offended. Instead, he felt like he was with a light bulb. He wanted to leave immediately, but he thought of the change in her horrified expression just before Shu Yan fell into a coma. Knowing things clearly, he was always disturbed.

Without waiting for Zhenbai to speak again, he immediately explained what was just now, and said in doubt: "Zhenbai, I just chanted a poem of'Thousands of birds flew away, and the thousands of people disappeared.' By the way, I vomited casually. In a word, why did you say that Shuyan suddenly fell into a coma after listening?"

Feng Yuanlin is still immersed in the faintly horrified expressions of Shuyan after hearing what he said just now. He always feels that Shuyan's sudden coma has other reasons besides physical reasons, but he can't guess the specific other reasons. Zhen Bai helped analyze and analyze. After all, his brother is not only deep in the city, but also has a high IQ and has an extraordinary relationship with Shu Yan. It is estimated that he can guess Shu Yan's thoughts.

After saying this, he repeated the sentence, "That’s right, so many mountains, why didn’t a bird see?" Zhenbai confessed seriously, and asked: "Zhenbai, you said Shuyan just now What did you think of?"

Feng Yuanlin thought that Zhenbai would not be in a hurry to answer his words. Who made Shuyan be in a coma now in front of this brother, I am afraid he is now full of mind, heart, and eyes.

Feng Yuanlin sighed, but didn't get a satisfactory reply, so she had to go out and not use as a light bulb, so she went to the kitchen to see how Lao Wu and Lao Xiao cooked breakfast?

"Wait!" Qi Zhenbai suddenly said, his voice is deeper and more magnetic than usual, and it sounds nice to people's ears, a typical subwoofer, and at the same time, his voice is quite deep.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but slapped his ears. He felt that a man who hadn't heard Zhenbai's voice suddenly heard him for a long time, and his whole body was electrified by the electric current, his back was puffy and he got goose bumps.

However, when he thought of hearing such a big reaction from a big man's voice, Feng Yuanlin's expression was a bit hard to say and nauseous.

Thinking of Zhen Bai suddenly speaking, it is estimated that it was a business to find him, Feng Yuanlin immediately went to these nonsense thoughts, looked at him and asked: "What's wrong?"

Just listen to Zhenbai getting up, and then at him: "Take care of my daughter-in-law for me first, and wait until I come back to talk about other things."

Feng Yuanlin thought that Zhenbai had anything serious to tell him?

Suddenly he said whether he was going out again, or Shuyan was going out after being sick. Feng Yuanlin couldn't believe: "You... are going out again? Wait, Zhenbai, how many days have you been there before? Know me and Shuyan I'm particularly worried about you, aren't you? You won't have to go for another three, four, five or six days, right? No, no, your wife is still sick now, and what's going on? No wonder she didn't want you before... …"

I don't know if the last sentence pricked Qi Zhenbai's heart, Feng Yuanlin saw Zhenbai's face suddenly changed, it was a blue and gloomy look.

Seeing Zhenbai’s ugly expression, Feng Yuanlin was very guilty. Just as he wanted to find an excuse to go out quickly, he listened to Zhenbai’s tough tone and commanded by the superior: "Take care of her for me, and I will be back today. Also, let Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan stop making breakfast and hurry up to organize their luggage. If things go well, we will leave the village today!"

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