Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1365: One hundred and sixty seven

Waiting for Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun to see Cao Zhengsong and Song Chu the person brought by is Brother Wu next to Master Chi. The expressions of the two of them called an excitement and ecstasy. The despair disappeared immediately, and there was obvious joy and excitement on their faces. , Is it possible that Master Chi and the others not only came here to inform them?

Thinking this way, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun became more excited.

Ruan Shenglin is calmer than Yang Kun's agent. He thinks more about things. He also knows that even if Master Chi hasn't left at this time, as long as Director Wang doesn't speak for a day, he wants to go away not so easily. He is the lead actor in this drama, and he is responsible. Has the most responsibility.

Even if there are really dangerous things and things in the village, he can’t just leave behind the crew and leave. It’s a matter of professionalism. He must dare to do this and wait for him to leave the village. What awaits him is ruin and disgrace. This kind of suspicion, and I'm even more sorry for the name of the word "actor".

Ruan Shenglin immediately made a decision. He couldn't leave, and Kun could. How could he ask Kun to take his wife and children to seize this opportunity.

Besides, although the village is extremely dangerous, he may not really have an accident. Master Chi still has the talisman sold to him. As long as he keeps the talisman given by Master Chi next to his body, it should be fine after some time.

Thinking about this, Ruan Shenglin breathed a sigh of relief, and his state was much better. Yang Kun looked at Shenglin when he was hosting Wu Haoming. Seeing that Shenglin was in a much better state, he sighed with great relief and kept quiet. Wu Haoming said: "Brother Wu, why did you come to the crew to see a few of us? Why is there anything wrong?"

Wu Haoming didn’t halt people’s appetite. Just about to speak, he saw that there were a few unfamiliar faces around him. This person has many eyes and is not easy to say. Yang Kun saw Wu Haoming’s thoughts and immediately said that everyone was acquaintance. , But thinking of being threatened by a woman named Qin accidentally early in the morning, it's better to be careful.

Yang Kun immediately changed his mind to let him sit in the Shenglin RV, and by the way, he and Sheng Lin deliberately invited Yan Zhengming, Cao Zhengsong, and Song Chu to sit in the RV.

Cao Zhengsong and Song Chu didn't want to sit in the RV, but Yan Zhengming was no better fool than Cao Zhengsong and Song Chu. After getting on the RV, he kept frowning and didn't feel relieved.

I always feel that Kun'er and Sheng Lin not only have frequent contacts with these outsiders, but they are also not familiar with each other.

Generally speaking, the social circles and personalities of people in their circle are completely different from those of outsiders. Their own schedule and others are secretive, involving large interests, and extremely inconvenient for outsiders in the same circle. So sometimes the temperament is reconciled, and the outsiders are There are very few contacts.

It suddenly occurred to Yan Zhengming that Sheng Lin and Kun'er were very convinced by a little girl before. No, they were not only convinced, but also a fan.

Yan Zhengming still does not understand how Kun'er and Sheng Lin would believe that a little girl is a master, and they still want to treat the little girl as a god.

Kun'er did say a lot to him before. It is his personal belief or not. Yan Zhengming still believes a little and half of it. So seeing that Kun'er is very enthusiastic and attentive to the man named Wu Haoming in front of him, he frowns again. Slapped.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin were all focused on Wu Haoming at this time, and they had no other thoughts on others. Ruan Shenglin poured a cup of tea for Wu Haoming, and Yang Kun said, "Brother Wu, you can tell. Everyone is an acquaintance. Did Master Chi tell you what to do?"

It took a long time for Wu Haoming to accept that it was the famous King Ruan who poured tea. He could only watch it on TV before, but now because of the relationship of Master Chi, he can get in touch with him up close, which is so exciting.

Wu Haoming was excited, but did not forget the business, and continued to tell the business that Master Chi had handed him: "Emperor Ruan, Manager Yang, this time I came to ask Master Chi if you want to leave the village together? We are planning to leave the village within today, what are your plans?"

Even if there was speculation just now, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun couldn't help but become excited and ecstatic after waiting for Wu Haoming to speak out.

Yang Kun was almost grateful to cry. He felt that the luckiest thing he had in coming to the village with Sheng Lin was to hug Master Chi's thighs, or else they would take care of you.

Yang Kun was moved, and he really ran a few drops of cat urine. Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong who looked at him were shocked, and looked at him with unrecognized eyes.

Yan Zhengming almost doubted whether his good brother's inner core had been replaced, or else how could he look so stupid suddenly?

Anyway, the few of them couldn't get Yang Kun's excitement at this time, but when they heard the word "li village", a few of them wanted to say something, their expressions changed a little, and their eyes were a little bit confused.

Yang Kun didn’t have time to pay attention to other people’s abnormalities. After being excited, he couldn’t calm down for a long time. He kept asking Wu Haoming to confirm to himself: "Brother Wu, really? Master Chi really asked you to tell us to leave the village together? Great. Great! Thank you so much, Master Chi! Master Chi is great, Sheng Lin, don’t you think?"

Ruan Shenglin was hiding something in his heart, but he nodded with excitement on his face: "I really appreciate Master Chi!"

When Wu Haoming saw that Yang Kun, the agent and Ruan Shenglin, were too excited, he couldn’t control his emotions. He kept going back and forth a few words of gratitude to Master Chi. He never stopped saying that he was grateful. He was a little embarrassed when he heard it, so he waved his hand and went straight to the topic "Master Chi really asked me to come over to inform you. By the way, I would like to ask you about your intention to leave the village. If you want to leave the village with us, go to our residence immediately after filming in the evening."

Yang Kun waited for Wu Haoming to finish saying half a sentence and waited to pat the horse and nodded quickly.

After a while, Wu Haoming continued: "As for the other people in your crew, you can also inform us, those who are willing to leave the village with us to register before this evening, but apart from you, no one else Going to our residence specially, the movement is too loud. When the time comes, Master Chi will assign a talisman to other people. When the talisman becomes hot, you will leave with us again. By the way, don't make too much noise, the consequences conceited!"

"What?" Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun never expected that Brother Wu would have such a pleasant surprise when he came over. Ruan Shenglin, who had been calm, was excited uncharacteristically. If Director Wang was willing to go, he would definitely be able to go together?

Thinking about this, Ruan Shenglin's expression flushed with excitement. If it wasn't for the small space in the RV, he would want to get up and run to ease his emotions.

It was just that the possibility of persuading Dao Wang to leave the village was very slim. Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun's expressions sank again. This time, no more than the previous time to buy a talisman, a few fools would make Dao Wang obediently go to Master Chi.

What's more, even if Director Wang really agrees to leave the village, it is useless if the other assistant directors and producers are unwilling. Moreover, leaving the village means that all the previous shooting and investment have been abolished. Who will bear the loss of this movie?

Who would be willing to bear these losses? Who can bear these losses?

Thinking about this, Ruan Shenglin calmed down completely, the smile on his face disappeared completely, and the smile on Yang Kun's face also disappeared seven or eighty-eight, but everything is better than he thought, at least Master Chi is not only willing Taking them out of the village, and also willing to let the rest of the crew leave the village together, Yang Kun breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and thanked Wu Haoming politely with a smile.

Wu Haoming waved his hand, consciously conveying what should be conveyed, drank a glass of water and prepared to leave, anyway, it was noon, they left at night, and there was still a lot of time for them to consider.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin personally sent people off the RV, leaving Yan Zhengming, who wanted to say nothing, to stay in the RV. Before Wu Haoming left, the two tentatively asked: "Brother Wu, can you ask the last question? ?"

"Say it!"

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin looked at each other, and finally Ruan Shenglin asked this question: "Master Chi is so eager to leave the village today?"

After all, it was all their conjectures before. They wanted to know the real reason. After a while, Ruan Shenglin continued to probe and asked, "Is it okay to leave the village later?"

To be honest, Wu Haoming really couldn't immediately respond to the words of King Ruan in front of him, but thinking of Master Chi’s dignified expression, he was extremely disturbed and a little scared.

He has practiced a bit of psychology. From the dignified and solemn expression of Master Chi before, he can see that something is not good. No, it should be said that it is extremely bad. These words cannot be described with the two of them. His eyebrows are unusually heavy and serious, and he speaks. : "I still said that, I advise you to be prepared to leave the village with us today."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them turned pale!

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