Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1373: one hundred seventy-five

Feng Yuanlin, Wu Haoming, and Xiao Shan really didn’t know how to invite the true Buddha before. Ruan Shenglin had heard of how others invited by the crew before. It seemed that they were about to knock their heads at the Buddha statue, listening to this Pan Cun. Recite the scriptures for a long time and take over the Buddha statue.

But several of them knew that this Buddha statue was not a good thing, and didn't want to invite any true Buddha at all.

Especially when I arrived at the village chief’s residence, I glanced at the few Buddha statues placed in the living room carefully and clearly, but the dark eyes always make people look at and stick to the body for no reason, their eyes are disgusting. It was sticky and made people feel cold and oozing inexplicably. Yang Kun and Xu Tong were timid and shuddered.

Especially Xu Tong, who immediately recognized the Buddha statue in front of her and the Buddha statue that Qin Qing had sent to her at first glance. His face changed drastically. Ruan Shenglin was prepared to cover Xu Tong's mouth first. Xu Tong didn’t. She screamed, but even though she didn't scream, the panic in her eyes really overflowed, her face pale, and her body was shaking and she wanted to say something.

Fortunately, Xu Tong didn’t have a high sense of presence here.'Pan Dalei' didn't look at her from the beginning to the end, but deliberately or unconsciously glanced at Feng Yuanlin's face for several times, and quickly converged, and soon waited for him to sweep. After a few bottles of true Buddha, a weird cold and gloating smile appeared on his lips.

The cold smile faded in a flash, but Feng Yuanlin caught it clearly.

Soon "Pan Dalei" took the initiative to tell them the steps to invite the true Buddha. First let a few people kneel on the futon religiously, listen to him reciting the scriptures, and then take the true Buddha.

It also said that as long as you are sincere to the true Buddha, all the wishes of the true Buddha can be realized for you.

Feng Yuanlin didn't even believe the words of ‘Village Pan’ in front of him. He wanted to delay time, but when he came to someone’s site, it would be another matter if they didn’t let you delay time.

'Pan Dalei' obviously didn't intend to delay them any longer, and immediately asked them to kneel on the futon religiously and listen to him after reciting the scriptures, then they can invite the true Buddha, and then there is nothing wrong with the true Buddha. , Do not waste their time.

Feng Yuanlin tried to interrupt the opponent several times and tried to delay the time again. Pan Dalei's face was full of impatience, and his eyebrows were a little bit more suspicious. He glanced at them coldly and said: "Why? Do you still believe in the true Buddha? Have opinions on the true Buddha?"

As soon as these words fell, Feng Yuanlin could no longer find excuses to delay making the other party more suspicious, and could only resign.

In the end, a few people could only pretend to be reverent and knelt down on the futon, listening to the "Pan Dalei" reading the scriptures in front of them.

A group of people are calm on the surface, but they are really nervous.

Especially when the other party finishes reciting the scriptures, pick up the Buddha statue and hand it to them.

The first Buddha statue that Pan Dalei handed out was for Feng Yuanlin. Seeing Feng Yuanlin's delay in picking up, Pan Dalei raised a weird and cold smile and said, "Come on!"

Feng Yuanlin did not speak. He was obviously aware of the hostility of the other party and the vague look in his eyes. Those eyes were like looking at a dead person who shouldn't be alive but with a vaguely excited yearning, and wanted him to take this immediately. The Buddha statue, as if he took this Buddha statue, and in the next second he would be able to satisfy his desire to become a dead person.

Feng Yuanlin was sure that he had not misread the meaning revealed by the other's eyes. Before taking the Buddha statue, he glanced a few times, and a strong sixth sense of crisis struck.

Seeing that he still hadn't picked up the Buddha statue, Pan Dalei was completely upset, the smile on his face disappeared completely, and there was still a bit of coldness and threat in his eyes, and he was about to force it into his hands.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming next to him were ready to overturn the man in front of him when the Buddha statue was squeezed into their hands. Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin, and Xu Tong also had very ugly faces. The more they looked at this village chief’s overexcited movements. And the face, the more sure they were that there was something wrong with the Buddha statue.

No one would have thought that Ruan Shenglin would suddenly open his mouth and take the initiative to relieve Feng Yuanlin and rush in front of "Pan Dalei": "Cun Village Chief Pan, I heard other people say that the true Buddha is very efficacious. Can I invite the true Buddha first?"

Everyone moved for a while, Feng Yuanlin was also stunned, squinted and glanced at Ruan Shenglin beside him.

As soon as Ruan Shenglin opened his mouth, he wanted to invite the true Buddha. The cold face of'Pan Dalei' really faded a little, and his smile was full. He looked away from the face of the man named Feng in front of him, and then fell on Ruan Shenglin's face. He was very aware of his current affairs. Satisfied, but did not refuse. In his opinion, these people have to invite the true Buddha tonight, no matter how long, no one can refuse. Thinking of this,'Pan Dalei' also coldly gloated at the man who refused him just now, and then With a big smile, he handed the Buddha statue to Ruan Shenglin, and said with a big smile: "Come on!"

"Sheng Lin!" Yang Kun and Xu Tong's expressions changed greatly and hurriedly called Ruan Shenglin's name in unison, trying to stop!

Ruan Shenglin didn't hear the two people stopping him. As for receiving the Buddha statue, he had his reason. After knowing the crisis in this village, the only thigh they could rely on was Master Chi.

Speaking of it, they just knew Master Chi and didn't have much friendship, but Master Chi treated them very seriously. How could he find Master Chi's friends unlucky first.

In fact, it is not a problem whether everyone can pick up the Buddha statue. The question is who picks it up first. If he coldly watched Master Chi's friend pick it up first, Master Chi would know that he might not be cold to them.

Anyway, there is no difference between the first one and the last one. Even if he is really unlucky, Master Chi came after he received the Buddha statue.

It doesn't matter if he has an accident alone, his wife and Kun Ge can't have an accident, and if his accident can be replaced by Master Chi, it would be nice to take his wife and Kun Ge out of the village.

What's more, there was no immediate accident when other people had invited the Buddha statue before. By that time, he would be able to get away with the suppression of the evil charm immediately.

Ruan Shenglin immediately made up his mind, and while taking over the Buddha statue, he rushed to'Pan Dalei' and said: "I have always wanted to invite the true Buddha, but unfortunately, I have never had time."

Seeing Ruan Shenglin really wanted to pick up the Buddha statue, Feng Yuanlin changed his face and stopped immediately. Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan also changed their faces and wanted to stop. Ruan Shenglin deliberately said: "Brother Feng, Brother Wu, Brother Xiao, don’t grab me. Anyway, everyone has to invite the true Buddha. The first one is the same as the last one! It’s just a matter of time! And I just want to ask the true Buddha to show his spirit!"

Pan Dalei was very satisfied with Ruan Shenglin's remarks about current affairs, and he added: "Brother Ruan is indeed right!"

As soon as Ruan Shenglin touched the cold touch, his wrist suddenly hurt, as if a stone suddenly hit his wrist out of thin air, his wrist was released, and with a creak, the true Buddha hit the ground and fell apart.

Due to a sudden accident, Pan Dalei looked ugly and cold when he glanced over the broken Buddha statue that was smashed on the ground. He stared at Ruan Shenglin and wanted to kill.

Ruan Shenglin did not expect that he would be surprised when he received the Buddha statue. Just as he was about to speak, a familiar voice from the side suddenly rushed towards'Pan Dalei' and said: "Village Chief Pan, when I came just now, someone said that the true Buddha of the temple was out. Matter, let you go and see!"

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