Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1378: One hundred eighty

After Brother Feng went out, Chi Shuyan returned to his residence, took out the white jade, and soon a white light flashed, and the white jade flew out of thin air to stop in the air, and the dense words appeared afterwards.

She remembered that in addition to recording the Xuan Yin Jue of cultivation, Bai Yuli also recorded many spiritual things and some formations and prescriptions.

She specially scanned the chapter about the strange and strange things, and looked carefully, trying to find the strange things similar to the things in the village, but she did not find the similar things in Dashan Village.

Until she scanned the penultimate article, Chi Shuyan discovered a trickery, which recorded a village trick that was very similar to Dashan Village.

According to the above record, there was also an accident in a village and the whole village died, but like normal people, they thought about sunrise and sunset and rest. Only in the big evening, it is abnormal and sometimes normal. In short, if there is no abnormality in the village, it will not at all. Let others think about abnormalities.

Chi Shuyan saw this paragraph of description, a little heartbeat speeded up, and soon introduced another formation below, the name of the formation is: Time Back Array.

Chi Shuyan’s eyes fixed on the words'Time Retrospect Array'. It is recorded that Time Retrospect Array, as the name implies, Time Retrospect, its function is indeed to make people go back to the past. This array not only allows Back in time, and let

All things except people go back to the past, and the things that have been experienced before will be experienced again, but the essence will not change.

Here is an example, Chi Shuyan read it carefully.

The following records that a village once died because of accidents. Later, the relatives of this village, the celestial master, were distraught and set up a time retrospective array in this village.

After that, the village returned to the past as the teacher of the day thought, but everyone in this village died because of the previous accident. They were dead. Even if there is time to look back, there is no way to make the dead become alive.

Whether it is people or other things, including the memory of the dead, stay in the past.

But although it can't turn a dead person into a living person, this formation can make people's memory stay in the past.

So the dead people in that village thought they were normal ordinary people. Every day in that village, the sunrise and the sunset go to rest. They live like normal people and behave like normal people.

It’s just that when a person is dead, it’s always different from a normal living person. Ordinary ghosts can hold back their desires, so they don’t harm people, and they are like normal people at night.

But some ghosts can't help but crave for instincts, so they are often irrational and can't help harming others at night.

Seeing this, Chi Shuyan faintly finally understood the abnormality of the people in this village.

Chi Shuyan continued to look down. There are still details below, but the following are the specific defects and advantages of the time retrospective array.

For example, this ‘retrospective array of time’ can also nourish human souls, and make people’s souls more and more condensed as if they are normal people. This is its advantage.

And its disadvantage is that although this time retrospective array can make time go back, it can only go back to the most recent period of time, and then repeat the previous trajectory during this period of time.

Not only that, but during this period of retrospect, what happened that year will still be experienced in sequence according to the original trajectory.

For example, in that village, there was a flash flood in the whole village, so after that point and time period, flash floods would still erupt in that village and let everyone experience death again.

Seeing this, Chi Shuyan's face was getting harder to look, she continued to look down, but there was only a short explanation below. The summary indicated that some celestial masters used the time retrospective to commemorate their relatives in this way to reunite with their relatives. , And there is a kind of celestial master who uses the time-retrospective array to imprison the soul to satisfy his own desires, so that the soul cannot escape the imprisonment for life, and cannot be cast into the womb.

When it comes to harming people, it also mentioned that some celestial masters use time to trace back the harm, such as allowing ordinary people to enter a dead village with a time trace back array, and then go through the original trajectory with these dead people.

When there is another accident in the village, these ordinary people will be gone.

After reading the last sentence, Chi Shuyan finally understood all the hidden mysteries in Dashan Village, but she did not leave immediately, instead staring at the words ‘there is no return’.

She now very much suspects that this village is very likely to be set up with a time retrospective array.

Thinking of going back in time, she couldn't help but think of the date of June 29th in Pan Dalei's residence and the date of June 30th written next to the ninth painting.

Thinking of the content of the ninth picture, it was too tragic. She still remembers everything. There were dark clouds and collapsed houses and people hit by rocks. Soon, the surrounding mountains suddenly collapsed, and the whole village was immediately destroyed. It was buried clean, and no people or houses were visible anymore.

If there is really a retrospective array of time here, today is June 29th, then tomorrow is June 30th. If any accident happens in Dashan Village on June 30th, think about the content of the ninth painting. And the last paragraph recorded in Baiyu's deception.

Chi Shuyan's complexion changed drastically, she stood up immediately, because she was too excited, she shook her body, and brought down the chair next to her. With a loud bang, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan who had just sent Yang Kun back home were disturbed. .

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan rushed in, and saw that Master Chi's face was very ugly and pale under the light, and the two of them made a chuckle in their hearts. They quickly asked nervously, "Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, what happened to you...? Did it happen again? What's the big deal?"

Because the truth came so unexpectedly that she caught her off guard, Chi Shuyan didn't feel any relief even when she saw Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan at this time, she suppressed the panic in her heart and found her own voice, forcing her to calm down and speak to Wu Haoming. : "Could you immediately consult the relevant departments to find out what happened in Dashan Village on June 30?"

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