Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1387: One hundred ninety

Yan Zhengming was not frightened by the earthquake in his mouth, but was shocked by Yang Kun's sudden loss of state and roar. Thanks to his steady driving, he didn't drive the car up the tree as he was just as surprised. When they looked down and wanted to speak, they saw Sheng Lin and Yang Kun hurriedly and anxiously calling the rest of the crew so that they could keep up with their car, and don't fall behind, if you don't want to die.

The dozens of drivers behind suddenly heard Manager Yang and Yingdi Ruan suddenly say so harshly, and they didn't dare to delay slowly, speed up the accelerator and narrow the distance of the car.

Yan Zhengming also vaguely heard someone repeating asking Yang Kun in a panic: "There is an earthquake? Brother Yang!"

"Yes...really." Yang Kun thought of Brother Wu's'Great Earthquake', and subconsciously thought of the extraordinary magnitude 7.7 earthquake in his country decades ago. His whole body was shaking and his face was pale and pale. , He was shaking his voice and swallowing his mouth to exhort them a few more words.

I heard Sheng Lin forced to calmly return to other people's calls, saying that there might be an earthquake of magnitude 9 or higher in the past few days, and told them to keep up, but don't panic too much. They still have time to leave the village.

Ruan Shenglin's vowed ninth level not only scared the rest of the crew, but also completely stunned Yang Kun at this moment. Yang Kun was not choked by the word'ninth level' in Shenglin's mouth on the spot. Black and fainted.

He was afraid of more than seven o'clock. What's more, he couldn't imagine a level 9 or higher. As for what Shenglin said, he hadn't doubted at all. Shenglin would know, maybe Master Chi told him before, yes. Master Chi's words, Yang Kun is even more like a god, not wanting to doubt at all.

Thinking about this, Yang Kun became even more panicked. The chill from the inside out intertwined with panic and horror. After a while, his eyes were red and his face was pale and haggard. His only thought now is to immediately, hurry, and wish to be away in the next second. Away from this village.

Yang Kun became more and more afraid, shaking his hands and lips, and immediately shouted at Yan Zhengming: "Zhengming, old face, drive faster, faster, drive faster, keep up with Master Chi and the others, and be sure to follow Master Chi and them. "

Yang Kun was tensed all over, dismissing Yan Zhengming's driving too slowly while rolling down the car window probe and staring at the front. After waiting for a long time, he saw the shadow of Master Chi and his car, and Yang Kun had a sense of reason. , Gradually calmed down a bit, but still disliked Yan Zhengming's driving too slowly, and asked him to drive faster, and he burst into foul language.

It was Ruan Shenglin who gave a few words of comfort. As for the other people who should notify, he also notified. Although he did not react as aggressively as Yang Kun, his whole face was very ugly and solemn.

Yan Zhengming:...

Cao Zhengsong, Early Song, Du Lan, Ke Mingmei:...

Yan Zhengming, who had been driving at a steady speed, didn’t know if it was Yang Kun’s last swear word. He was really frightened by his overreaction. He didn’t say anything. He hit the accelerator and the car doubled. The other people in the car didn't have time to chat, and was shocked by Yan Zhengming's sudden driving speed.

When Yan Zhengming's car stuck to the **** of Master Chi's car that Kun'er said, and occasionally almost got close together, Yan Zhengming realized what stupid he had done just now.

He is a good citizen in a racing car!

The people in Chi Shuyan’s car didn’t know that because of Wu Haoming’s bombshell just now, the people in Yang Kun’s car turned upside down, but Xu Tong was sitting at the back, rolling down the window, waiting to see them catching up with them. They were familiar with the car behind the car, Xu Tong's eyes lit up. When they were driving together, she even saw her husband's figure. She yelled a few times, but her husband didn't hear him.

But seeing that they had finally followed, Xu Tong was also completely relieved, no longer worried, and a little more smile on his face, and he took the initiative to say a few words to Chi Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan glanced through the rearview mirror, and was a little relieved to see that the car behind him had already followed. He pursed his lips, and said to Wu Haoming, "They have caught up. Now they can speed up a little."

"No problem, sister-in-law!"

Wu Haoming snapped his fingers and immediately stepped on the accelerator to speed up a bit. For some unknown reason, he stared at the quiet and silent night outside, always feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Tonight, they were quite far away from the village. There was no movement in the village, and it was not quite right. Wu Haoming said about it.

Chi Shuyan stared at the heavy night outside and said coldly, "The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth!"

Feng Yuanlin was still a little worried about Zhenbai and the evacuation of the villagers. Two things weighed heavily on his heart.

Feng Yuanlin didn’t say anything but just stared at Shuyan. He didn’t think that Shuyan was a person who couldn’t help but didn’t think about doubting her. Besides, Shuyan had promised him to evacuate people from the village before. She hasn't done it, I'm afraid there is her reason.

As a policeman, Feng Yuanlin had great righteousness and dedication, but he was not a Virgin, but was also sensible and intelligent. He did not want to cause more deaths because of his stupid behavior.

It was just a matter of great importance. He pondered for a moment and felt uneasy, but he was still worried and asked: "Shuyan, is there any other reason why the people in the village can't evacuate together?"

When Feng Yuanlin mentioned other people in the village, Xiao Shan, Wu Haoming, and Xu Tong were also attracted. Speaking of it, they just fled for their lives and forgot about the people in the village. Thinking this way, I was really ashamed.

Xu Tong was the most softhearted, especially when she thought of the lovely children in the village. She was so soft-hearted. When she thought that there was an earthquake in Dashan Village, they forgot to notify them. Her face turned pale and worried, "What about the villagers and children?"

Chi Shuyan was not surprised at Brother Feng’s keenness. Seeing that Brother Feng had a calm face and something hidden in her heart just now, she guessed nine out of ten in her heart. By the way, she put other people’s expressions in her eyes, and suddenly said, "It’s still that. In other words, what if I say that they are all dead?" After a pause, he said: "Since they are dead, how can I save them?"

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