Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1389: One hundred and ninety two

When Director Wang decided on this communication, the expressions of Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin suddenly changed and stiffened. Yan Zhengming, Cao Zhengsong, Song Chu, and Ke Mingmei had hesitated and stopped talking after listening to the words of Director Wang. No one is more happy than Du Lan, hoping that Director Wang would let everyone leave the village and go back to film.

In fact, she doesn't like Dashan Village, which has very backward conditions, but only by finishing the filming as soon as possible can she leave the village completely without losing the opportunity to climb up.

So just after Mr. Wang’s words, Du Lan saw that Yan Zhengming hadn’t left the car and continued to drive. He couldn’t help but agree: "Brother Yan, Mr. Wang said about going back to the village. What kind of car are you still driving? Let’s change the car and go back as soon as possible. Right!" He yawned as he said, looked at the angry director Wang, and deliberately said: "I still want to get some beauty sleep, and I will be able to play well in director Wang's play tomorrow, and try to make a trick. Alright!"

Du Lan intended to brush up on her favor in front of Director Wang, but she was caught off guard by offending everyone except Ke Mingmei. She heard these words in everyone’s ears and responded differently, but it caused everyone to complain very much. I don’t know. She really thought how hard she was in filming, but in fact she was just a lip service, deliberately acting in front of Director Wang.

In particular, she deliberately stepped on Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin with these words, and Ruan Shenglin, a golden actor, can step on it, and it doesn't matter whether she is worthy or not!

Fortunately, Ruan Shenglin's reaction was dull. Yang Kun, the agent, is very good at protecting shortcomings. Seeing that this woman Du Lan stepped on him and Sheng Lin's heads, there was no warmth in her eyes. She decided when she had to teach this woman a lesson. , Or else she really thinks she has become a big man?

Cao Zhengsong and Song Chu both looked down on Du Lan very much. As for Yan Zhengming, he was glaring at this woman. He protected his shortness like Yang Kun, but he protected Yang Kun's shortness. Through the rearview mirror, There is no warmth in the eyes.

As for the smarter Ke Mingmei, she knew that if she helped Du Lan to speak, everyone would hate her, so she wouldn't be silent.

Of course, she is silent and selfish. Compared with Du Lan, who is eager to go back, Ke Mingmei actually doesn't want to go back. She doesn't trust the little girl trusted by Yingdi Ruan and Yang Kun. , She believes more in her sixth intuition and the abnormalities she observed Qin Qing in the past two days.

Not only did she feel that there was something wrong in Dashan Village, she also noticed the obvious abnormalities in Qin Qing's two days, and because of this, she became more and more disturbed and felt that it was best to leave early.

Everyone had different thoughts, but Du Lan’s words did touch Director Wang’s favor at this time. Director Wang saw that everyone was silent, Yan Zhengming was still driving, his face was unhappy, and he immediately ordered: "Zhengming, you stop immediately and turn around. , Go back to the village! Did you hear that? I won’t say anything a second time!

Director Wang spoke again. Yan Zhengming didn't dare not listen. He just wanted to turn around. How did he know that the kid Yang Kun suddenly interjected and sang the opposite tune with Director Wang, so he heard this kid say at him: "Old Yan, keep driving and leave the village as soon as possible. "After talking, he immediately rushed to Wang Dao, who was holding his stomach, and explained bitterly: "Wang Dao, the village really can't go back, that place is very strange and there is a big earthquake, don't you go back to find death?"

Ruan Shenglin quickly supported Yang Kun’s words, saying: "I agree with Brother Kun, Director Wang, you should know what kind of person Ruan Shenglin is. If it wasn’t for something wrong, I wouldn’t make such a fuss, let alone. If we go back, what if there is an earthquake in Dashan Village tomorrow? Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case!"

Ruan Shenglin had a very important position in Director Wang’s heart. When Ruan Shenglin spoke, Director Wang would naturally think more about it. Compared with the anger that was suffocating in his heart just now, Director Wang heard the earthquake that the two vowed to mention. In addition to being stunned, there was a little panic in his heart.

Just as Sheng Lin said that he is not afraid of 10,000, but is afraid of anything. If there is an earthquake in Tiandashan Village tomorrow, then he really can't afford the responsibility.

Seeing that Director Wang’s face was a little shaken, Du Lan was indignant and contemptuous. Without waiting for Director Wang to be shaken, she immediately wanted to convince Director Wang: “Director Wang, even if there is an earthquake in Dashan Village, it is not because some people say that there will be an earthquake. Brother Yang must have been deceived by the woman surnamed Chi. All the words about earthquakes were spoken by the woman surnamed Chi. The little girl was just a yellow-haired girl who said that wind is wind and rain is rain. Let us all leave the village, can she be responsible for the loss of the crew? Can she be responsible for the film of a little girl?"

Without waiting for Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin to speak again, Du Lan's mouth was sharp and sharp, and continued to sneer: "Yes, Director Wang, at the beginning, this little girl spread superstitious thoughts in Dashan Village. Can we believe in such a person? Dare to believe it? Anyway, I don't believe what the woman surnamed Chi said is there any ghost or earthquake in this big mountain village!"

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun saw Du Lan persuade Wang Dao to shake their faces. Their expressions were anxious and hateful. Their eyes were flushed with anxiety. Yang Kun even cursed in their hearts who just let this woman named Du get in his car?

Compared with the woman Du Lan, she would rather let Song Yanru get in their car. She knew how Song Yanru refused just now. He also let people get in his car. There will be no such woman named Du now. Obstructive.

Had it not been for this woman, he had already convinced Director Wang.

When Yang Kun thought that this woman wanted everyone to accompany her to death, he was angry and resentful. He immediately let Yan Zhengming stop suddenly. For the first time, his face was obviously disgusted and disgusted, and he didn't leave the other person with the slightest face. He said coldly: "The surnamed Du, you want to get off the car, you get off by yourself, you are not welcome in my car! Get off the car!"

Where did Du Lan think that Yang Kun would not give her face in public and let her get out of the car. She was a person with a special need to face. At this moment, when he heard his words, her face turned pale for a while, and the expression on her face was naked. It can be seen that everything has disappeared, and his complexion has gradually stiffened, before he can barely stop his mouth.

She couldn't afford to offend Yang Kun, and was thinking of saying something to Ruan Shenglin, only to hear that Ruan Yingdi also openly asked her to get off the car.

Du Lan's face paled completely.

The atmosphere in the car calmed down again, and Yan Zhengming also stopped, and his expression was astonished when Yang Kun and Sheng Lin really wanted to get Du Lan out of the car.

Chu Song and Cao Zhengsong also had accidents on their faces.

In fact, in the eyes of Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, what Du Lan said is actually somewhat reasonable. If there is an earthquake, it is true that Sheng Lin and Yang Kun only listened to a little girl and decided to let them all. It is indeed very irrational for people to leave the village.

If it was first let them know that the two only listened to a little girl, they would never choose to leave the village immediately.

At that time, they really thought it was Director Wang who had confirmed it, and Director Wang had let it go.

Yan Zhengming wanted to speak but stopped.

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun really did not intend to let Du Lan stay in their car anymore. Ruan Shenglin even wanted to call Song Yanru to get in their car, but Song Yanru owns a car. high.

Ruan Shenglin said with a cold face and said to Du Lan: "Miss Du, get off the car!"

Du Lan is naturally impossible to get out of the car at this moment. She got out of the car, and other people were afraid to leave her alone in such a wild place.

Du Lan gritted his teeth and deliberately rushed to the guide Wang: "If Director Wang gets off the bus, I will get off." After saying that, he deliberately rushed to the guide Wang and said: "Director Wang, I see that Emperor Ruan and Manager Yang must have been distracted. The purposeful people are brainwashed. Let's turn around and go back to the village. Tomorrow morning we have to shoot early! After all, after so much effort from everyone before, I can’t just watch and say give up and give up. The deputy directors are still in the village. Waiting for us inside!"


This remark caused a lot of sway on Wang's face. He really wanted to leave the village. All the estimates taken before have to be discarded. How much investment has to be wasted?

What's more, it’s not that he doesn’t believe in Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun, but that he doesn’t believe in a little girl. The girl’s fluttering lips touched twice, and they all left the village. Sheng Lin and Yang Kun would also letter?

When Dao Wang thought that the two boys had fooled him to buy a talisman in the little girl’s place, the more he thought about it, the more it was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more he suspected that the two boys were really brainwashed by the little girl, and the washing was too serious. .

Without waiting for Director Wang to speak, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun expressed their attitudes first: "Director Wang, whether you believe it or not, since we left the village tonight, we never thought about going back. There is also Director Wang, which Shenglin and I said before. It's all true. That little girl is not a little girl, but a true master. If you don't believe me, I can let her speak to you in person!"

Yan Zhengming, Cao Zhengsong, and the early Song Dynasty:...

Wang Dao, Du Lan, Ke Mingmei:...

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