Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1419: Two hundred twenty four

Sister-in-law Miao shook her head decisively and continued to answer: "No! Dashan Village has never experienced an earthquake in my memory. No, people should have moved from the village to this village, and there has been no natural disaster."

She once asked the old people in the village inadvertently, not specifically, but suddenly talked about this issue.

Chi Shuyan could also see the answer from Miao's sister-in-law's face.

After talking, thinking of what happened back then, Miao's sister-in-law's eyes are inevitably a little tranced: "As for the following things happened in the village too much!"

Seeing other people looking at her attentively, at this point, Sister Miao had no need to conceal anymore, and continued: "Later, everyone thought that the Buddha statue was the manifestation of the Xu family, and they all thought that the Xu family’s mother and son left the village and lived very well. So, afterwards, there were really a few families in the village who couldn’t help but believe it. They no longer doubted going to the temple to devoutly worship the Buddha statue. On the surface, the Buddha statue was manifested by everyone’s wish. In fact, I know that the people who believe in the Buddha statue are at the root. Like the Xu family, there is no good end. The Buddha statue is not a good thing at all, and the "noble person" who came to the village is not a good person at all. And Pan's father should know that this "noble person" is not a good person, but he hides his selfishness. I never told the people in the village.

Later, the people in the village saw that as long as the Buddha statue asked the true Buddha’s wish to be fulfilled, those who were skeptical and unbelievers had no good end. Some people in the village dared to doubt that thing, so they went to the temple very religiously to ask for it. What a true Buddha. "

"Later, another incident happened. Once, several families had conflicts with Pan's family, that is, Pan's father's family. At that time, I didn't know the specific reason. I only knew that it seemed to be fighting for the benefit of several pieces of land and foundation. Come to think of it, not only that, at that time the head of Dashan Village was not actually Pan’s father. Pan’s father was only temporarily acting as the head of the village. The head of Dashan Village was different from other villages. It was passed down from generation to generation. When the village chief’s position was passed to his son, his only son went into a coma and suddenly fell into a coma, so the village chief’s position temporarily fell on his father Pan. Later when the old village chief’s son woke up, Pan’s father should have taken the village The long returns to the other party, but as the saying goes, people's hearts are unpredictable, and those who have enjoyed the rights may easily let go of this thing."

What Miao's sister-in-law did not say was that she felt that Pan's father was unusual when she first saw him. It wasn't that her appearance and temperament were different from those of Dashan villagers, but that she couldn't see the simplicity of Dashan villagers at all. On the contrary, occasionally in his eyes, she saw a thrilling ambition.

Sister-in-law Miao continued: "In fact, this is how the old village chief still admired Pan's father, and Pan's father did some good things. Later, on the one hand, his son woke up. It has been spread, this has been an unchanging practice in Dashan Village. After his son woke up, Pan's father did not say that the old village head was naturally a little bit thinking. On the other hand, the old village head was still quite dissatisfied with Pan's father. Bring an outsider to the village. Even if he gets a lot of benefits, the old village head is still instinctively exclusive, and he is not satisfied with Pan's father bringing a stranger into the village. In the old village head’s view, the villagers of Dashan Village will be content and happy. Change means change. No one knows what will happen in the next second. The same human heart is separated from the belly, and no matter how beautiful others look at you, it cannot prove that he is a good person."

The words of the old village chief are certainly a bit stubborn and feudal, but now it seems that the old village chief eats more salt than they eat. Is it unreasonable?

"The most important point is that the old village head has always been deeply suspicious of the'noble man'. There is no pie dropped in the sky for no reason, and Dashan Village has no value worthy of admiration for the other party, unless the other party has other plans. Don't have a purpose."

Chi Shuyan, Feng Yuanlin, and the others, including Dao Wang, agreed with the last words of the old village head of Dashan Village. Whether or not Jiang is hot, if the villagers of Dashan Village believed the old village head, I’m afraid There will be no tragedies afterwards.

A group of people were anxious to know what was going on. Wang Dao and the group couldn't help asking immediately, "What happened later?"

Chi Shuyan saw that Miao's sister-in-law's face was wrong, and guessed that the old village chief, including the old village chief, might not end well at home. And Pan's father is not only very complicated, but also very ambitious!


I heard the sister-in-law Miao continue to say: "When the old village head finally came to the door, Father Pan had a very good attitude on the surface and agreed to let him be the village head. He also said that his previous decision was a bit abrupt. I am very sorry to everyone. The old village head saw Pan. My father has such a good attitude, and he feels a little guilty in his heart. After all, the old village chief is not a wild person who is keen on power. He only has some opinions on some changes in the village. Seeing that Father Pan is so aware of current affairs, he will naturally not show his face. When the old village chief was completely relieved, within a few days, Father Pan suddenly encouraged people to dig the old village chief’s ancestral grave in public, saying that the true Buddha’s appearance mentioned that the old village chief’s ancestral grave was too much evil, and he was right to the children. Pregnant women are especially bad. Children and pregnant women are better off!"

"Where did the old village chief think that Father Pan was so vicious, he even encouraged people to dig his family's ancestral grave, and he almost didn't get angry directly. At that time, many villagers believed in the true Buddha of the Buddha statue, and many pregnant women and children. The complexion is getting worse, and some of the children born are not only stillbirths, but more monsters. Pregnant women also die one by one, including all the children who are several years old."

"Not only that, all the corpses of the children buried in the house disappeared that day. At that time, the whole village was panic, and more and more people joined the team to dig the old village chief's ancestral grave!"

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