Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1428: Two hundred thirty three

Sister-in-law Miao was shocked when she saw this, she seldom smiled somewhat relievedly. She nodded and said, "Miss Chi is indeed an expert!"

Chi Shuyan: ...Sister Miao can also tell jokes.

Seeing that Miss Chi didn't explore her life-saving methods, Miao sister-in-law breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly said: "Miss Chi, can you move a little bit?"

Chi Shuyan nodded without hesitation and walked to the side with Miao's sister-in-law, and listened to her: "As the saying goes, there is a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unhappy. The rest of the Pan family will naturally have no good end. As for the father of Pan, besides chasing power and ambition, he She is also passionate about'immortality and great roads', so I followed that person's words and did a lot of evil. In the end, I was retributed. The Buddha image was destroyed, and he was also destroyed!" After speaking, she turned to Chi Shuyan and said, "Of course, Miss Chi. , I don't just want to talk about these things, I also want to tell you that I used to save..." people in the land of thick evil.

It's a pity that Sister-in-law Miao hasn't finished speaking. When did Feng Yuanlin get out of the car and walk over, he patted Shuyan on the shoulder and said: "Shuyan, it's about time to get in the car and leave! By the way, you man I've been staring at you, wanting you to get in the car!" He said as he nodded embarrassedly to sister-in-law Miao, and said in his heart, if it weren't for Zhenbai to urge her, he wouldn't want to interrupt Shuyan and sister-in-law talking.

Feng Yuanlin suspected that the brother Zhenbai could not help but be jealous of Miao's sister-in-law while he was jealous. In this regard, he was speechless about Zhenbai's frequency of jealousy and the jealous behavior of people regardless of gender.

Following Feng Yuanlin’s sight, sister-in-law Miao also saw the window of a black car not far away slowly rolled down, revealing the man’s deeply familiar silhouette. After a while, the man turned his head, revealing his face and dark, dark eyes. Miao, the gloomy gaze swept past Sister-in-law Miao, who trembled in her heart, and looked at Chi Shuyan again, the heavy gloom faded, her eyes were very soft and nodded at her.

Chi Shuyan didn't notice the abnormality of Sister Miao on the side. After calmly looking at a certain man, he turned to listen to Sister Miao's words. Unfortunately, Sister Miao didn't plan to mention the matter again. She just rushed to Chi Shuyan uncharacteristically. Miss, the couple live more tolerantly, more considerately, and less quarrel. If you find anything abnormal in the future, you can come to me!"

Sister-in-law Miao said this and immediately took her son and drove away in another car.

Chi Shuyan:...

Feng Yuanlin:...

After Sister Miao got in the car and left, Chi Shuyan looked back. She always felt that Sister Miao's remarks just now suggested something to her and related to Qi Zhenbai. She frowned and couldn't help but ask her brother. Said: "Brother Feng, do you think that Sister Miao's words just hinted at me?"

Feng Yuanlin didn't want to blurt out and replied: "There is a point, isn't it a hint that you are quarreling with Zhenbai Shao and live a good life! What are the conflicts between the couple? Don't tell me! Look, people see you both Can't see it?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Feng Yuanlin said again at this time: "But when did Zhenbai love to talk so gossip and tell others about his quarrel with you?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan took a deep breath, didn't plan to say anything with Feng Ge Duo, and was about to get in the car, but Wang Dao, Ruan Shenglin, Yan Zhengming and the others thought of what they thought, and suddenly they came over halfway to stop people from asking her about Nourishing Dan. Mainly Ask that nourishing pills can really cure terminal illnesses? It also said that can I buy it? What's the specific role?

In the hearts of many people, Master Chi's things are naturally good things, and when they hear the three words ‘Nourishing Dan’, they feel that they are very advanced.

And sister-in-law Miao’s hemoptysis is not a terminal disease. According to the truth, what kind of pill given by Master Chi can really cure the terminal disease. Wang Dao, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Yan Zhengming and many others couldn’t help but get excited. What moisturizing pill.

Chi Shuyan was curious about the moisturizing pill for Wang Dao and the others. She chose a moisturizing pill and briefly talked to them about the benefits. For example, this thing can nourish hidden injuries and is particularly good for people’s health. You can watch it. Make a health product without side effects, but the effect is definitely incomparable to other health products.

After listening to Master Chi's words, Wang Dao, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Song Yanru, Yan Zhengming and the others not only had their eyes red when they heard, but their eyes glowed, and their faces were full of longing and burning.

In particular, Director Wang, who has seen the world and collected a lot of good things, has an instinct for good things. He didn't think of the refreshing fragrance that he had just faintly smelled. His heart trembled. The more I think about it, the more I think that "Nourishing Pill" is definitely an extraordinary treasure, far from being comparable to health products, the more I think about it, the more I want it.

If it weren't for too many people, he would like to ask Master Chi to buy it on the spot. There are not so many people. He also cheeky and euphemistically said whether he can pay for it?

Chi Shuyan also saw the desire of many people to buy, and he directly added WeChat with Director Wang, and sent him a Taobao shop website, indicating that she opened the shop and made everything in it. You can choose to buy, but the price is a bit expensive, let them choose to buy at their discretion, the things are genuine.

Director Wang almost shook his hands in disbelief and added Master Chi's WeChat. He stared at Master Chi's WeChat link and stared at him for half a minute before reacting. He immediately wanted to put it away.

No, other people are a little itchy. Even Song Yanru couldn't help but rushed to Director Wang and said: "Director Wang, help me and share the link that Master Chi just sent!"

Yan Zhengming hurriedly said, "Director Wang, I want it too!"

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun: "Director Wang, we also want it!"

Early Song, Cao Zhengsong: ...They want it too!

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