Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1433: Two hundred thirty eight

In the study, Mr. Qi looked very solemn and ugly when thinking about Zhenbai's condition at this time. When he sat on the seat, his expression still remained unchanged, and he signaled to Zhang Tianshi: "Sit!"

Speaking of which, Haozi's grandson can see some tediousness in moving his grave, let alone an old man who eats more salt than his juniors.

Now, the more he recalled the relocation of the grave that the fourth child had mentioned again, the more strange it became. In all likelihood, the fourth child gave Zhenbai a trap, but the fourth child didn't understand Feng Shui at all, and he didn't have this brain.

This game is still set up so meticulously, and even using him to draw Zhenbai into the urn, I am afraid that there is still an expert behind the fourth child. When he thinks that his youngest is so unpromising, it is very likely that one day he will join an outsider to harm his nephew, Qi Even though the old man was only guessing, he couldn't stop the rising anger and all kinds of speculations in his heart.

Old man Qi suppressed all the speculation and anger in his heart, and was as calm as usual in front of outsiders. When Tianshi Zhang took his seat, Old Man Qi went straight to the subject and asked: "Tianshi Zhang, I want to know what happened to my grandson's sudden vomiting of blood and coma? But what impact will the move of the grave have on Zhenbai?"

Tianshi Zhang had just arrived not long before, and he didn't know what happened. He only guessed something, but it was something about the Qi family. Zhang Tianshi didn't dare to make a decision, so he could only let Old Man Qi tell the story first.

Elder Qi pondered a few words, and then said: "A few days ago, my poor youngest member said to find an ancestral grave for the Qi family. The place is very good in Feng Shui, with dragon veins hidden underneath, which is the place with the most dragon energy in Kyoto. , As long as the tomb is moved there, as long as the dragon spirit continues under that place, the descendants of the Qi family will be able to win the ancestors for generations."

The old man had a pause, and continued: "My youngest son has been ineffective since he was a child, and he is not reliable in doing things, so I also specially asked other reliable masters to help and take a look. Sure enough, he didn't tell lies, I am true. I didn’t expect that my fourth-year-old was so lucky to find such a good place!"

He did think so some days ago, and he really thought that the fourth child was lucky. Having said that, Mr. Qi deeply regretted his excitement and hasty decision at the time. He did not think deeply about it, and was given the ancestor's shadow by several masters. The words'dai' have stunned, now think about it, with the fourth elder's ability and luck, can you really find such a place with such a majestic spirit? Rather than being specifically pointed by some expert?

When the old man Qi thought of this, his face was pale, and his veins jumped suddenly. What he wants to know most now is what kind of hands and feet did the fourth child and the people behind cause such harm to Zhenbai. It is better not to let him really It was found that it was the hands of the old fourth who combined with outsiders.

In fact, as soon as Zhenbai's accident happened, he let people shut down the scene, and let a few reliable masters take a look, but the conclusion is that the place is indeed majestic, and it will be able to protect future generations. , That place is indeed a good choice.

If this matter was not led by the fourth child, and if the fourth child had not harmed Zhenbo before, he might still believe it a little bit.

It’s not that Zhang Tianshi is here, the old man’s face is a bit anxious, and he asks all the questions in his heart. For example, he did find a lot of masters to investigate and say there is no problem, but why did Zhenbai happen to be wrong, what did the fourth child do? Obscure hands and feet?

Fearing that Heavenly Master Zhang could only hear a few words from him, he would not be able to judge, the old man was ready to take Heavenly Master Zhang to the place.

Zhang Tianshi thought for a while, nodded and said: "Cheng, Old Qi, I'll go and see as you go!"

The fourth Qi family was still waiting downstairs nervously, when he saw the old man and Zhang Tianshi downstairs, the two of them talked about each other, and he saw his dad beckoning the guard to prepare the car.

The fourth Qi family guiltyly approached him and asked deliberately: "Dad, the sun hasn't set yet, and the weather outside is quite hot. Where are you going with Tianshi Zhang? By the way, Tianshi Zhang is rare to come home, why should I entertain you?"

When the old man of the Qi family thought that Zhenbai’s accident was very likely to be done by the fourth child in conjunction with outsiders, he couldn’t help the fourth child.

Looking at his face, the old man's turbid but eagle-like eyes glanced at him. Old Qi Qi immediately silenced, and then he heard the old man say to his elder brother and sister-in-law: "Boss, eldest wife, don't worry about it. I will definitely give Zhenbai an explanation, and the investigation into this matter will come to light!"

After a few words, the old man deliberately glanced at the old Qi family for a few moments, and continued to warn: "If this thing is really tricky, then don't blame my old man for being cruel and daring to hurt my good grandson. I want him to pay the price! "

The old man warned, and a rare bit of cruelty and coldness flashed in his eyes. The old man of the Qi family who was watching gave him a violent attack. The old man hadn't really lost his temper for many years. He really forgot some of his dad's methods and cruelty. .

When the old man and Zhang Tianshi walked out of the door, the old fourth of the Qi family felt inexplicably cold and flustered. Taking the Qi family not paying attention, he secretly went to the backyard and called Zhuang Yanru again.

The main thing in the words was to ask when they did it and tell his dad to investigate this matter thoroughly. What he fears most now is that the old man finds out about it. If he really finds out that it was his work with outsiders, with the old man’s temper, I am afraid that nine out of ten times will not spare him lightly.

The older the Qi family thinks about it, the more he feels bottomless.

Zhuang Yanru couldn't help rolling his eyes at the frequent phone calls from the old four of the Qi family. Hearing the unpromising words of the old four of the Qi family, Zhuang Yanru snorted inwardly. It was indeed something that mud couldn't support the wall.

Why are they two uncles and nephews, both from the Qi family, so the difference is so big?

But the fourth person in the Qi family can still be used. She can’t break her master’s master because of some trivial matter. She has already passed her anger with her master. At this time, she heard the other party’s panic and anxiety, fearing that the other party’s self-confidence will be exposed and reveal some Said: "Don't worry, my master said, he will do it early tonight."

Tonight is the time when Qi Zhenbo’s soul is weakest. As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness and killing him, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After listening to Zhuang Yanru’s words, the fourth Qi family barely felt relieved. If his nephew could really die in the early hours of tonight, even if the old man found out the truth later, Qi Zhenbo’s boy was dead. Is it possible that the old man planned to ask him for this The son's life?

He was sure that as long as Qi Zhenbo's nephew died, his father would not bear his life even if he later knew that it was him.

Thinking about it this way, the fourth Qi family felt relieved.

Over there Zhuang Yanru was not in the mood or thought to continue to talk to the Qi family fourth, she said coldly: "Four young master, you should still be in the Qi family now, if you are still in the Qi family, I advise you to be the best Don’t call me. If you reveal other things, it’s not good for you or me. As for the things you’re worried about Master Qi discovering the truth, what if Master Qi suspects you? You can kill you if you don’t admit it. Good for the Qi family, I chose a majestic ancestral grave site for the Qi family. You have never done anything else. What do you need a guilty conscience? If Mr. Qi really finds out on you, you can kill you if you don’t admit it. What else did he force you? Are you obviously just for the good of the Qi family?"

Speaking of the last sentence, Zhuang Yanru sneered deliberately.

Zhuang Yanru’s reminder can be regarded as the fourth one in the Qi family. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that Zhuang Yanru’s words are right. He did not do anything except to find the ancestral grave of the Qi family from beginning to end, even if the old man really checked. When it comes to him, he can also say with certainty that he is doing it for the good of his family. He doesn't even know what happened to Zhenbai?

At this time, the fourth Qi family was completely relieved and hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

On the other side, Elder Qi personally took Zhang Tianshi to the ancestral grave of Qi Jiaxin. The car parked aside, and the two got off the car. Elder Qi pointed to the boundary for Zhang Tianshi to check.

Zhang Tianshi, who was able to get the old man Qi wanted to see, did have some skills. At this moment, he stood on a high place and followed the old man Qi's fingers to sweep a piece of land. That area was where the Qi family had just moved to the new grave.

Zhang Tianshi swept to that area, and saw that under that area, golden dragon energy from all directions gathered from all around. This area itself is majestic and strong, and it is a good place, especially the place where the Qi family chose the ancestral grave. All gathered from all directions on the newly moved ancestral tomb of the Qi family, and the underground is extremely majestic and strong, can it be good?

But the more Zhang Tianshi looked at, the frown frowned, and after a long time he spoke: "This place is indeed a very rare and good place!"

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