Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1441: Two hundred forty six

Father Qi asked Tianshi Zhang to go to the study again, and he really asked about what Shao Qi had lost control just now. Although the old man was very puzzled, he didn't think about it, and he never thought of the evil spirit entering his body. The old man was more worried about Zhenbai. The body couldn't help but seriously ask: "Tianshi Zhang, Zhenbai is really okay? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

In fact, Zhang Tianshi wanted to mention a few words, but there is no solution. It just caused the Qi family to panic. He had a faint guess in his heart. As long as the evil spirits get out of control, Qi Shao's emotions will get out of control.

If this is the case, then the situation is not to the worst. After all, although Qi Shao has too much evil energy in his body, there is still surging purple energy in his body. These purple energy seem to be able to control the evil energy. The Suppressing Talisman could stabilize Qi Shao's loss of control for a while.

To be honest, Zhang Tianshi did not want to take this muddy water again at this time, but he also understood that it was not his intention that Shao Qi suddenly acted just now, not to mention that they could not do without the help of the Qi family in Longhushan. Zhang Tianshi pondered for a moment and said Said: "Old Qi, Shao Qi should have nothing serious right now. I will stay in Qi's house for a few more days and observe Shao Qi more. As for Shao Qi, it was indeed out of control just now, but it was also an outbreak of cold syndrome. It is not a big deal!"

As soon as Master Zhang Tian finished his words, Mr. Qi's complexion really improved a lot. Although there were still many doubts in his heart, he didn't have many doubts.

Father Qi didn't dare to interrupt, but after listening to Zhang Tianshi's words, he was also greatly relieved.

Elder Qi also knew that he was really bothering Zhang Tianshi today. He was sure that Zhenbai was okay, so he would not disturb him any more, and immediately let him take Zhang Tianshi to the guest room to rest.

Before Zhang Tianshi left, he thought for a while, and after riding Qi's father left first, he still said: "Old Qi, Shao Qi didn't ask about moving the tomb, but I always think he knows something."

Elder Qi is not surprised that Zhenbai knows the design of the fourth child. It is strange that Zhenbai's scheming will not be able to see. This is also the reason why he said to him in front of the child before, he didn't want to be cold anymore. The heart of this child.

Elder Qi sighed and said to Zhang Tianshi: "Thank you Zhang Tianshi for reminding me."

Not long after Zhang Tianshi left, the second and third members of the Qi family entered the study and asked concerned: "Dad, are you okay with Zhenbai!"

Elder Qi did not answer directly, but suddenly asked, "Where is the fourth child?"

The third Qi family first said: "The fourth child has been staying at home and hasn't gone anywhere. He has always been concerned about Zhenbai. When we went downstairs just now, the fourth child kept asking about Zhenbai's situation. Kind of self-consciousness as an uncle!"

In the spirit of family harmony, the third child spoke kind words for this younger brother. In the heart of the third child of the Qi family, the fourth child is still his own brother after all.

Although his personality is unpleasant, he is his own brother after all. Although the fourth child has been in trouble with Zhenbai before, he now hopes that the fourth child will grow up. He did a good job today and cares about Zhenbai, so the third one can’t wait. The old man said a good thing for the fourth child.

Old man Qi sneered coldly after hearing what the third child said. From the perspective of the third child, it was the fourth child who cared about Zhenbai, but he knew that the fourth child was eager to inquire about Zhenbai. He hoped that he died. There was no slightest concern. .

He had been disappointed with this son before, and now he is even more disappointed and numb. As long as this fourth child has a real concern for Zhenbai and does not do it so absolutely, he does not want to be cruel to kill him, but the fourth beast has done so absolutely. Elder Qi finally made a decision in his heart, and said to the third child: "Old third, you must keep your eyes on the third child these days, and report to me immediately where he went and what he did."

The old third of the Qi family was stunned, and after subconsciously nodded and agreed, he listened to the old man to continue to tell the second child: "Second, go and check for me who is particularly close to the fourth these days? Check it out and tell me immediately."

The second child of the Qi family: "Yes, Dad!"

"There is one last point, whether it's the third or fourth child, no one is allowed to tell anyone what I am telling you today. Okay, you go out first!" The old man looked tired and waved his hand and let the two boys go out.

After listening to the old man’s instructions, the second and third Qi family went out together in a daze. After walking out for a long time, the study could not hear them talking, the third child whispered to the second brother of the Qi family: "Second brother, why did you say that Dad suddenly let us stare? The fourth child? What is going on? Why am I so upset in my heart?"

The second child of the Qi family thought more. If he was not in a hurry to return to the third child, they went downstairs together. He vaguely noticed some of the attitude of the old man towards the fourth child, which made him quite frightened, but why?

While thinking about going downstairs, the second child of the Qi family heard the fourth child’s voice not far away. The fourth child was asking his elder brother: "Brother, Zhenbai is really okay? How is his health? Do you want me to go? Help?... Is he really okay?"

The second child of the Qi family was not in a hurry to interrupt the fourth child’s questioning, and glanced at him inadvertently. He always felt that the fourth child’s attention to Zhen Bai’s body was too abnormal. It can be said that the fourth child’s attention was too much, unlike the old fourth’s usual routine. character.

As for what the third child thinks about simply caring about his nephew, he doesn’t believe it at all. He and the fourth child are considered to have grown up together. Because the fourth child is his father’s single son, he is very selfish in character, ambitious and capable. Inadequate, I have been jealous of Zhenbai's nephew, and even tried to kill Zhenbai before. After that, the two were even more intolerable. Sometimes he even saw the hatred for Zhenbai from the fourth eye.

Is he worried about Zhenbai? The second child of the Qi family didn't believe it very much. He inexplicably remembered what his son had said about Di's fourth child. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. If the accident happened to Zhenbai this time, the fourth child was the victim?

Thinking about it this way, the second child of the Qi family felt cold all over, staring at the fourth child intently, waiting to see the faint gloating on his face, his heart sank.

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