Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1450: 257

Chi Shuyan didn’t conceal it. She undertook the matter about Dashan Village and the Buddha statue. Although the words were understated, Teacher Yu could still hear the danger and fear. Teacher Yu never expected that a Buddha statue would have a village. Such a big connection, especially when Shuyan mentioned that there were no people living in the village, and there was also a magnitude 9 earthquake. Teacher Yu, an outsider, was shocked and frightened after a while. Later, I heard Shuyan said that the Buddha statue was over. Teacher Yu was completely relieved.

The two talked and unknowingly arrived at the gate of the community, Chi Shuyan asked Teacher Yu to stay and don't give too much, and led the little guy to take a taxi and leave.

Teacher Yu suddenly remembered something while taking a taxi in Shuyan, and suddenly said: "Shuyan, in fact, a few days ago, Xiaowei said that a strange woman had been talking to her, and she wanted to ask her about the child and you."

Just as he was about to get in the car, Chi Shuyan stopped, his eyes fell on the teacher, and the teacher Yu took a few steps and continued: "Xiaowei said that the woman is very strange, and the look in her eyes is also very strange, like seeing a dead person. Eyes!"

If it were not for the good relationship between the two brothers and sisters, Xiaowei would not have been able to tell him this. A few days ago, Xiaowei was very flustered when he met the woman.

Chi Shuyan suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked, "Teacher Yu knows what the woman's name is? Did she come to see Sister Xiaowei in the past two days?"

Teacher Yu shook his head and said: "In the past two days, the woman did not come to Xiaowei again. As for the name, Xiaowei said that the woman seemed very mysterious and did not reveal any news about her. Wait, I remember, Xiaowei Wei said she once heard the other party making a phone call. Xiaowei's ears are always good, and she heard someone calling her something, Miss Zhuang."

Hearing the three words'Miss Zhuang', Chi Shuyan subconsciously thought of the woman Zhuang Yanru. It was not she was blindly suspicious, but the relationship between this woman and Qin Qing a few days ago was very close to her. Where did the Buddha statue for the Ruan family come from?

Now Teacher Yu's words reminded her that she seemed to have missed the woman Zhuang Yanru. This woman felt quite contrary to her from the first time. She looked like a fellow man, not like an ordinary woman.

If Zhuang Yanru is really related to the Buddha statue?

Thinking about this, Chi Shuyan more and more doubted this woman Zhuang Yanru.

What role does Zhuang Yanru play in the Buddha statue?

But now that the black robe man is dead, Zhuang Yanru shouldn't be able to make many waves.

However, she quite doubted whether this woman had other purposes when approaching Qi Zhenbai, and the more Chi Shuyan wanted to frown, her face didn't look pretty.

It is estimated that she stopped for too long. The taxi driver who parked not far away couldn’t wait. He rolled down the window and poked his head out and yelled at Chi, “I can’t get in the car. !"

The taxi driver had a hot temper, and without waiting for Chi Shuyan's response, he stepped on the accelerator and left.

Chi Shuyan:...

Li Yu puffed up his face: "... impudent!"

Teacher Yu: ...this kid is so cute!

Chi Shuyan finally came back to her senses now. Seeing that the teacher was worried and looking at her, and seeing the little guy's small face flushed with anger, his small face stamped his feet and stared at the leaving taxi, Chi Shuyan felt much better and said Said: "Teacher Yu, the information you provided is very useful to me, thank you. I'm really gone, you go back!"

Teacher Yu nodded and turned around to leave. Before leaving, he suddenly thought of his wife's words. Just before Shuyan was about to get in the car, he suddenly embarrassed and said: "Shuyan, your sister-in-law... Your sister-in-law said that he wanted to follow you. Asking for a peace sign here, don’t know if it’s convenient or inconvenient?"

To be honest, Teacher Yu never dreamed that one day he would ask his students for something like Fulu. Anyway, he was a firm materialist at first, but after so many things, Teacher Yu’s thoughts have changed greatly, but I was still a little embarrassed when I asked my students for a talisman. I wasn't too embarrassed to blush, but if I didn't ask, Teacher Yu felt that with his wife's temper, it would surely turn the sky in a while, and his mother would definitely turn the sky in the sky.

Chi Shuyan pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't want to generously give Teacher Yu a few peace symbols.

Teacher Yu blushed and took it. He still wanted to say a few words, when he saw the little guy next to Shuyan with his eyes wide open and curiously watching him eating snacks.

After a while, Mr. Yu realized that the little guy had a braided hairstyle. This kid is so cute, so good-looking, and so good!

But remembering the ‘presumptuous’ phrase that this kid said just now and this ancient hairstyle, it’s too much influenced by TV!

Teacher Yu didn't think that this child and Shuyan would have a mother-child relationship. He thought they were siblings. After the two got in the car, Teacher Yu was separated from the car door and said with great pain: "Shuyan, look at your brother more. Don’t watch those brain-disabled TVs and even dramas! It’s really impossible. I have a lot of famous books here, so this kid can take them back to read more. Even if I don’t understand, I can learn something!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Little Li Yu:...

Fortunately, this time the taxi was also anxious. Before Chi Shuyan could reply, the driver could not wait to step on the accelerator and drive away. When Chi Shuyan looked at the teacher's further and further figure through the rearview mirror, he felt relieved. He sighed and rubbed the little guy's head with his hat.

The little guy Li Yu relied on Chi Shuyan very much. This little head was curled up on her abdomen and squeaked and smiled. He raised his little head while laughing and asked: "Shuyan, is this king behaved today?"

"By the way, Shuyan, next time you bring this king here, OK, this king still wants to watch a show!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan was also very speechless about this little guy's gossip, dare to love the quarrel between the Yu family and the Yang family just now, this kid really thought it was a movie!

"Isn't it just a scene between two women fighting for one man? This king has watched it on TV, but why didn't Xiaowei give that scumbag a slap today?"

Chi Shuyan:...

"If it's this king, this king will definitely give that scumbag a slap!"

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