Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1458: Two hundred sixty five

Just after Chi Shuyan’s words fell, Yang Zhi’s smile became clean, his face was a little heavy and not very attractive, but he also knew that the other party was concerned about Zhen Yu, and Yang Zhi’s expression turned better, and he was about to speak,'ding' With a sound, the elevator opened.

The two did not care to speak any more, Chi Shuyan took the initiative: "I will accompany you to see Zhen Yu!"

After that, she followed the other person into the elevator. There were quite a lot of people entering the elevator at this time. Chi Shuyan couldn't ask too much. Yang Zhi pressed the elevator floor and waited for the elevator to open again. When the two got out of the elevator, Yang Zhicai sighed. With a sigh of relief: "It's okay if you can come and see Zhen Yu. She's been a bit too excited recently, and it's okay for someone to speak with her."

Chi Shuyan sighed inexplicably when she heard these words, for fear that Zhen Yu would encounter some disaster in her absence these days, but thinking of the talisman she had given Zhen Yu before, she was a little relieved and asked: "These I have something to ask for leave, so I don’t know what happened to Zhen Yu, Mr. Yang, can you tell me what happened to Zhen Yu? By the way, something happened to Yang Lan?"

Yang Zhi suddenly heard the name'Yang Lan', his face was black and gloomy, and his eyes were angry and spitting, and he could not wait to chop people for hundreds of knives. Several days have passed. Yang Zhi thought he was calmer, but Hearing the name'Yang Lan' at this moment, Yang Zhi couldn't help but his chest rose and fell, his eyes flushed.

Chi Shuyan put Yang Zhi's expression in his eyes, and the more he looked at it, the more he groaned, he listened to him angrily: "The woman surnamed Yang is not a good product. I knew I should have let Zhen Yu get away from this woman as soon as possible. It’s better to be cut off as far as you are, than to be scammed by such a horrible thing for no reason! My **** introduced my good brother to that woman! Fortunately Feng Qin is fine, and broke up with that woman early!"

Yang Zhiyue said that his face became more angry, and his whole body was shaking. One can imagine how angry Yang Zhi was at this time.

Chi Shuyan heard that Yang Lan had broken up with Feng Qin, squinted, and suddenly said, "You said that Yang Lan and the Feng brother have broken up?"

Yang Zhi nodded and replied, "Well, after almost a week, the woman thought that my brother turned in a large amount of gold that he picked up. She was an idiot. So she broke up with Feng Qin the next day. Qin didn't believe it yet, and wanted to coax people until he saw this woman fooling around with other men."

Mentioned this matter, Yang Zhi's face was green and green. Feng Qin was introduced by the two of them at the beginning, and Yang Lan's actions undoubtedly hit them both on the face.

What he is most fortunate now is that this woman Yang Lan, fortunately, broke up with Feng Qin early and didn't do much harm to him. If she really marries into Feng's family, Yang Zhi can hardly imagine the future of Feng's family and his relationship with Feng Qin. How to maintain the friendship, how to have the face to meet Feng's family.

Feng Qin's parents and grandfather are very kind people.

Chi Shuyan was also stunned, she was not surprised that Yang Lan broke up with Feng Qin, she was surprised that the other party broke up with Feng Qin so quickly.

Hook up with other men so quickly.

Is this considered a dog can’t change eating shit?

At the same time, she never expected that the origin of the two's breakup would be the gold that Feng Qin picked up in the restaurant before.

Chi Shuyan could hardly say a word, for Yang Lan’s selfishness was also because of her shallow eyelids. Speaking of which, when the two first met, the other was not like that. In other respects, she still felt that Yang Lan had always seen it well. Handling things neatly and neatly, and his personality is quite cool.

Her only weakness and shortcomings are attributed to her feelings. She is in a mess. As long as it involves feelings, her head will start to get confused and deal with things in a mess.

At the beginning, she hadn't had any complaints, and she had to dial again and again, but it was a pity that time was both a good thing and a bad thing. With time, people's hearts would change.

At the beginning, she always thought that Yang Lan's change was because her personality was sharp but arrogant, and she couldn't stand repeated blows, so she changed.

Later, she really saw that this person was selfish in nature, but her conscience had not been lost before.

She didn’t know whether her brain’s IQ would decrease after a person had no conscience and increased her skill. But Yang Lan, since she had no conscience, she really found that the woman’s IQ was getting lower and lower, and she couldn’t distinguish between good and pregnant. , I can't tell what is good and bad for myself.

Chi Shuyan pursed her lips in thought, and listened to Yang Zhi's anger and continued to say: "I think my brother didn't mean anything to that woman at the beginning. It was the woman whose surname Yang took the initiative to stick to her. My brother is Feng Qin, Feng Qin. Seeing that she kept asking him out, she had a good attitude, and she said all kinds of things to look at him. He thought that the other party was really interested, and it was not easy to see a girl who gave him a face and confessed, so I tried it. But I I never thought that the woman I introduced to my brother was such a feminine woman. If I had known what this woman did and killed me, I would never introduce my brother to her. My brother didn't suffer anything from that woman, and was dumped at most. He only pityed my girlfriend Zhen Yu, and smashed his heart to this woman, but in return the woman stabbed her in the back."

Yang Zhi squeezed his fists as he spoke, his face full of anger and resentment.

In the end, under the lure of Chi Shuyan, Yang Zhi said all the crimes Zhen Yu suffered a few days ago.

It turned out that after she quickly abandoned Feng Qin, she found another rich boyfriend, but the man had a wife and was still a phoenix man who relied on a woman.

At the beginning, Yang Lan knew that the other party had a wife, plus she looked better and had a little money, so she really regarded her as a golden turtle son-in-law. She was surprised that she directly killed her and was kept in a high-end community.

Speaking of it, it would be okay if Yang Lan had some peace of mind, but Yang Lan never concealed his thoughts about being superior from the beginning. After the two scumbags were together, Yang Lan kept secretly sending large-scale photos of the two to the other wife to provoke her. she was.

The man's wife of the other party was not very good at all. Before, because the Phoenix man had been stealing fish, he also suffered from depression and mental illness. This would not make people crazy when he was stimulated, so I asked the woman Yang Lan to settle accounts.

At first, Yang Lan guessed that there was something wrong with this woman. She did not dare to live alone, so she called Zhen Yu to live with her. If she told Zhen Yu something in advance, she could barely be considered a conscience, but she didn’t reveal anything. Over to Zhen Yu, treat Zhen Yu as an idiot and shield.

Not only that, when the woman retaliated when the incident happened, when the two had just returned from shopping in the neighborhood after dinner, Yang Lan first saw the woman coming with a knife with sharp eyes, and she ran away first without saying anything. She also hid in the room and locked the door to prevent Zhen Yu from entering, and Zhen Yu was stabbed several times by the mad woman.

Yang Zhi said that when he recalled this, he was still trembling with anger. The more he talked, the more he talked, the more he talked, the creaking of his fists, his forehead bursting with blue veins, his face was very ugly!

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