Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1465: Two hundred and seventy two

In fact, these days Yang Lan's life of climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix is ​​really difficult, so she really intends to plan Feng Qin's idea again.

At the beginning, the Phoenix son-in-law of Ren's family did a good job, and the other party just caught her. Ren's family is not short of money and gave Yang Lan very generous. In the few days when Yang Langang and the Phoenix son-in-law of Ren's family had just caught up, Buying brand-name clothes and bags every day, just a few days in a blink of an eye, not only changed the place of residence, but also dressed up in a brand-name fashion.

Those who don't know really think she is a rich daughter.

However, as the incident between the two of them was exposed and the incident of the mad woman stabbing someone in the Ren family was exposed, the Phoenix man, Kong Chengkai’s previous things to the Miss Ren were exposed, the Ren family immediately closed Kong Cheng. Kai's right also froze the property under his name, and planned to drive people out of the Kong family. These days, Kong Chengkai jumped back to the Ren family in shock and ignored her as a grandson.

Yang Lan was also worried that the Ren family would retaliate against her. She never expected that the man she had hooked up with before was just a phoenix man who pierced the door, not a rich second generation at all.

Because Kong Chengkai’s assets were frozen and the real estate under his name was taken back by the Ren family, Kong Chengkai couldn’t spend a lot of money to support her and let her spend money like water. Not only did she move back from the high-end community where she had lived before. , And worry about Ren's revenge every day. When she thought that everything was caused by her provocation, Yang Lan's bowels of regret were blue now.

I hate Kong Chengkai's concealment even more. If she had known that Kong Chengkai was Ren's son-in-law, how could she dare not provoke the mad woman.

It was not when she hooked up with Kong Chengkai. Kong Chengkai kept telling her that his wife was a cowardly and submissive woman who had no temper. She had also heard that Kong Chengkai took women home every day in the past few years. The woman dare not say a word, and Kong Chengkai looks good, she also thinks that the woman is very easy to deal with, usually in front of Kong Chengkai pretending to be obedient, behind thinking how to make Kong Chengkai's wife be obedient position.

Although the two haven't hooked up for long, Yang Lan really has some affection for him because of Kong Chengkai's skin. She planned well, but she never expected that she would post various large-scale intimate photos after provocation. , That woman would change her cowardice and want to stab her to death?

If it hadn’t been for Zhen Yu as a shield to stand in her way, Yang Lan would feel terrified when she thinks about it.

Yang Lan did have some true feelings for Zhen Yu, but she really didn’t want to die. Thinking of Zhen Yu, she inevitably felt a little guilty in her heart, and felt that someone had encountered this kind of thing, and her reaction was quite normal. Besides, Zhen Yu did not die. After a big deal, she repaid Zhen Yu's life-saving kindness and treated her better. She did not go to the hospital but asked some acquaintances who cared about her.

And recently, there was an incident of being stabbed. Yang Lan didn't dare to run around or even go to the hospital. She went home and locked the door tightly every day, for fear of encountering that crazy woman again.

After being stabbed, Yang Lan feels that she is getting worse and worse in recent days, and she is also getting more and more unlucky. Sometimes she really feels unlucky for herself. Why did Kong Chengkai bring a woman home to stimulate the woman in the Ren family before? She wasn't crazy and didn't want to stabbing someone to death. On the contrary, she had just hooked up with Kong Chengkai and just provoke her, the woman wanted to stabb her to death. The Ren family who still made trouble knew her.

The more Yang Lan thinks about it, the more she feels that her feelings are rough and unsatisfactory, and she can't help but think of Feng Qin's luck.

I suspected that my relationship with Feng Qin was too short, so I didn't change my rotten peach blossom life. Fortunately, someone blocked her.

Yang Lan went through several life and death junctures, and became more aware of the seriousness of the various disasters that rotten peach blossoms brought to her. She cherished her life very much, and regretted that she had split up with Feng Qin too early at the time, but she did not regret having hooked up. Cheng Kai only regretted that she had split up with Feng Qin too early. She had known that she should hang someone on her face and continue to communicate for her to change her luck. By the way, she would continue to hook up with Kong Chengkai secretly. Maybe it would not have happened.

Feng Qin is not needed until she is completely cured of Rotten Peach's life. It will not be too late to kick someone again. Maybe she was married to Kong Chengkai at that time, and the Ren family was also taken by Kong Chengkai.

The more Yang Lan thinks, the better, and the more he thinks, the more regretful it is. Fortunately, it’s not too late. As long as she continues to hook up with Feng Qin, it will be enough. In fact, Yang Lan prefers Chi Shuyan to change her fortune to Feng Qin. She didn't understand before, but now she is very aware of the various benefits of good luck.

It's a pity that she has never found a truly reliable master. Most of those found are liars, but there is a woman with real skills, that is, the woman Chi Shuyan, who is not willing to help her if she is not good.

The more Yang Lan thinks about it, the more he feels that naivety is unfair. Why is it that some people are so lucky, but she has to be entangled by the fate of rotten peach blossoms.

The more Yang Lan thought about it, her expression became a little distorted. At this time, the phone on the table dinged, Yang Lan picked up the phone and saw that it was the message that Kong Cheng had given her. The words made her feel relieved to wait for him and wait for him. Come to pick her up after dealing with Ren's affairs.

Yang Lan saw that Kong Cheng sent her a text message, and seeing that he hadn't forgotten her, her face looked better, and her face was sweet and she replied a very considerate text message.

Thinking of Feng Qin again, she quickly dialed Feng Qin.

Feng Qin picked up the call from Yang Lan and was a little puzzled. He still knew a little bit about Zhen Yu being involved and stabbed by the woman Yang Lan. Because of this, Feng Qin has completely changed her view of Yang Lan. Fortunately, I broke up first. If it weren't for seeing her keep calling his cell phone, Feng Qin didn't want to answer at all.

"Brother Feng, are you free tonight? I want to invite someone to lunch!"

Yang Lan's as always soft voice could no longer be heard in Feng Qin's ears, Feng Qin frowned, and said in a calm tone: "Miss Yang, I'm busy lately, I'm afraid I won't be free!" After speaking, he added: "If you are really free, you should go to the hospital to see Zhen Yu!"

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