Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1469: Two hundred and seventy six

Seeing that everyone was ready to stay at his house, Ruan Shenglin had to go to the kitchen with a big bag of rice to prepare some white porridge for everyone to drink. In fact, Ruan Shenglin wanted to entertain everyone and cook rice and a big meal, but he was really good at cooking. Not very good, his wife can do something, but now she is pregnant, even if his wife can do it, he can't worry about letting him do it.

Yes, let’s just cook a porridge. Anyway, everyone just said they wanted to taste the taste of the rice from Master Chi’s Taobao shop. He was also a little curious when he said that, he bought the rice yesterday or made a mistake and paid suddenly. He was also taken aback when he learned the price of the ling rice. If he changed a store, he would have to scold the store as a black store if he had the money. The main reason was that the prices in the store were too high, even rice. The price is so high that he can hardly imagine.

He originally wanted to get a refund, but later saw that the rice was sold out soon, and he thought it was the master's shop. Maybe this rice is different from other rice, so there is no refund.

Before Ruan Shenglin made the porridge, he couldn’t help but look at the ling rice a few more times, wanting to see the difference between the rice and the rice they usually eat. After staring for a long time, he didn’t see any difference at all, except for the different name. Just like normal rice, Ruan Shenglin couldn't help being a little disappointed.

Ruan Shenglin is too lazy to think about it now. He is not very good at washing and washing rice. He is not very good at cooking, but he still cooks some porridge. That is to say, he is too busy to find an aunt at home. He has only been at home for more than ten years. Didn't go to the kitchen once.

Ruan Shenglin's scouring of rice was neat, and Xu Tong outside was a little worried about his husband cooking porridge, and went into the kitchen with his stomach straight, and yelled softly: "Sheng Lin!"

"Wife, you hurry over and see for me the rice I am scouring, is it almost enough? Is there too little rice?" Ruan Shenglin asked when his wife entered the kitchen.

Compared to Ruan Shenglin, Xu Tong is more familiar with porridge cooking than he is. Seeing that he hesitated for a while, grabbed a large amount of rice and put it in, she quickly stopped and said: "Enough, enough! Putting too much rice in for a while can only eat dry rice Now, add more water!"

"Sure!" Ruan Shenglin added water and put the pot back.

Xu Tong helped start the porridge cooking mode: "It's almost done, when the porridge is cooked, let's go out first!"

Ruan Shenglin nodded and helped his wife to go to the living room. He happened to hear that Yan Ge, Kun Ge, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong, Song Jie and others broke the news about what they bought in Chi Master's shop.

I heard that Kun and Yan, Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong laughed at the rice he bought, saying that there are so many good things in Master Chi’s shop, but he looked at a bunch of rice, and Ruan Shenglin knew that everyone was buying it at Master Chi’s shop. The most popular is Fulu. As for rice, he only buys it. Ruan Shenglin wondered if he was too stupid.

I saw that in the beginning of Song Dynasty, Yan Zhengming, Yang Kun and Song Yanru suddenly raised their hands weakly and said: "Brother, sister, I suddenly remembered that I also bought some rice from the master store, and I also bought a lot of Fulu! How do I feel that the rice in the master store is very popular! I almost didn't get it, it's much harder than buying a talisman!"

A group of people who hadn't noticed or grabbed Lingmi:...

Ruan Shenglin looked quite pleasing to the boy at the beginning of Song Dynasty at this time, and deliberately snorted threateningly at the others: "If you don't want to drink porridge for a while, just continue to talk nonsense!"

After Ruan Shenglin's words fell, everyone rushed to change other topics, and Yan Zhengming couldn't help but go back: "Sheng Lin, you threaten to be childish or naive. Haven't some of us never drank white porridge? You are not porridge. What kind of jade jade brew? Do you really believe what this kid in the early Song Dynasty said? How about I buy you a big bag of rice from the master store next time? I think that instead of spending time and money on buying more rice, you might as well buy more master. The talisman in the shop!"

Although Yang Kun agrees with Yan Zhengming's words, Sheng Lin is his person. He has to stand beside Sheng Lin. At this time, he said: "Brother Yan, there is a kind of porridge for a while!"

"Yes, I'm too lazy to drink, I see you guys drink it!" Yan Zhengming said with a calm expression on his legs.

Ruan Shenglin didn't understand that one day they would talk nonsense for so long because of a bag of rice. After a long time, a burst of fresh fragrance suddenly came.

The two boys Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong with dog noses first smelled this extraordinary scent, and the smell became more and more fragrant. They opened their eyes and sniffed fiercely: "What smell? Why is it so good?"

Yan Zhengming, Yang Kun, Song Yanru and the others, including Ruan Shenglin, smelled the scent fiercely. There was a jitter in their stomachs, and they couldn't bear it. Even Song Yanru, who had been dieting and losing weight, was extremely self-disciplined. Suffering droolingly, he couldn't help but asked Ruan Shenglin and his wife: "What did your neighbor make delicious? Why is it so delicious?"

Ruan Shenglin, Xu Tong:...

Not to mention the two brothers Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming, who have a bit of a foodie nature, especially the latter. They suffered a lot of hunger when they were young. After their career improved, Yan Zhengming, who vowed to eat delicious food, was refreshed by the refreshing fragrance. Yes, my mouth keeps drooling, my eyes are fixed on Ruan Shenglin and his wife, and he anxiously asked: "Fuck, what is so fragrant? No, Shenglin, go and ask your neighbors what they make delicious. Do you mind if you eat rice?"

Ruan Shenglin, Xu Tong:...

This area is a wealthy area. Everyone lives in a villa. Ruan Shenglin doesn't believe that the smell of neighbours' meals can reach him.

It was Xu Tong who reacted first, and suddenly hesitated: "It's the smell from the kitchen! Wait, there is only porridge cooked in the kitchen, isn't it the smell of porridge?"

As soon as Xu fairy tale fell, everyone in the living room was dumbfounded, and the atmosphere was deadly silent. Ruan Shenglin, who bought the Lingmi by himself, was dumbfounded after hearing his wife's words. He looked like he couldn't believe it. His eyes turned and his eyes were straight. Staring straight at the kitchen, Ruan Shenglin was about to get up and go into the kitchen to take a look.

Yan Zhengming, the fastest who suddenly got up and ran, rushed into the kitchen first. In a blink of an eye, Yan Zhengming's impatient and excited voice came from the kitchen: "Fuck, it's the taste of porridge, it really tastes like porridge. Why is it so fragrant? I have never I've smelled such fragrant white porridge, why is it so fragrant? I really want to eat it?"

When Yan Zhengming said this, everyone else was anxious, curious, and excited. After a while, everyone crowded together at the door, smelling the scent from the rice cooker, and their eyes staring at the rice cooker couldn’t wait to be straight. ...It's so **** sweet!

Nothing is more exciting than Yan Zhengming, who is standing closest to the rice cooker. He is dizzy with the smell of the rice cooker.

This kind of fragrance is still more and more fragrant.

Yan Zhengming's mouth kept drooling, but he wasn't sure if the porridge was good or not. He was very impatient, and quickly asked Ruan Shenglin and his wife whether the porridge was cooked or not.

Xu Tong was sure that the porridge was actually cooked, and Ruan Shenglin hadn't started yet, and Yan Zhengming had hurriedly carried the rice cooker to the whole.

Xu Tong:...

Ruan Shenglin: ...the one who says it's really good to drink porridge?


The rice cooker was taken out, and the others had to follow Yan Zhengming out. They saw that Yan Zhengming (Brother Yan) had opened the lid of the rice cooker. The scent of white porridge made everyone drool even more. For a while, it was almost all in the living room. Nice smell.

Others have some doubts about the fragrance of this porridge. The main reason is that the surface of the white porridge looks no different from the usual porridge, but the fragrance is too abnormal and weird.

Everyone couldn't wait to taste the taste of this porridge. Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong had already brought a lot of bowls and spoons from the kitchen.

Yan Zhengming was not polite and quickly asked Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin to serve him a bowl first.

Yang Kun had no choice but to give Yan Zhengming a bowl first. Seeing him tasted a bite, Yang Kun actually wanted to ask how this brother tasted. After seeing this girl's blow and swallowing, he took a breath and ignored him. Asked, the next porridge is almost as good as it is not hot, gobbled up the remaining porridge, and stared at the pot while drinking.

Yang Kun:...

Ruan Shenglin:...

"Brother Kun, Brother Ruan, I'm hungry too."

"I'm hungry too! Give me a spoon first!"

Even Song Yanru rarely spoke, ready to take the initiative to spoon a bowl.

It is said that the visitor is a guest. If Ruan Shenglin and Xu Tong want to taste the porridge, they have to entertain the guests first, and take the initiative to take Yang Kun's spoon and give everyone a bowl, and they are the last.

Seeing that the white porridge in the pot was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Yan Zhengming called that anxious, and quickly pretended to say with a serious expression: "Everyone drink slowly, drink slowly, and taste good things slowly. What's the matter if you gorge yourself? Like Zhubajie swallowing ginseng fruit, I didn’t taste anything after swallowing it!"

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