Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1483: Seventy nine

Because of the pill furnace, Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde's attention soon fell from the "high-grade Xiusui Pill" on the pill furnace, and they stared at the pill furnace for a long time, but no matter how long they stared, this thing is no longer the same. His own, has become someone else's, when he thought of this, Jing Hengran took a breath of pain and felt badly distressed, but no matter how hard he was in his heart, he didn't have the cheek to ask the pill furnace.

Just make up my mind for a while, all the pill furnaces in the store must be checked again. No, not only the pill furnaces, but the goods on the Jingshi auction house, all have to be inspected carefully. This will be missed by others. Something, then he really had to vomit blood.

Regarding this pill furnace, Jing Hengran's interest in this Xiusui Pill has decreased a little, but it is the first time to see the'Top Grade' Xiusui Pill. Thinking of the role of Xiusui Pill, his heart is excited, joyful and excited. On the upper hand, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and put the Xiusui Pill back into the spirit bottle to flush Chi Shuyan and said: "Miss Chi, I am very satisfied with this'top grade' Xiusui Pill, but you said earlier that the effect of the Xiusui Pill is really gifted for improvement. effect?"

Chi Shuyan saw that the other party directly ignored the other effect, considered it for a while, and said: "It does exist, but this Xiusui Pill is mainly for repairing the heart, and the target must be a cultivator whose cultivation level is stagnant or damaged. People who are normal and not injured should never take this Xiusui Pill indiscriminately!"

Last time she said very clearly, Jing Hengran naturally knew the efficacy and application of this pill. Asking again is the insurance and then confirming. One of the Xiusui Pills has already been determined for whom, and he can’t wait. Want to know the true effect of this Xiusui Pill.

When I thought that I got three top-grade Xiusui Pills this time, I was not reconciled to the loss of the good pill furnace. At any rate, I felt a little comfort. Then I thought that now the other party cooperates with their Jing clan and sells all the pill that they refine to Jing clan. The auction house can be considered a win-win to a certain extent.

Jing Hengran's complexion finally recovered a bit, but he was vaguely unwilling, but he changed his enthusiasm before and became a little cold, confirming the efficacy of Xiusui Pill and no longer staying.

Jing Hengran's non-retention approach was in line with Chi Shuyan's heart. She was really afraid that the other party would enthusiastically invite her to eat something. In short, she didn't want to have more contact with each other in private. People are too shrewd, and secondly, she hides a lot of secrets, and more contact is no good.

Chi Shuyan put the alchemy furnace back into the Qiankun Ring, and went downstairs with Qian Zhengde. After Qian Zhengde went out, his expression was still a bit trance, but the alchemy furnace belonged to the Jing family, and the loss was also from the Jing family. He did not directly Regarding the relationship, although Qian Zhengde was a little bit painful and curious in his heart, he had a better relationship with Chi Shu, and personally felt that this good pill furnace was more suitable for the lady in front of him.

It is true that Miss Chi can use this pill furnace to better refine the top grade pill. It does not mean that other alchemists have the talent of Miss Chi next to her. In short, a good pill furnace must be equipped with a good alchemist, otherwise the pill furnace will be useless. For example, the Jing family once produced a very talented alchemist. The Jing family and the head of the family all cultivated this person. She was the first to let her go first, but that Miss Jing never really refined the top-grade and good-quality pills. From this point, it can be seen that the alchemist really values ​​talent rather than a good pill furnace.

Thinking about it this way, Qian Zhengde still feels that this pill furnace is related to Miss Chi next to him. At this moment, he is afraid that the man beside him will think too much, breaking the quiet atmosphere, and smiling sincerely: "Miss Chi is lucky! Don't worry, It’s just a momentary pain for Jing Shao, but I figured it out in a while! Besides, there are so many good things about Jing Shi, Miss Chi don’t have to worry about this pill furnace, no matter how good this pill furnace is, Shao Jing cannot return it! Besides, Miss Chi can do so much before. The pill furnace selected this one, it shows that this pill furnace is indeed predestined with you!"

Chi Shuyan saw Qian Zhengde's sincere expression, curled his lips, and said inwardly that even if Jing Shi really wanted to get back the alchemy furnace from her, it would not be a simple matter. Besides, with her understanding, Jing The heir of Shi should not be so short-sighted, but if it is so short-sighted, she doesn't have the need to continue cooperating with Jing Shi auction house.

Her value is the same as the pill furnace, and the other party should be able to tell which is more important. This is also the most important reason for her exposure of the pill furnace.

Since the other party spoke sincerely, Chi Shuyan also had some sincerity on her face. She nodded and did not continue to talk about the pill furnace. Instead, she smashed her own good spirit tea and said: "The treasurer, I was Having said that, I want to discuss another business with you. I washed this bucket of spirit tea myself. I would like to auction my spirit tea through the Jingshi auction house. The commission will be collected according to the normal commission! Bucket is what I gave you a little bit of caution! As the saying goes, courtesy is light and affection is heavy! I hope the treasurer of money will not dislike it!"

Shopkeeper Qian didn’t expect that the other party wanted to talk about Lingcha business. He didn’t receive the small bucket of Lingcha presented by Miss Chi in front of him. Shopkeeper Qian still couldn’t respond. He really didn’t dislike it, but felt Jing Shiling. The tea is too famous. She doesn’t do anything good at auction, but the spirit tea is auctioned. This is probably not good at auction. If the quantity is not large, he would be happy to take the reputation of Jingshi auction house spirit tea, but this spirit tea must reach a certain level. Standard, otherwise it would be the reputation of Jingshi Lingcha.

The treasurer Qian hesitated for a moment, and said, "Miss Chi, how many spirit teas did you bring to auction this time?"

Upon seeing this, Chi Shuyan immediately took out a large bag of spiritual tea from Qiankun Jieling, and packed it in a bag. There were about five or six poke tea leaves in it. The quantity was too large. She planned to take these to test the water first. The treasurer saw that this tea was not Too many, naturally agreed, he also made a lot of other suggestions, as well as the reputation of using Jingshi Lingcha to help her consume these Lingcha.

Chi Shuyan immediately waved his hand and refused, "No, the treasurer Qian, just use my name to auction the spirit tea. Even if the auction price is somewhat low, it's fine."

Chi Shuyan didn't want to owe such great favor to Jing's reputation, and secondly, she still had a lot of confidence in the quality of her erling tea.

Seeing Chi Shuyan's attitude, the treasurer Qian looked at the other party higher and nodded: "Miss Chi, there will be an auction for Jing's in a while, will you participate?"

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