Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1521: 817

Chi Shuyan didn't expect to meet the Cai family by such a coincidence. The most important thing is that the Cai family still lives next to her master's house. She planned to leave before, but now she changed her mind and followed the old lady's intention to enter the Cai's villa.

When the old lady Cai saw that the little master agreed to go in, she was enthusiastic, diligent and ecstatic, and she didn't know what she thought was a great event in the Cai family.

Chi Shuyan entered Cai's house for the first time, and when he entered, he looked at Cai's house and the middle-aged woman who had been called in by the old lady just now to pour tea for her.

Mrs. Cai also remembered that she drove Li Tian’s **** away and showed her to the little master nine out of ten. For fear of her misunderstanding, she quickly explained: "Master, the woman just now is the first daughter-in-law of my house. Really hooked up with other men, and there are children in her belly. That **** still wants to treat the evil seed in her belly as the seed of my old Cai family. What a misfortune! Fortunately, the little master, you reminded me early, otherwise I will pay I don't know which wild species my old Cai family will end up in the future?"

Every time Li Tian is mentioned nowadays, Mrs. Cai gritted her teeth and wished to tear people away, but at this moment, in front of the little master, Mrs. Cai's emotions were somewhat restrained, but the hatred of Li Tian's daughter-in-law did not diminish in her eyes.

The two talked and walked to the villa lobby. Old lady Cai immediately asked her to sit down. Du Shufen came over to bring tea, and Chi Shuyan took the opportunity to see the woman who served tea.

It can be seen that the other party is almost in his 30s and his facial features are good, but his skin is sallow and there are many wrinkles on his face. It is possible for him to be in his forties, so he may have suffered a lot.

Du Shufen has been hanging his head since he came out from serving the tea, lowering his eyebrows and pouring tea to Chi Shuyan, his movements are neat, but he shrinks a little, Chi Shuyan vaguely guessed the identity of the other party.

Seeing the daughter-in-law in front of Du Shufen finished pouring the tea, she stood beside her in a daze and couldn't speak. If it had been before, Mrs. Cai would definitely abandon this daughter-in-law as too wood, and could not help but curse.

But now thinking of the woman Li Tian, ​​the dissatisfaction with Du Shufen in her heart was immediately wiped out.

The woman Li Tian would say, her mouth is like smearing honey, but what happened in the end, didn't she hook up with other men to give his son a green cap?

Now Mrs. Cai also understands a little bit, that is, if a woman is still her daughter-in-law, she must be honest. In case she finds a daughter-in-law again like Li Tian, ​​she takes the hard-earned money of her son to raise Other guys, doesn't she have to vomit blood?

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Cai felt more and more that the daughter-in-law in front of her son was pretty good, not to mention that now the little master also said that his old Cai family had only two granddaughters and no grandchildren in this life.

Although the old lady Cai was still unwilling in her heart, she also accepted her fate and planned to compensate the daughter-in-law in front of her, so she was standing beside her in a dull voice and asked her to sit down with her in a very kind tone.

Du Shufen shook her head quickly: "Mom, I'll just stand up!"

Mrs. Cai said this when she saw her. Since she was willing to stand, she would stand, and sit down with a diligent and enthusiastic face and said: "Little Master, you say we are really fate! Open it and I met you. What a coincidence!"

Chi Shuyan didn't have a good impression of the old lady in front of him, but as the saying goes, he stretched out his hand and didn't make a smile. Chi Shuyan also smiled: "It's a coincidence!"

"Master, are you coming to my house today?" The old lady Cai really hopes that the little master in front of her will come to her house specially, and by the way change her granddaughter's affairs, what if the master thinks of a way?

Chi Shuyan saw the old lady's thoughts at a glance, and had to say that she admired the old lady's desire for her grandson. She didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. No, she didn't give up on hitting the south wall. She is very helpless because of her patriarchal thought.


Before Chi Shuyan could speak, the old lady suddenly knelt in front of Chi Shuyan and slapped Du Shufen's daughter-in-law with a snap. Chi Shuyan was also surprised, and listened to the old lady's pitiful expression: "Master, Master, my old Cai’s family is going to be wiped out now. I beg you, can you think of a way for my poor old lady to find a way for my old Cai’s family to have a grandson, even if In the future, I want my old lady to become a vegetarian. Master, you don’t know that Youcai has never had a son. My heart is so uncomfortable every day. From now on, I will die, and I have no face to see Youcai’s father and Cai’s ancestors. Why is life so bitter?"

The old lady started crying as she talked, not so miserable.

On the side, the daughter-in-law Du Shufen was quite frightened and quickly helped the old lady up.

The old lady Cai didn't get up, so she knelt in front of Chi Shuyan and cried, crying Chi Shuyan called a headache and regretted entering the door of Lao Cai's house.

Chi Shuyan still planned to refuse at first, but remembering that the Cai family is next to the Fu family, she rolled her eyes and suddenly asked, "Old lady, how about your relationship with the next Fu family?"

Mrs. Cai is also very personal. When the little master suddenly turned and mentioned the Fu family in front of her, her eyes lit up and she immediately said: "Familiar, very familiar, little master, as long as you can help me to hold this old lady. Grandson, whatever you ask me to do. As for my old Cai family and Fu family, I really know each other."

Chi Shuyan continued to ask: "Then you should also know Fu Qing and Zhao Junrong?"

The old lady Cai is also a gossip, and she nodded immediately: "Know, you know, Fu Qing is a good girl, but the boyfriend she finds is not a good person."

Although the old lady Cai is extremely patriarchal, she is always accurate when she looks at people. She knows whether this person is good at a glance. In short, the old lady has a very good impression of Fu Qing, but what she is looking for. The boyfriend really has no liking. According to what she said is a poor boy, he has no abilities and is not as good as her family.

It's not that the old lady Cai said what she said in her heart one by one, but she didn't care about the two of them, and she didn't like Zhao Junrong, the poor boy.

The old lady Cai couldn’t stop talking about her gossip, and continued to chat with Chi Shu Yan: “I’ve seen that kid with the surname Zhao before, that’s the boyfriend Fu Qing’s girl is looking for. This little girl doesn’t look good, that man At first glance, it was a picture of this girl’s family situation, and she didn’t have the ability, this marriage could not be made! I secretly persuaded this little girl before, but unfortunately this little girl went into a dead end, really thinking that poor boy is a good person. In the future, this poor boy relies on the little girl Fu Qing to make a family and marry someone else. This little girl will be late if she wants to regret it!"

Chi Shuyan didn't expect the old lady Cai to have such sharp eyes. When he looked at Zhao Junrong, the man showed him Chen Shimei's potential. He also persuaded her master privately, and his impression of the old lady of the Cai family really changed a lot. .

Thinking of the man Zhao Junrong, Chi Shuyan's eyes were gloomy. Just as the old lady said, Zhao Junrong, the scumbag picture of her master, is still Chen Shimei. No, Chen Shimei is at least somewhat softhearted about her son and wife, but Zhao Junrong The scum man has no conscience at all.

The old lady Cai originally wanted to continue gossip, but when she saw the little master in front of her face changed, she thought she said something wrong, maybe this little master has something to do with the poor boy? Thinking about this, Mrs. Cai felt cold, and she was about to apologize to the little master for fear that the Cai family could not hold her grandson.

Just listen to the little master: "Old lady, thank you for persuading me to teach me... sister."

Chi Shuyan fabricated a remote identity for herself, saying that she had a distant relationship with the Fu family, but she did not contact him for a long time. Later, she went to apprenticeship to study art, and the two had not been in contact for more than ten years.

Among them, she specifically stated that she had a very good relationship with her sister-in-law. She used to be brought up when she was a child, but now the two of them stayed for too long, I am afraid that even her sister-in-law would not recognize her even if the Fu family were not mentioned.

This time she came to S City because she heard that her sister-in-law was going to get married, so she wanted to come and see, by the way, how about the person her sister-in-law married?

But for a while, he didn't know how to recognize the Fu family.

At first, Chi Shuyan was worried that Mrs. Cai doubted her, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Cai believed it deeply. After this, Chi Shuyan helped the old lady to get up first.

Old Mrs. Cai sat down on the sofa and immediately said, "Little Master, this matter is on my body. By the way, I looked at the man your sister was looking for. It was really not a good thing. I saw him a few days ago. It's very close to a strange woman in private. If you recognize your sister-in-law, you have to persuade her again. If a woman marries, she will have a second child. If this child is not a good one, it will be hard to say!"

In fact, what the old lady didn't say was that Fu Qing's daughter was the only child of the Fu family. What if the poor boy coaxed her to monopolize the Fu family and then marry another woman? This old lady, Chen Shimei, has seen so many in her life!

Chi Shuyan was still very grateful to the old lady of the Cai family for thinking about her master, but when she heard the old lady saying that the other party was walking with other strange women in private, Chi Shuyan's eyes were cold, and she was very doubtful that Zhao Junrong would be the scumbag. In addition to He Minrou, that woman provokes other women?

Thinking about it this way, Chi Shuyan didn’t have the slightest temperature in her eyes, but she looked at the old lady Cai but was quite grateful for her to provide this information, and said: “Old lady, I didn’t intend to recognize my sister-in-law right away, but I have an idea. , I wonder if you can help? If you can help with your old Cai family's grandson, I will naturally try my best to find other ways to achieve your wish!"

Chi Shuyan's words have just come to an end, but Mrs. Cai's face is ecstatic and happy. As long as she can carry her grandson, she is happy to ask her to help, help hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of people. .

Old lady Cai strongly suppressed the excitement of being able to hold her grandson, and hurriedly shivered and said to the little master: "Master, what do you want to say immediately, my old lady will do it for you."

Chi Shuyan immediately told Mrs. Cai to introduce her to Fu's house. Of course, the identity of the referral was not as a distant niece, but as a master.

By the way, let the old lady help her to learn more about her favors and skills in front of the Fu family's parents. For example, the fortune-telling is very accurate. If you can convince the Fu family's parents to do the fortune-telling on her side, it would be better.

After hearing all these things, Mrs. Cai was just a trivial matter to her, and she immediately responded: "No problem, master, no problem, this matter is all covered by me. You go back and wait a while, if there is news, I will contact immediately. you!"

Speaking of the old lady asked her to tell her where she is currently staying, and then heard Chi Shuyan say that she was staying in a hotel, the old lady looked enthusiastic about persuading her to live in Cai's house, saying that there are many rooms in Cai's house and let her stay.

Chi Shuyan was not accustomed to living in other people's homes, and refused directly after receiving the other's kindness.

Mrs. Cai didn't insist, because the master has the habit of the master.

Before leaving, Chi Shuyan said that a few days later, she drew a welcome sign for her family and gave it to her. By the way, she glanced at the side and kept silent. At the moment, the pale old lady, the former daughter-in-law, she opened her mouth intentionally or unintentionally. The wife said that her former daughter-in-law gave Liwangfu, and she was a good candidate for a grandson: "If the Cai family really has a grandson, the investment is also in the belly of your daughter-in-law!"

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Cai's complexion changed suddenly, and she looked at the front daughter-in-law, her eyes were soft and drowning, and she listened to the master's instructions to take care of this daughter-in-law.

When the old lady thought that the first daughter-in-law could give birth to his old Cai family's grandson, she couldn't wait to confess it. When she sent the master out, she saw Du Shufen quietly tidying up the tea set on the table, and she immediately looked eager Said: "Shufen, you don't need to do this kind of trivial thing. You can go to the room to rest and sleep more. Later, I will go to the nearby vegetable market to buy you a pigeon stew for you!"

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