Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1555: 851

Early the next morning, thinking about the fact that Mr. Qi was seriously ill in the hospital, Chi Shuyan had already left before 7 o’clock in the morning. If it weren’t for the fear that she passed too early and the man was still resting, she would like to go earlier. Time, it was almost half past seven when I got to the old man's ward.

Fortunately, at this time, Mr. Qi had already woken up early in the morning. Mother Qi and his second aunt and third aunt were all there, and the second and third uncles of the Qi family were also there. When Chi Shuyan knocked on the door to enter, Mr. Qi was surprised to see her and waved quickly. The tone was kind: "Daughter-in-law, Zhenbai, why are you here?" After speaking, he sighed in surprise: "Just come! Just come! Just come! Good boy!"

Saying that, the old man immediately entertained her to sit beside him, saying that he hadn't seen him for a long time, so he should nag a few times.

Not only the old man's surprise, but also Qi's mother, Qi family's second aunt, third aunt, second uncle, and third uncle were also very surprised. In addition to the surprise, Qi's mother was a bit more complicated.

Seeing that the atmosphere is good, the second aunt of the Qi family couldn’t help but ridicule: “It’s good if Zhenbai’s wife is here, and it’s good if Zhenbai hasn’t brought Shuyan back for so long. I don’t know what happened to them. ?"

What the second aunt of the Qi family said was not nonsense. Not only did she think so, but the other three aunts, second uncle Qi, third uncle and even the mother Qi hadn’t been to the Qi family for so long, so she also whispered in her heart. It's not a break up, but it's about Zhenbai, even the elders didn't dare to ask more, plus too many things happened in the Qi family recently, and everyone was at most whispering in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Shuyan, this kid really came to see the old man!

But the Qi family old man listened to Qi's second aunt, snorted, and said with a stern face: "What nonsense, I know from the first glance at this child that Shuyan is destined to be the granddaughter of my Qi family. She is. I'm very good with Zhenbo, what's the break?"

Chi Shuyan has always been close to Qi's family, especially the old man Qi. Seeing that he is still very kind and close to her, she saw that the old man is now pale and his nose is a little bit sour, and then he heard the old man vowed to say that she is with Qi Zhenbai. She inevitably has some guilty conscience.

Looking at the face of the old man, he didn't dare to tell the truth and irritating people, so he had to smile at the old man and the Qi family as a acquiescence.

The old man seemed to see her worries, with a rare joy on his face. He patted the nearest place next to her to sit down, and let the others go out first. He had something to talk about with the child Zhenbai's wife.

The Qi family naturally listened to what the old man said. Qi's mother, Qi family's second aunt, and Qi family's second uncle and third uncle immediately left the ward obediently.

As soon as everyone left the ward, the ward calmed down immediately, and Chi Shuyan was also sitting on the stool next to the bed, putting his hand on the pulse of the old man to check the pulse.

Old man Qi was very happy, his face was particularly kind and he didn't have a hint of impatientness. When she was almost the same, the old man said: "It's okay, wife Zhenbai, don't listen to other people saying that wind is rain, my old man is physically capable. Don’t know? Don’t worry, my old man is really fine. A few days ago, the doctor said that my old man was fine and could be discharged from the hospital. If it weren’t for the boss, I was discharged early in the morning."

The old man's staying in the hospital is quite annoying.

Chi Shuyan was irritated by the irritability on the old man’s face. After checking the pulse, he was sure that there was nothing wrong with the old man’s body. These days, although she had never been to the Qi's house, she did not send less good things, such as nourishing pills and spiritual tea. these things.

The old man is indeed in good health.

She felt relieved, but she didn't forget to help persuade her: "Grandpa, what the doctor says always has his reason. You can stay a few more days and check your body so that your uncle will not worry about you!"

"Okay...Listen to my granddaughter-in-law!" The old man agreed with joy. If this is changed to other people's persuasion, old man Qi must be impatient to scold him back, but facing this granddaughter, the old man sometimes has to admit that he is partial. , He really looked at this child, and he wished that the child Zhenbai would marry him home immediately.

Just thinking of the recent events in the Qi family and Zhenbai’s coldness and hotness, the old man couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. For a while, I didn’t know that he wanted this child to enter the Qi family immediately, or hope that Zhenbai’s grandson would not harm Shuyan’s good child. .

I remembered that this child had never been to Qi's house again these days, and even Zhenbai had an accident. The child didn't know, and the two didn't have a relationship. Maybe the two kids really had something to do with him?

Don’t listen to him saying that the two children didn’t break up just now. In fact, the old man feels a little unsure now, and he is also very conflicted. When the two children are fine, he doesn’t want the grandson of Zhenbai to be too extreme and too harsh. The angry character harms Shuyan, the two of them are really troubled, and he can't help worrying about the two children, especially the grandson Zhenbai.

No, the old man couldn't help asking: "Granddaughter-in-law, have you and Zhenbai...have something happened recently? Or is there a quarrel?"

Chi Shuyan put the worried eyes of the old man into his eyes, and hurriedly replied: "No, grandpa, no quarrel, we are fine!"

After the old man listened, his first reaction was really gratified and relieved. He nodded and said excitedly: "Good, good... that's good! That's good!"

After talking, the old man seemed to be afraid of dislike the grandson of Zhenbai, and immediately said in the tone of the person who came over: "It's fine if there is no quarrel or conflict. Even if there is a real quarrel, the young couple say well, don't rush to get angry, you The child has a good temper. I don’t have to worry about my old man. It’s the stubborn boy of Zhenbai, granddaughter-in-law, don’t worry, you will be angry with this boy in the future, just tell me this old man, my old man will give you a good training he!"

I have to say that the grandson of Zhenbai has now become his heart knot. Even if the child is too cruel to the fourth child, he is now calmer after being furious. No wonder Zhenbai for all this, blame it. The fourth child's heart is too big and too greedy, touching Zhenbai's bottom line.

It's just that Mr. Qi can be relieved with the fourth child, but he still can't be relieved after the fourth family's accident.

However, the grandson of Zhenbai was brought by him to grow up, and his relationship was no worse than that of his own sons, or even deeper. After that, he talked with Zhang Tianshi about Zhenbai's physical condition and was always worried about Zhenbai.

Because of this, although he couldn't immediately relieve the eldest family's affairs, he couldn't help worrying about his grandson, such as his character, his methods and his physical condition.

The old man believes in karma, and the same is true for him. He is now worried that the child Zhenbai has committed too many crimes and that the lonely family will get retribution in the future and will not end well.

These days, Mr. Qi had a lot of dreams. It was either that the child Zhenbai died young or that the child had been alone all his life.

The old man's heart has also softened a long time ago, and coupled with Qi's father and Qi's mother's current attitude towards Zhenbai, the old man inevitably cherishes this grandson again, and even no longer thinks about the fourth family.

So it’s not because he was not in a hurry to get a marriage certificate for the two of them before. They all felt that Shuyan was too young and his old man could afford to wait, but now he couldn’t help thinking that the two children should get a certificate for marriage. The grandson will get retribution for the loneliness of his life!


Children and grandchildren are debts of parents and juniors.

Elder Qi couldn't help but suddenly mention the marriage in a hurry. For example, since the two didn't quarrel or break up, are there any plans to get a marriage license recently?

Chi Shuyan was shocked by the old man's sudden question of'marriage', and almost didn't respond. Let's not say that she has been separated from each other for a long time, but she did not break up, and asked her to suddenly make a decision with Qi Zhenbai. To receive the certificate, she has to digest and digest this fact. Finally, she had better gritted her teeth and squeezed out: "Grandpa, I'm not age yet, I'm afraid I can't get the certificate right away!"

Old man Qi seemed to have noticed that he was a bit hasty about the matter of obtaining the marriage certificate by himself, but unexpectedly saw that Shuyan did not refuse, the old man was happy, and remembered that Shuyan might not know about the Qi family and Zhenbai yet. I don't know if this child will leave Zhenbai after learning that Zhenbai has done something to praise his uncle's family!

The old man wanted the two to get the certificate right away. In the future, Zhenbai will really have retribution and someone will accompany him, but when Shuyan doesn’t know anything about it, he will settle the matter and make the child a bit pitted. Now Zhenbai’s parents are afraid. This cruel son, let alone others.

The old man's heart was fluctuating for a while, and he did not make a decision.

Until a deep and familiar voice suddenly came in front, Chi Shuyan raised his eyes and saw a tall man standing upright at the door of the ward. Who was it if it wasn't Qi Zhenbai? Just listen to him: "Grandpa, I still have something to say to my wife, I will take her to see you next time!" After speaking, he pulled her wrist and left the ward first.

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