Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1557: 853

Chi Shuyan didn't listen to the class very well all day, and kept thinking about the last question from the man if she had a boyfriend before she left the hospital.

It wasn't until the end of school in the evening that Chi Shuyan made room to make a phone call to Brother Feng. Brother Feng answered very quickly. His tone was a bit relaxed, not as busy as he was busy: "Shuyan, something?"

Chi Shuyan first greeted Brother Feng a few words, mainly asking about the case of the tragic death of the little girl before. From the mouth of Brother Feng, I learned that things have not progressed, and the people who have relationships with the little girl are not very cooperative and do nothing. Ken revealed that instead, he trusted that'Sister Yuan' very much.

As for the young man who was about to jump off the building a few days ago and the sister Yuan, the former was detained by them for two days and planned to release. The spirits in the detention room are pretty good these days, while the latter is very ostentatious and ignores them. .

Feng Yuanlin sighed as he spoke, "Shuyan, you said that you are both an expert, so why is the difference so big?"

A person as capable as Shuyan has never put on airs at all, but that "Sister Yuan" is good, he doesn't know how high he is, so he first started to put on airs and ignore public officials like them. Instigating others to refuse to cooperate with them, Feng Yuanlin's mood for the past two days was quite responsive.

Of course, Chi Shuyan called this time and asked mainly about it. Although she is now quite curious about the skinning case and what the group of people revealed, "Death is here", but she didn't come to the door and she couldn't force it. put one's oar in.

Besides, what she was most curious about at the moment was what had been written in Brother Feng’s circle of friends, which made Qi Zhenbai misunderstood so deeply, so the greeting was almost the same. She immediately asked, “Brother Feng, by the way, how do I feel about you? Blocked my circle of friends? I want to block your circle of friends as soon as possible!"

Feng Yuanlin who asked this question was speechless and guilty, especially when he made a few calls to Zhenbai last night, and Zhenbai did not answer his calls. All night till now, he has been guilty of being guilty and has trouble sleeping and eating. , I am afraid that I will help it by myself.

Feng Shuyan asked suddenly, Feng Yuanlin felt guilty again, he laughed twice, obviously lacking confidence: "Is there? Hey, is there?" Without waiting for Shuyan to reply, Feng Yuanlin immediately looked like an elder. The bitter mother said cruelly: "Shuyan, you said that you are still a student. You can study **** weekdays. What kind of circle of friends? When you do not have good grades, don't blame Feng Ge, I will complain to your counselor."

Chi Shuyan is not at all afraid of Feng's pretending to be lied and lacking in confidence at all. His words fool other juniors and forget it, but let her fool her. On the contrary, the more she listened to Feng's so bitter words, the more she felt sealed Brother guilty?

"Brother Feng, I met my ex-boyfriend again this morning!" Chi Shuyan pretended to be flirty and said suddenly.

Feng Yuanlin didn't realize at the beginning, who was the "ex-boyfriend" in Shu Yan's words? It didn’t take long to realize that the ex-boyfriend Shu Yan said in her mouth was Zhenbai, and Feng Yuanlin’s head was so big that the news exploded. His face was stiff and guilty. He thought of something urgently, and quickly asked: "Shu Yan, wait. Wait, you didn't quarrel with Zhenbai?"

"Well, it's noisy!" Chi Shuyan still said lightly.

Feng Yuanlin could be frightened by Shu Yan’s words, and his head was a little blown up. If on weekdays, he would naturally hear Shu Yan deliberately bombing him, but since he became a guilty conscience, he was afraid of doing bad things with good intentions, and because With his interference, the two nice little lovers got farther and farther away, because he broke apart because of his helplessness.

So Feng Yuanlin was really frightened by Shu Yan’s words at this time. He really thought how the two broke apart and didn’t dare to hide it anymore. He immediately put everything on the tray and debuted: "Ahem..., Shuyan, brother. … Brother sent a few Moments of your new boyfriend, cough cough... Is this okay?" After speaking, seeing that Shuyan didn’t reply, I was upset and asked anxiously: "Shuyan, you... …And Zhenbai didn’t quarrel...what? If Zhenbai angered you again, don’t blame him, it’s all Fengge’s fault, it’s Fengge that I’m doing bad things! Don’t do anything wrong with you! misunderstanding!"

Although Chi Shuyan wanted to explode brother Feng, he didn't want him to sleep and eat well. Besides, in the morning, they didn't really quarrel. Even if they really quarreled, it was the two of them who had the problem. They had nothing to do with Brother Feng. See Brother Feng. To get out of the whole thing, she didn't say much to let Brother Feng make up for it.

Just let Brother Feng hang up the phone for a while and release the information that was previously blocked, and the Moments will not delete it. She wants to see what he posted.

Feng Yuanlin had a guilty conscience and was inexplicably cold on his back. He had no confidence and could only hesitate to agree.

Before hanging up the phone, Feng Yuanlin was still very worried about any misunderstanding between the two of them, and asked anxiously: "Shuyan, you told Brother Feng, what did you bother with in the morning? It was not too bad, right? Zhenbai Did he lose his temper at you? Why did he ask?"

Chi Shuyan was speechless listening to Feng's anxious and gossiping appearance, she couldn't bear him anxiously, she thought for a moment, since Feng had agreed to let her out, she simply told him the truth: "We didn't quarrel. Just said a few words!"


Chi Shuyan took a few deep breaths, and finally decided to satisfy Brother Feng's little gossip, and said, "He only asked if I had a boyfriend?"

As soon as Feng Yuanlin heard this, he almost couldn't help but slapped his legs and laughed: "Wait, Shuyan, did you deliberately blow me up with those words?"

Before Chi Shuyan could answer, Feng Yuanlin immediately chuckled and asked gossiping: "Shuyan, that... is really what Zhenbai asked? Why is it not like his style at all? This kid won't be finally anxious. Hey, my stimulus is still useful. By the way, Shuyan, how did you respond?"

Seeing that Shu Yan didn't reply for a long time, Feng Yuanlin hurriedly said: "Shu Yan, I said you don't toss anymore. What's the point of tossing and tossing? I'm a bystander who can't stand it anymore, now you I also know that Zhenbai is really reluctant to part with you, and the two quickly reconcile. Don't forget to toast me a cup."

"Well, no more toss!"

Feng Yuanlin originally wanted to chant a few more words, but when he heard Shuyan's words suddenly, he was overjoyed, and he didn't care about chanting again. He was very curious how Shuyan asked if there was a boyfriend in Zhenbai. Was it irritating or explained it specifically to Zhenbai, and the two were reconciled?

Feng Yuanlin was too gossip and couldn't help asking again: "Shu Yan, how did you answer Zhenbo's words back then?"

"you guess?"

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