Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1562: 858

After school in the evening, Chi Shuyan had not had time to take a taxi. A familiar vehicle drove into her sight, stopped by her, and the window rolled down, revealing the extremely cold and hard outline of a man. Chi Shuyan hadn't reacted yet, just listened. The man said in a low voice: "Get in the car!"

Seeing her delay in getting into the car, Qi Zhenbai's eyes darkened, and her slightly soft complexion stiffened for a moment. His right hand gently moved the left wrist beads, and the left knuckle of the steering wheel was slightly whitened, and his thin lips pressed. A line, looking at the profile, the eyebrows are really sharp and hard.

Fortunately, Chi Shu's face changed soon, and he took the initiative to open the car door and took the passenger seat. The man in the driver's seat turned his cold and hostile expression a lot better, and his eyes became warmer. He just listened to the other person driving while saying: "Grandpa now No rest, just past!"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Oh!"

In fact, she didn't really forget about it, but she felt that the old man was okay, because she had a bad relationship with the man next to her and came to the house every day.

But the man was driving over, so she simply nodded her head and went to see the old man.

Along the way, although she was relieved of what had happened before, she promised that Brother Feng would not toss and plan to go with the man next to her. If the two could return to their previous relationship, she would not reject it.

What's more, since the last time a man lost control several times, she also saw that the other person’s feelings for her may not be as shallow as she thought, or even deeper. As for the text messages she sent before, the other party has not received it. At first, she thought the other party wanted She deliberately avoided suspicion with her and didn't want to contact her. Thinking about it now, she misunderstood nine out of ten.

But even though she had made up her mind to go with the man and let it go, she thought it was a matter of a while, but it was another matter to do it. The two of them haven't seen each other for a long time. From being familiar to estranged, she hasn't contacted for a long time. Don't know what topic to look for, what do you want to talk to the other party?

Seeing the man next to him pursing his thin lips and driving seriously, she didn't bother anyone, rolled down the window, and elbows on the window to watch the high-rise buildings and traffic flow outside.

The atmosphere in the car is very quiet.

Chi Shuyan didn't notice that after she looked out the window, the man next to her looked at her frequently, his eyes faint and dark.

Not long after, the car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant. Chi Shuyan saw the car suddenly stop, and thought he was in the hospital. How did she know that the car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant.

Chi Shuyan immediately turned his head to look over, and heard the man say in a low voice: "You just finished school, have dinner first, and then go see the old man, it's not too late!"

Qi Zhenbai has always had a strong personality. After speaking, he got out of the car to open the door for her and signaled her to get off.

If a man raised this matter in the car before, she would refuse to say no trouble, but the car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant, and the others got off the car, so Chi Shuyan would follow her openly.

Going into the restaurant with the man next to him for dinner again, Chi Shu's face was not abnormal, but there was a bit of disharmony and abnormality in his heart.

She followed the man’s pace, and at first they walked together, but she was not as high as the other, and the pace was not as big as the other. After a short while, she fell behind the man. She was not in a hurry, and slowly followed the man and looked carefully. The layout of the restaurant and the surrounding furnishings.

Not long after, the man suddenly stopped, waiting for her to catch up, the pace was still calm but slower, as if deliberately following her pace.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but look more at the man beside him, Qi Zhenbai, until he entered the box, and the lonely man and woman sat facing each other and speechless for a while, the atmosphere was rather stiff and embarrassing.

I had known that she had mentioned sitting in the lobby on the first floor for dinner, which was better than a box.

There are many people in the lobby on the first floor. Even if the two of them don’t speak, the atmosphere will not be too embarrassing. Chi Shuyan simply looked at what was on the table, found the menu, and passed the menu to the other party and asked him to order: "I’m not Picky eaters, you order! I can eat anything!"

"Yeah!" The man gave a faint hum, took the menu and opened it. Soon, the waiter came in to order, Chi Shuyan saw the opposite man ordering with the waiter and didn't ask her more. She was relieved to hear that the other side ordered almost all of her favorite dishes.

Finally, before the waiter left, the man once again urged: "Except for a few soups, other dishes are more spicy!"

The waiter immediately said that he remembered, and after the note, he immediately left the box.

But Chi Shuyan is not only complicated, but also guilty.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, what kind of dishes she likes to eat, people still remember so clearly, even her addiction to spicy taste, but she almost couldn’t even recognize her for the first time. In comparison, she How come there is some scum.

The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more guilty and guilty she became, and she was a little embarrassed: "Order your favorite food. Don't worry about me! I'm not picky eaters!"

As soon as the words were over, Chi Shuyan always felt that the other party looked up at her a few more times, and then remembered how picky he was in the past, and became less confident in his heart, so he simply took out his mobile phone and prepared to play a game, or browse a web page.

She took out her phone and scanned the web page for a while, and then was about to open the game, but because she had not logged out of WeChat, a message would pop up immediately when someone looked for her.

She discovered that many people really sent her WeChat, such as her master, such as Fan Yin, even Jing Hengran also looked for her. Looking at the WeChat, it seems that the other party just learned that she was in contact with Fan's family today and is anxious to find her. Talk about the follow-up of Tongjing's Lingcha.

After scanning for a while, she responded to the message first. Of course, she picked her master's WeChat response first. As for the message sent by this kid, Fan Yin was not an important thing, it was just a greeting. She simply chose a picture and sent it at will.

As for Jing Hengran’s information, after scanning the WeChat, her eyes sank, but the Lingcha matter was not clear on WeChat for a while. She could only say that she would go to the Jingshi auction house when she had time to talk about it. This issue.

Chi Shuyan seriously responded to the message on WeChat, but he didn't know that the man was sitting in a precarious position and cast a few glances, his eyes suddenly stopped when he swept across the screen of her mobile phone.

After that, his complexion suddenly sinks at the speed of the naked eye, and the depths of his eyes are surging and turbulent. The cold complexion becomes pale and vicious, and the blue veins on his forehead are faintly raised. A good face is expressionless and gloomy. People looked terrified and horrified.

Chi Shuyan hadn't noticed the abnormality yet, the man had already made a deep voice, and said in a deep voice, "It's best not to play with the phone when eating during the meal!"

The man's tone is calm and narrative, but his words are somewhat strong and irritable.

Chi Shuyan's movements were stagnant, a little unbelievable, and he immediately raised his eyes to look at the man in front of him, which happened to be opposite to the man's dark eyes. Before turning his head, Chi Shuyan moved his hand first, and subconsciously put the phone aside and waited. God came over and thought of her actions, she stayed, and immediately regained consciousness.

Wait, she has never heard so many requests from this man before with this man, besides, the food hasn't come up yet, and it's okay to be bored with a mobile phone!

But the phone was already aside, and under the burning eyes of the man, she couldn't regret continuing to play games with the phone. She could only look up and stare at the man in front of her, and both of them were silent.

And with her actions, Qi Zhenbai's chest was swept away with anger, and his hostile eyebrows gradually softened. He only heard the man suddenly speak again, his tone of voice was much softer, and warmly said: "It's not that you are not letting you play with your mobile phone!"

Chi Shuyan raised his eyes to look at people.

"Look at it after dinner!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Fortunately, the food in this restaurant was fast. It didn't take long for the two of them to stare at each other. One dish after another, she didn't feel hungry just now. When she saw these Sichuan dishes, she immediately got an appetite.

She was just about to pick up vegetables, and a pair of chopsticks in front of her had already placed the vegetables in her bowl. Chi Shuyan stared at the dishes she liked in the bowl and was a little stunned, but didn't refuse, and immersed himself in eating.

The two of them seemed to go back to the past. Chi Shuyan was eating, and the man was in charge of picking up the dishes. For a while, the atmosphere was very harmonious. Even Chi Shuyan's attitude became more natural from the beginning of alienation and embarrassment. Quickly waved his hand and said: "You also eat by yourself, don't worry about me, I will take food by myself!"

That's what I said, but the other party's actions did not change one after the other, and she frequently served her with dishes, but she hadn't even had a bite of her own meal.

In the end, Chi Shuyan had to put a chopstick on the other party's bowl: "You eat! Don't worry about me! I can do it myself!"

While she was immersed in the meal, Qi Zhenbai stared at the dishes in the bowl. His eyes remained motionless until after a while, his expressionless face bloomed with a very soft smile, and the waiter who came in to serve the dishes pointed their eyes. Seeing it, my eyes are straight.

It's a pity that the other party's smile was too short, and it disappeared in a flash, and the waiter who served the food thought he was dazzled.

Until the ding sound, the WeChat sound rang, and Chi Shuyan subconsciously looked over and saw the phone screen lit up, and it was Jing Hengran who sent the WeChat again.

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