Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1573: Three hundred sixty eight

Yang Ji saw that Chi Shuyan also recognized people. He was very excited and anguished. Before Yang Ji could speak, a shrill female voice beside him suddenly said loudly: "Why are you? Why are you here?" When someone spoke, Chai Qing quickly rushed to Yuan Yuan and said, "Sister Yuan, this was the woman last time! She is a liar, how can she compare to you?"

Feng Yuanlin is a very broad-minded person. Others say that he doesn't matter, but if he is a friend, he is guilty of his taboo. What's more, he deliberately belittles Shu Yan, his face suddenly sinks, regardless of the sharp female voice not far away , Took the initiative to introduce the same group of people: "Hello everyone, Shuyan is my good friend, but also a reliable master, definitely not a liar, you can tell her if you really encounter something, maybe she can save you."

Chi Shuyan also ignored the sharp female voice, nodding to a group of people as a greeting.

"Even if she is not a liar, her ability is comparable to Sister Yuan?" It was the woman named Chai Qing who spoke out. She strongly praised Yuan Yuan in her tone, and then said coldly to a group of friends who were eager: "Gu Guobin's death, Sister Yuan Can it be calculated, can she?"

As soon as Chai Qing's words fell, the interrogation room fell silent. Feng Yuanlin and Chi Shuyan's eyes deepened a bit. The two looked at each other, and Chi Shuyan suddenly said, "Oh? Since it can be calculated, then Why is something wrong with your friend?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Yuan's face changed a bit, as if poking her taboo, her face was very ugly, and the faces of other people changed from silent to a little eager.

Chi Shuyan glanced at this girl called Yuan Yuan, who was about the same age as the person next to her, twenty-three-four, and she looked pretty, and her temperament was pretty good when she didn't speak.

She continued: "Tell me what is going on and you won't lose a piece of meat. You are holding on to that matter, and the **** person still has to die. Why don't you try hard, if I really can save you?"

Chai Qing still obviously has no liking for Chi Shuyan, and kept stopping, "I can't say, I can't say. Maybe the more we reveal, the faster we die!"

Chai Qing's words pushed back many people who were ready to blurt out the truth. Feng Yuanlin stared at the woman named Chai Qing very impatiently.

He finally invited Shuyan, but these people are good, and they wouldn't say anything. If they are really smart, they should find a way for themselves.

As for the name of Sister Yuan, he didn’t deny that he doubted the other’s ability, but it’s always a good thing to find a way out. Besides, how he looked at this sister Yuan was not reliable, on the contrary, Shuyan looked reliable. With a look of superiority, if it weren't for his relationship, they would like to invite Shuyan, and Shuyan might not be willing to take care of it.

It's so kind to know the donkey liver and lungs.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't bear it and said: "Yes, if you really don't want to tell the truth anymore, then wait for Miss Yuan to save you. As far as I know, this is the second recent murder case that has been skinned and tragically killed. You can wait slowly and continue to sell things to us, we are not in a hurry!"

The implication of Feng Yuanlin's words is very clear to everyone, and the meaning is nothing more than this Miss Yuan is really capable, where will there be repeated murders?

As for the one who is really anxious, it is not him, but their fate.

When Feng Yuanlin's words fell, it really made a crowd of people pale and painful again, and even the complexion of Chai Qing, who had just spoken arrogantly, changed.

Chi Shuyan continued with a good temper at this time: "If you are willing to stay and tell the truth, you can leave directly!"

Although Chai Qing was a little moved by what she said just now, she didn't want to slap her face and stay behind. What's more, she really couldn't understand the late woman. When she thought that this woman had bad intentions towards'Xia Ge', she felt sick. Suddenly, she immediately rushed to Yuan Yuan and said: "Sister Yuan, let's go first!"

Yuan Yuan nodded and obviously did not intend to stay.

Chai Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xia Mingcheng, who had never spoken, "Brother Cheng, let's leave now! Sister Yuan still has something urgent to discuss with us, maybe Sister Yuan predicted something."

Chai Qing said that the other people were about to move and their expressions changed suddenly. After all, they knew the true ability of Yuan Yuan's prediction. As for the ability of the master in front of the game, they were a little doubtful.

Chi Shuyan saw that the crowd in front of him was eager to leave. She sighed and gotta leave. She didn’t have to catch up. If it wasn’t for Brother Feng, she might not have wanted to come over just now. She hasn't woken up yet. Compared to other people's affairs, she is more worried about her man's body.

Chi Shuyan thought that everyone would leave. This trip came in vain, but he didn't expect that there would be someone left in the end. There were two people left, Yang Ji and Wang Jinyang.

Wang Jinyang wanted to leave, but Yang Ji kept pulling people and not letting him go. Yang Ji didn’t know why. He always felt that Yuan Yuan’s woman could not save them at all. Although she could predict it, she could think carefully. , Liling and Guobin both died in the end, but the expert in front of them might be able to save them.

Others did not believe her, but he believed, because the talisman he bought in her shop has always been very useful.

Chi Shuyan looked at Yang Ji and Wang Jinyang a few more times. The others left Yang Ji and Wang Jinyang very unbelievable, especially Chai Qing and Yuan Yuan's expressions were very ugly.

Not reconciled, Chai Qing looked back at the two before leaving and said: "Yang Ji, Jinyang, you really don't go with us?"

Before Wang Jinyang spoke, Yang Ji made an excuse and said: "I don't want to go home alone, I want to stay and detain for a few more days!"

Yuan Yuan, Chai Qing, Xia Mingcheng and the others looked at each other. Chi Shuyan took the initiative at this time and said, "Feng brother, I will give you away for you."

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