Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1580: Three hundred seventy-five

The two dragged and separated in the car. After a long time, Chi Shuyan finally got out of the car. Not only did her mouth become swollen, her shoulders were also painful, and her face flushed a bit.

Chi Shuyan was a little helpless and waved to the man in the car. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the man to leave the villa.

After entering the villa, she found that Li Yuchu was still at home today, sitting in a daze in the living room. She couldn't help asking: "Li Yuchu, you didn't go to the restaurant?"

Seeing Miss Shuyan's sudden return, Li Yuchu immediately got up and said hurriedly: "I didn't go, I'm afraid Miss Shuyan would come to me in case something happens?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Well, when she took the account book just now, she forgot to notify Li Yuchu. At this moment, she was afraid of delays in personnel, and quickly said that he had something to do quickly and did not worry about him.

Li Yuchu nodded and responded: "Okay!"

Before Li Yuchu went out, she found that Miss Shuyan's expression on her face seemed a lot better this time, and her mood improved a lot, so she took a few more glances before leaving.

And after Chi Shuyan waited for Li Yuchu to go out, she sat on the sofa in the living room and posted a few photos to Moments. Of course, she not only sent Moments to Moments, but also to Brother Feng. She also said that she would treat him well when he was free. Have a meal.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while after sending the seal of her brother, and sent a few more photos to her master. Although the two of them have no relationship between master and apprentice in this life, in her heart, her master is always her master, for both her life.

By the way, I finally sent one to her dad, waiting for her dad to take the initiative to bomb her phone.

But she was still a little worried about whether these photos would be too exciting for her dad?

After a moment of contemplation, her father had to notify him early, or she would have to wait until her father rushed to Kyoto to settle accounts with her.

Chi Shuyan was relieved after posting Moments and WeChat. He planned to take a trip to the sofa in the living room. He was about to put the phone on the table. The phone dinged, and then the call came quickly.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the screen and saw that the familiar phone number was completely Feng's phone number. She immediately turned on the answer button. As expected, Feng's familiar voice came from the microphone: "Shuyan, give me What do those photos that I posted mean? Could it be that today is April Fool's Day?"

Soon Feng Ge asked and answered again: "No, April Fools' Day is not too early!"

"Wait, damn! Damn, you won't be real with Zhenbai? Really? You don't scare me!" The more Feng Yuanlin thinks about it, the more things are wrong, Shu Yan is at this age. Are you under age? But how did you get those two marriage certificates? Could it be a false certificate? Those two people are a waste of time!

Chi Shuyan promptly dispelled all Feng Yuanlin's brain supplements: "I really got the certificate, brother, I just got it today. Next time I'll go over and bring you some wedding candy at will!"

Feng Yuanlin was really confused by Shuyan's blockbuster at the moment. When he was excited, he hung up the phone.

When I called again, it was already five minutes later. After Chi Shuyan received the call, Feng Yuanlin first said "Fucking", and then said with an unbelievable expression: "Zhen Baigang also took photos and posted it to Moments. , I'll go, you two dog food, brother is eating too much now, I guess I can't eat dinner as a single dog!"

Chi Shuyan chuckled and replied: "Brother, it's not so exaggerated, you will become a habit in the future!"


Chi Shuyan still wanted to say a few words to Brother Feng, but after knowing that he said ‘fuck,’ he immediately hung up the phone, probably not wanting to see her for a long time.

However, she was in a good mood and planned to help deal with Yang Ji as soon as possible. Thinking about it this way, she hadn't painted the fifth-level pure Yang symbol yet, so she had to get upstairs and do business.

On the other side, the Xia family, Yuan Yuan can say that she has been at the door of the Xia family almost every day.

Because she is very accurate in looking at the face of the rich wife these days, and she has gained a reputation. Most of the people who look at her face are related to Xia's mother. Usually, in front of Xia's mother, she often talks nicely to Xia's mother. She was so fascinating that she looked extremely accurate, so Xia Mu changed her attitude towards Yuan Yuan, it was a warm and welcome.

And Yuan Yuan’s mouth is sweet and sweet, and Xia’s mother likes people even more. She likes to let her come to Xia’s for dinner when she has nothing to do, and occasionally gives her a jasper bracelet. The relationship between the two is very good. If you don’t know, you think they are mothers. Female!

Yuan Yuan was very happy and sweet to see Xia Mingcheng every day, but it was a pity that Xia Mingcheng was still unable to move, at most he would only say hello to her, very cold to her.

Yuan Yuan became more frustrated and courageous. She didn't believe it. Now that she can't be with Xia Mingcheng without the stumbling block of the woman Yan Liling?

Besides, is she worse than Yan Liling's woman?

Although her family background is not as good as the Xia family, but she is in a good family background and is considered wealthy, many times better than Yan Liling from the countryside.

Yuan Yuan made up her mind to subdue Xia's mother first. As long as Xia's mother liked her, she would not believe that she could not marry Xia's family.

So on this day, she brought gifts to Xia Mingcheng and said she was looking for Xia's mother, but in fact she came to see Xia Mingcheng specially.

As always, Xia's mother was extremely enthusiastic towards her, with a smile on her face and said: "What kind of Lilai does this child bring? Didn't I say that I will be my own son when I come to Xia's house?"

Yuan Yuan said politely: "Auntie, these courtesies are my heart, you can do it if you don't dislike it!"

Mother Xia took Yuan Yuan's hand and sat on the sofa with a gentle expression, and patted the back of her hand intimately: "You child is so caring, how can I dislike it? Your child is really so sensible, so heartbreaking!"

Xia Mu said softly, Yuan Yuan bowed her head shyly.

"By the way, Yuan Yuan, can you look at Mingcheng's marriage for your aunt?" To be honest, after the little girl's accident these days, Xia's mother is especially worried about her son.

And the little girl's accident was very weird and bloody. Xia's mother was somewhat affected, for fear that his son would be involved in the accident by the little girl.

Yuan Yuan reacted after Xia's mother had probably finished talking about her worry. She first said that Xia Mingcheng's marriage was a little bit in her heart before Xia's mother. Fortunately, Xia's mother was not really in a hurry to marry Mingcheng, she was just worried about Mingcheng. The marriage is impeded and accident.

Yuan Yuan smiled and said: "Auntie, don't worry, the people in Keming City are no longer in this world, and she naturally can't get to Ming City. As for the marriage of Ming City,"

Yuan Yuan originally wanted to drag him for some time, but her head suddenly flashed, her eyes rolled, she changed her mouth to say her birth date, and said: "Auntie, Mingcheng is a little bit lighter, so remember not to give it to him at will. Looking for marriage, it’s a match made in heaven for a woman with these characters and Mingcheng. Only a woman with these characters can prosper in Mingcheng, Wangxia!"

Not far away, Xia Mingcheng and his younger brother Xia Mingzhen frowned to look at Xia Mu and Yuan Yuan, especially Xia Mingzhen. Speaking of which, Xia Mingzhen really didn’t like Yuan Yuan, but he had a special affection for his brother’s former girlfriend. Good impression.

And he always thinks that this woman has a deep scheming, and hides it deeply. Otherwise, this woman could play particularly well with his brother and girlfriend when he liked his brother before?

It is said that the two are still best friends?

Xia Ming was really afraid that his brother would marry such a woman and go home. At this moment, he couldn't hold back his lips and secretly said: "Brother, such a scheming woman must not marry!"

Xia Mingcheng frowned and said, "What silly thing to say."

"By the way, brother, is this woman really such a god? Seeing people's faces is particularly powerful?" Xia Mingzhen couldn't help being curious, because his age was especially prone to curiosity.

Xia Mingcheng did not answer his brother's words. At this time, Yuan Yuan also saw the two brothers. Yuan Yuan glanced at the two brothers openly and found an excuse to leave.

Although Mother Xia was lost because of her son's "eight-character weight", she quickly recovered and wanted to keep the child for dinner, but Yuan Yuan refused to stay, so she had to call her son to give her away.

Xia Mingcheng could only give it away, but Yuan Yuan refused first, "No, Mingcheng, I just take a taxi and go home by myself!"

This is what Yuan Yuan said, Xia Mingcheng still sent people out of the door.

Xia Mingcheng’s expression was still very cold along the way, until the two walked to the door, Yuan Yuan hurriedly said: "Mingcheng, don’t send it off, I’ll take a taxi and go back by myself. By the way, I’ve come these days to see your situation. Everyone worried about you after Liling's accident."

When Xia Mingcheng heard the word'Liling', her face became stiff, and her complexion was particularly ugly. Yuan Yuan seemed to have not seen his ugly face and continued: "By the way, my aunt asked me about your marriage? I just said casually. I procrastinated for you. Auntie shouldn't rush you again these days!"

"Thank you!"

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