Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1590: Three hundred and eighty five

Xia Mingcheng's tone was a little uncertain, and he hesitated for a while before answering: "I'm not sure either!"

Chi Shuyan was rather disappointed when he didn't hear Xia Mingcheng's affirmative answer, but from the conversation they had just now, she was more inclined to give this talisman to Xia Mingcheng when Yan Liling gave the talisman to Xia Mingcheng. That is to say, before Yan Liling gave Fulu to Xia Mingcheng. Something has already happened, otherwise she would not be able to give the Fulu to Xia Mingcheng. In all likelihood, Yan Liling knew that the Fulu was really useful, so she was afraid that something happened to Xia Mingcheng, so she immediately gave the Fulu to Xia Mingcheng.

This is the guess she feels most likely.

The only thing that puzzled her was, since she believed that this talisman was true, why didn't she come to her when something happened?

Chi Shuyan always felt that there was something weird in this. It seemed that she had to go to the crew again, and by the way, she had to ask Yan Zhengming to help her find some news.

Chi Shuyan saw Xia Mingcheng staring anxiously at the Fulu in her hand, and returned the Fulu to the other party.

The two drank a cup of coffee, and she tentatively asked other things about him and Yan Liling, and then she gave up.

The two went out together. It is estimated that it was the reason for the previous talisman. Xia Mingcheng turned to her and was quite friendly. Seeing that she was not driving, he also offered to send her off.

Chi Shuyan refused directly, and Xia Mingcheng nodded.

Before the two parted ways, Chi Shuyan was not in a hurry to tell each other about the talisman, so he only asked him to keep this talisman properly. Thinking of what, she took out a few remaining exorcism talisman, thunder-attracting talisman, and peace talisman, and tentatively asked Does he want to buy? If the other party refuses, she didn't intend to force them. Who knows that Xia Mingcheng really agreed to buy.

A four-rank peace talisman is one hundred thousand, and a fifth-rank exorcism talisman and thunder-attracting talisman are each one fifty thousand.

Hearing this price, his face remained unchanged, and he bought quite a few exorcism charms and thunder-attracting charms directly. Among them, he bought the most peace charms, almost every family member.

Chi Shuyan was silly, raising his eyes to see that people are more satisfied. This kid has a good look, knowing that her runes are all good things.

After the other party made the transfer smoothly, Chi Shuyan immediately took out a handful of talisman and then counted some of them and handed them to the other party. Thinking of Xia Mingcheng's support of her talisman, Chi Shuyan was much harder to point out a few words: "After you go home, if it is your home Recently urged you to get married, don’t rush to agree. Say it all. Put it close to your body, waterproof, it’s best to take a bath and don’t take it off!"

After exhorting these words, Chi Shuyan prepared to leave home.

A female voice suddenly came from behind: "Brother Xia, why are you here? No, why are you with this woman?"

Chi Shuyan and Xia Mingcheng turned their heads together, the man who spoke harshly was not Chai Qing, and who was this woman?

Chi Shuyan always remembered that this woman was because she didn't look at her eyes in all manners. In short, her forehead just said that she had a bad heart for Xia Mingcheng, was greedy for beauty, and deliberately seduce people.

Chi Shuyan was a little speechless for such a strange work. Hearing this woman's mean words at this moment, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Not to mention that Xia Mingcheng is not her boyfriend at all, so he is totally unqualified to question which woman he is with?

Even if it is, according to her personality, the points are certain.

Chi Shuyan didn't bother to talk about this strange thing, and simply pretended not to know Xia Mingcheng: "Mr. Xia, this is your girlfriend?"

Xia Mingcheng immediately denied: "No!"

"Oh, since it's not a girlfriend, do you care about so many?" Chi Shuyan continued to sneer, the implication is particularly obvious, and the emphasis was on the three words'girlfriend' with accent.

Chai Qinggeying's face flushed, and became angered and speechless, wishing to dig a hole through the gap to see people faceless.

At this time, Xia Mingcheng was very happy when he saw an acquaintance. Who knew that Chai Qing would suddenly say this. People who don't know really thought he had any ambiguity with this Miss Chi?

Thinking of this, Xia Mingcheng frowned, looked at Chai Qing coldly, and continued to speak with Chi Shuyan after a cold and perfunctory greeting.

Chai Qing was aggrieved and irritated, especially when this woman responded to her like this in front of Brother Xia, stomping her face on the soles of her feet. Chai Qing was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry, but how could Chai Qing pretend to be pitiful, Xia Mingcheng is a straight man. I didn't see it, Chai Qing pretended to be pitiful and blind.

Chi Shuyan was especially gloating while watching. She didn't want to scold this woman on the street, and found an excuse to leave first with Xia Mingcheng.

Before leaving, she continued to deliberately discriminate against the woman surnamed Chai, and pretended to say with Xia Mingcheng: "Mr. Xia, you must keep your eyes open when looking for a girlfriend, but don't find some cats and dogs to lose your value!"

After hitting back, in Xia Mingcheng's astonishment, she turned and left.

Chai Qing was poked by Chi Shuyan's last sentence and almost jumped her feet, her face was a bit distorted and ferocious, and her mouth was anxious to fight back, but her head was blank when the other party was talking, and she forgot to scold everything. , In the end I could only stare bitterly at the person's back, twisted his face and said to Xia Mingcheng: "Brother Xia, this woman has a bad intention to you!"

"You think too much!" He doesn't know who is interested in him?

Chai Qing, who choked again with Xia Mingcheng's words, turned blue, and she had all the desire to vomit blood, so she had to remember this hatred in her heart, and then tell Sister Yuan about it.

Sister Yuan has always liked Brother Xia. She doesn't believe that other women hook up with Brother Xia. Sister Yuan won't make a move? Sister Yuan’s methods are no better than hers, that woman is waiting for luck!

Chai Qing's gloomy mood was wiped out, thinking that the woman was very likely to be unlucky.

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