Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1599: Three hundred and ninety four

Chi Shuyan didn't go to Fengge's side first after having breakfast today, but went to the crew of director Wang and the others.

In the past few days, the filming of Director Wang’s crew has been progressing quite well. Although the accident next door affected them at first, there is a guarantee from the little master that Director Wang and Ruan Shenglin and the others will not worry anymore, and everyone will forget the crew next door. The more things happened, the smoother the filming, and the progress was very fast.

Coming to Director Wang's crew again, she saw that Director Wang and several leading actors were working **** filming when she arrived, including Ruan Shenglin and Sister Song.

Chi Shuyan also didn't want to disturb Director Wang and several leading actors in filming, so she simply found Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming and asked one of them to take her to the next-door crew.

The two of them were very happy to help with this, vying to take her there.

In the end someone called Yang Kun midway, and Chi Shuyan was led by Yan Zhengming to the crew next door.

At first, Yan Zhengming wanted to take her to Wang Dao's side, but Chi Shuyan said that he did not want to disturb them. Yan Zhengming immediately understood what she meant, and in the end no one was alarmed to take her to the next-door crew.

Yan Zhengming seemed very curious about her going to the next room crew.

Chi Shuyan didn't disclose much, only revealed some things he wanted to ask. Yan Zhengming immediately gave his opinion: "Little Master, I suggest you ask the personal assistant of Miss Yan before. She must know better than others. some things."

Chi Shuyan thinks about it, but Yan Liling is now dead, but she doesn’t know if her personal assistant is still on the crew. Yan Zhengming is a smart person. You don’t need to think too much to understand the doubts in the little master’s heart. He immediately said: "Little master, you If you trust me, leave it to me, and I will ask the crew next door for you later. As for the personal assistant, nine out of ten are still there!"

The informal crew next door is usually very short of people, and everyone is not a big name. Sometimes the assistants often help each other, occasionally who finish the filming first, and the remaining assistants continue to take care of other unfinished actors. This situation is very normal.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she brought Yan Zhengming with her agent. Otherwise, she could only find someone to get blind. The main reason is that she is a strange face in this circle after all, and the identity of Yan Zhengming as a gold agent It's much easier to use than her.


The two entered the crew next door, and the crew next door was still making up the shots. Obviously the director did not intend to abandon the show because of a starring role.

Facts have proved that Yan Zhengming, a gold medal agent, still has a very good status in the entertainment industry. The director and all the actors of this crew have just arrived.

The director and staff are okay. The other actors, men and women, can't wait to hang in front of Yan Zhengming all the time, hoping that he can look at them and sign them.

Once signed, this future is a joke.

Chi Shuyan also sighed with emotion in the circle. Riding someone to help Yan Liling's former personal assistant, Yan Zhengming couldn't help but secretly asked in Chi Shuyan's ear: "Little Master, I have a group of good people recently. Miao is about to sign, when can you take a look for me when you have time?"

Today Yan Zhengming helped her a lot, so she naturally agreed with Yan Zhengming. She just saw a very old middle-aged man sitting not far away. He was almost forty years old and dressed a little bit shabby. , Nine out of ten, he is an unfamiliar extra actor, and he can't wait to surround Yan Zhengming with a thunderous bang compared to the others.

Not far away, the middle-aged man only looked at him curiously from time to time, and then immediately retracted his gaze, probably because he felt that good things would not be his turn.

Chi Shuyan pointed out immediately, and Chongyan Zhengming said, "You can sign that person!"

Yan Zhengming immediately followed the little master’s gaze and hurriedly looked over. When he saw someone, his eyes were almost out of his sockets, and he didn’t dare to talk: ", little master, did you look at him wrong? My age is too...too big!"

There are only two things that they value most in this line, age and appearance, and they will be brushed off immediately when they are older.

The people whom the little master is referring to are estimated to be in their forties. Can they be popular?

Little Master, is this correct?

And even if it is really popular, how many years can it be popular at this age?

Besides, this person's appearance also drowned the public, Yan Zhengming was really unbelievable.

Chi Shuyan didn't say much, only said: "This person's luck is in this year. During this year, his luck is extremely good. He has soared to the sky and is very rich and fortune. Both fame and fortune have been collected in the past two years. At this time, you want to sign him again in the future." After speaking, Chi Shuyan stopped talking and changed his words after considering a few words: "No, it will be difficult for you to climb him in half a year!"

As soon as the second half of the sentence fell, Yan Zhengming looked dumbfounded and shocked and couldn't believe it. If someone else said this, Yan Zhengming would not believe it, but at this time the words came from the little master.

Yan Zhengming stared stunnedly at a man in his forties not far away, how could he not understand such a person, why would he not be able to climb after one or two years? No, half a year later!

Thinking like this in his heart, Yan Zhengming made the decision very quickly in his heart. He made up his mind that the ‘wizard’ whom the little master said must be signed immediately, as long as possible.

Chi Shuyan seemed to see Yan Zhengming's thoughts, patted his shoulder and said, "Be kind, and good people are rewarded!"

Yan Zhengming suddenly looked guilty and changed his mind.

At this moment, someone brought Yan Liling's previous personal assistant. The person with the assistant obviously knew Yan Zhengming and said respectfully: "Brother Yan, she is Miss Yan's previous assistant!"

Yan Zhengming immediately returned to his senses and introduced him with Chi Shuyan, but while he introduced, his eyes kept staring at the ‘wizard’ whom the little master had just pointed out, for fear that someone would suddenly leave or be signed.

Before the master pointed out, Yan Zhengming hadn’t seen the middle-aged man as having the potential to be a “Wizard”. Now, after the master’s mouth, Yan Zhengming naturally believes. Now how can you see how a person is a “Wizard Baby”, let alone a master. Those short words show the potential of the other party.

Yan Zhengming was afraid of being eaten away by others.

Chi Shuyan saw his mind and said: "You were busy with things in the past, I will take care of this myself!"

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