Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1615: Four hundred and ten

After talking to Yang Ji, she went upstairs to go back to the room to rest. She didn't intend to say more about other things, and let him digest and digest more by herself.

Before going upstairs, Chi Shu Yan Chong Yang Ji pointed to a guest room and let him stay there tonight.

Seeing that Yang Ji still had an expression of shock and dumbness and did not react, she had to go upstairs first, leaving room for people to continue to digest the facts.

When Chi Shuyan returned to the room, she thought that Qi Zhenbai was still in the study, and the light was not turned off when she passed by. She didn't intend to disturb people, and was going to go back to the room to sleep first.

As soon as she pushed the door to come in, she saw a man wrapped in a bath towel, coming out from the bathroom wet and wiping his head with a towel.

The man has a lazy complexion, a good figure at a glance, wide shoulders, narrow hips, perfect and strong shoulder and neck lines, and tight muscles.

Seeing that her tone was very gentle as usual: "I'm back? Is it over?"

Even if he had been with this man for a long time, he had seen too much of the man's body, and occasionally bumped into him suddenly, Chi Shuyan still couldn't help but be tempted by the man's vivid figure, and couldn't help being tempted.

But consciously this is too unpromising, she immediately looked away and nodded calmly, "Hmm! You are not in the study?"

"Just finished."

Seeing that the man in front of him wiped his head a few times, Chi Shuyan decided to lie down and did not intend to dry his hair again. He went to the bathroom and immediately changed to the direction of the man. He took the towel from the man’s hand and continued to wipe it, and suggested while wiping. : "It's better to dry your hair before going to bed!"

The man's stern expression showed a very gentle expression after his wife's words fell, especially when he looked up and saw the woman in front of him gently and carefully wipe his hair, his thin lips could not help but a soft smile.

He said nothing, leaning his head on his wife, waiting for her to wipe his hair.

Chi Shuyan wiped it a few times, then opened the drawer and took a hair dryer to blow the man’s hair. Speaking of which, she hadn’t used to blow the man’s hair before. After the two were reconciled, the man finished taking a shower. My head and my hair fall asleep after only a few wipes.

She has seen it before. She doesn't dry her hair before going to bed at night. She is really worried that this man will have a headache in the future, so every time she does it for this man herself, it doesn't know when the two develop this habit.

After drying her man’s hair, Chi Shuyan was going to take a bath too. Before going to take a bath, she explained a little bit about letting Yang Ji live in the villa tonight.

There was no change in Qi Zhenbai's face, and he was not a stupid person. Naturally, he understood that his wife had a reason for asking him to return to the villa, and most of it was probably Yuan Lin's suggestion.

Speaking of which, Qi Zhenbai has always been a very serious person on a territories, and his private lands will never allow others to enter easily. Now his habits have not changed much, but he knows how to adapt to his wife's life.

What's more, the previous breakup made him very shocking, and he is now even very repulsive of thinking about the two before breaking up, and at the same time, he does not want to conflict with his wife in such a small matter.

All in all, the previous days have allowed each other to grow, and they also made them more considerate. Therefore, whether it is Chi Shuyan or Qi Zhenbai, the two now know how to accommodate each other and are more considerate. The two are reluctant to care about small things. Also willing to explain more.


Chi Shuyan explained this, Qi Zhenbai's stern outline became softer and gentler, and the man said in a low voice: "You don't need to explain this kind of trivial matter, you can decide for yourself!"

After listening to the man’s words, Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but curl up on her lips. In short, she felt that after the two reconciled, they got along more harmoniously and more sympathetically. She could hardly help acting like a coquettish: "Let’s just talk about it. !"

The hair was almost blown, Chi Shuyan turned off the hair dryer, unplugged and put it aside, let the man put the hair dryer in the drawer for a while, and she went to take a shower first.

Qi Zhenbai held his wife's waist and didn't move. He felt that time passed very quickly when he stayed with his daughter-in-law. No way, his daughter-in-law blew his hair. He still couldn't help but recollect, feeling that the time was too short.

Chi Shuyan didn't know the man's thoughts. Seeing that he held her and liked to stick to her as before, she had to go to the bath, and patted people on the shoulder quickly and said, "I really want to take a bath, let go first. "

Reluctantly, Qi Zhenbai let go, patted her and told her to take a bath first, and he helped her take clothes and other towels.

Chi Shuyan was so happy, and nodded happily.

The words of Chi Shuyan in Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun’s ears made them feel that Master Chi was sincere. With a look of excitement, they immediately shook Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, and asked them to buy it quickly. It's not that there are not enough talisman in Master Chi's pocket, they both want to buy more just in case.

But it’s not the same thing in the ears of Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming and others. When I think of Song Yanru’s two million yuan to buy these broken charms, they also called out a sky-high price of one hundred thousand. Although Zhengming didn’t lack money, they were really shocked by the “sky price”. They couldn’t believe that they looked at the little girl in front of them, and looked at Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun who had been encouraging them to buy some charms. It's hard to explain in a word.

After all, no one's money came from the wind.

He usually takes a lot of effort to make a movie and occasionally wants to make millions and it is very difficult, and there is still a loss. On the contrary, the little girl in front of him has the same black method of making money.

Dare to call out two million for less than twenty pieces of torn paper?

Yan Zhengming didn't say anything, but his idea was similar to that of Director Wang, and he didn't want to buy a talisman at all!

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