Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1621: Four hundred and sixteen

Yang Jigang agreed, still afraid that Master Chi would be angry, and looked at her subconsciously, for fear that she would not look worried, but in the next second, he would listen to Master Chi and say: "Go! I'll wait for you downstairs in a while!"

Seeing that Master Chi hadn't stopped, Yang Ji's expression was even more astonished. After seeing that Master Chi's face was not angry and peaceful, Yang Ji was relieved to confirm that Master Chi was really lifeless and not pretending, Yang Ji He breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to say something and nodded what he wanted to say, but there were too many people, so he didn't explain much.

At this time, Yuan Yuan was very relieved when she heard Yang Ji promised not to refuse, she opened another box on the second floor of the coffee shop. As for the others, she was very curious about what Yuan Yuan was talking to Yang Ji alone. , But everyone opens a separate box, I'm afraid this matter can only be kept secret, and people who know the current affairs are not easy to ask, so they have to shut up obediently and stay in this box for the time being.

Chi Shuyan did not stay in the box. After Yang Ji and Yuan Yuan left to go to another box, they turned upstairs. Feng Yuanlin kept up with Shu Yan's pace in time. After walking a little farther, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but catch Shu Yan. Yan asked on the shoulder: "Shu Yan, the woman surnamed Yuan not only acted a little strangely, but also behaved a little strangely and abnormally in other ways. I always feel that this and the previous deceased have nothing to do with the woman surnamed Yuan! Of course, even if there is no direct relationship, there is an indirect relationship in all likelihood!"

It's a pity that the society under the rule of law now emphasizes not the sixth sense and intuition but the evidence.

Seeing that Brother Feng had guessed so accurately, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but glance at him, and listened to Brother Feng continuing: "Shuyan, are you really relieved to let Yang Ji talk to a woman surnamed Yuan alone? That woman today When I come to Yang Ji, the more I think about it, the more I feel that the other party has no purpose. I'm really worried!"

Feng Yuanlin added with a sad face: "From Yan Liling's case, we can see that this woman surnamed Yuan is not a good crop."

"That's great, Brother Feng!" Chi Shuyan gave a smile to Brother Feng. Seeing that Shuyan hadn't answered him directly, Feng Yuanlin suddenly praised him, almost staring out, with a strange expression on his face.

Chi Shuyan raised her lips and said: "No hurry, Brother Feng, let's talk slowly while walking. Why not tell me your guess first?"

Speaking of business affairs, Feng Yuanlin immediately plunged into a serious mode with a serious expression, but this seriousness was completely different from the usual seriousness on Qi Zhenbai's man's face.

No matter how serious the expression of the former brother Feng is, it still makes people subconsciously unable to help being close to trust. As for the serious expression on the man's face, Qi Zhenbai is daunting, she thinks about it and thinks that the most important thing is the personality difference.

Chi Shuyan was divided for a while, and he immediately listened to Brother Feng's analysis: "Shuyan, still the same sentence, I always feel that the other party's sudden mysterious ability to predict is too weird and unrealistic, why is it alone? This woman Yuan Yuan suddenly has the ability to predict, but no one else?"

"As for this woman this morning, she hurriedly said she was looking for Yang Ji and said it was for Yang Ji. I almost believed it at first after hearing about it. Then I thought about this woman’s selfish character. I really don’t think The other party can do such a selfless and righteous thing for Yang Ji's sake. Just tell the other party that he knows more of the truth, but regardless of the death of the other companions, half of them will be left, and when the other person is dead, they will have another sad statement How uncomfortable and uncomfortable I am. I see more of this kind of person. Among them, this woman's character is definitely the coolest of selfishness and coolness I have ever seen. Unless her own interests are harmed, where is she? Will there be this leisure and mind to worry about?"

Feng Yuanlin paused for a while after voicing a few words. Seeing Shuyan's footsteps suddenly stopped, he immediately stopped and continued: "But the prediction she just said and Yang Ji's death are true or false, Shu Yan, Did you see Yang Ji’s face just now? Is that kid short-lived?"

"Wait, Brother Feng, what did you say in the first half of the last sentence?" Chi Shuyan asked suddenly.

"Wipe, Shuyan, are you deliberately embarrassing you to seal me? How can I remember it so fast?" Feng Yuanlin complained pretendingly with a bitter face on his mouth, but racked his head to think about the last sentence after the first half of his sentence. What did you just say?

"The last sentence of the first half? Brother Feng, think about it!" Chi Shuyan asked again.

Feng Yuanlin could only rack his brains to think back. Fortunately, his memory was not as bad as he complained. He quickly remembered and replied: "Shu Yan, is it the sentence'Otherwise, where would she have this leisure and thoughts?' ?"

"A whole sentence!"

Feng Yuanlin scratched his forehead, tangled for a while, before remembering a complete retelling of the sentence: "'I see a lot of people like this. Among them, this woman's personality is definitely the selfishness and coolness of selfishness I have seen. The coolest thing, unless her own interests are jeopardized, where does she have this leisure and thoughts to worry about? "This whole game?"

Chi Shuyan listened to Feng's retelling again, her head suddenly flashed, grasping the thoughts and inspirations that flashed through his head, just as Feng brother said, if Yang Ji had an accident on her own, she would definitely not be selfish with a woman surnamed Yuan. Worrying about impulse and leisure, unless her own interests are in danger? But what is the surname of Yuan that Yang Ji's death can be critical? It made her so impatient and anxious that she couldn't even care about her expressions and emotions, and because of this, this woman was showing a lot of irritability today.

Not only that, the ten and nine sentences of this woman today are all false, such as alarmist threats that Yang Ji will definitely die, but she did not see any short-lived traces from Yang Ji’s face, and Chi Shuyan naturally didn’t think it was a matter of her own. No, that's nonsense by the Yuan surname, but what does it mean that the woman surnamed Yuan is so deliberately alarmist and rumors that Yang Ji will die? What is the purpose? ,

Chi Shuyan has always taken into account the privacy of the other party very much, but very often, Chi Shuyan probed the box where Yang Ji and Yuan Yuan were discussing with Yuan Yuan, and carefully listened to the conversation between them.

I heard a woman surnamed Yuan ask Yang Ji: "Yang Ji, was the lady Chi who saved you before your accident? How did she save you? What happened the night you were involved?"

"Aren't we just talking about Liling?"

Yuan Yuan's tone was very unwilling, and the words she uttered again showed a sense of gnashing her teeth and alluring: "Yang Ji, the things I said in the box before are true. I really foresaw that you will die soon. Yes, the death is extremely miserable. No one can save you, including the lady whose surname is Chi just now. You can only tell me more information, maybe I can help you save you!"

Yuan Yuan looked bitter, but obviously Yang Ji didn't appreciate it: "I just want to talk about Liling. What did she explain to me before? As for whether I die afterwards, it's my business and it has nothing to do with you! "

Yang Ji's words came to an end. Chi Shuyan didn't hear a word from a woman surnamed Yuan for a long time, probably choking people, and Chi Shuyan laughed.

Feng Yuanlin saw a series of changes in Shu Yan's expression beside him and remained silent. He could only wait for Shu Yan to reply, but after waiting for a long time, Shu Yan Leng didn't say a word. He couldn't help but tentatively yelled, "Shu Yan. ?"

Chi Shuyan immediately booed to her brother to express her silence, and then said with an expression for a while, and then continued to listen to Yang Ji and Yuan Yuan’s counterpart. After a while, Yuan Yuan finally said anxiously again: "Yang Ji, I was in a hurry this morning. I came here specially for you. If it weren't for our friendship for so many years, do you think I would care about your death or your life?"

Yang Ji didn't reply, Yuan Yuan finally couldn't bear to endure angrily and threatened: "Yang Ji, if you want to know what Liling asked me to convey, you'd better answer my question first!"

Hearing this, Chi Shuyan's ears moved, and she withdrew her mental strength and did not continue to listen. At the same time, she was completely sure that the woman surnamed Yuan really had a purpose.

She thought about it, and the main reason why the other party cared so much about what happened to Yang Ji should be because Yang Ji escaped the disaster.

And she is very suspicious that this variable has a great impact on a woman surnamed Yuan, so big that she almost loses her mind and temper. Otherwise, with this woman's confidence and composure, how could she reveal so many flaws so quickly? Even lose your temper on the spot?

Chi Shuyan calmed his mind, and then he didn't slow down to answer the question asked by Brother Feng: "The woman surnamed Yuan really has a purpose. As for Yang Ji, he has avoided death and his appearance has changed. It is the life of longevity. , There can be no accident!"

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